...and God will help you
as you begin to see the truth.
“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”
John 8:32 NIV
Because of the things that happened in my childhood, I became very “broken” inside. By “broken” I mean that things didn’t quite “match” up. There were some places on the inside of me that were left exposed, with nothing to protect them. Other places were left jagged and sharp, with nothing to soften them.

Although I didn’t know it at the time, these glasses would become a great hindrance to me. I wasn’t able to see the world as it truly was. I wasn’t able to differentiate between those whom I would be “safe” with, or those who would harm me. As a result, many of my closest relationships became very unhealthy. They were not founded on real truth, but rather on the make believe “truth” that I wanted and needed them to be.
As my walk with the Lord deepened, I began to notice some of these discrepancies. As I became more familiar to hearing His voice of truth, I also began to “see” more clearly. Although the truth was still harsh, I found that the Lord was able to strengthen me with His love and comfort. My faith and trust in Him began to grow and with His help I was able to face the many painful truths in my life. Eventually, I was able to say goodbye to my rose colored glasses.
I love that, although the Lord saw and understood that those glasses were hindering me in my growth, He did not strip them from me. He took his time and was patient with me. He knew that I had been broken inside, and His purpose was to bring healing and wholeness. He allowed me to hold onto those glasses until I was ready to give them up. He never took them from me. He simply helped me to see the truth. He then stood patiently beside me while I made the choice to take them off.
Although the truth is often hard to see, I have come to believe that it is a gift. I no longer have that “rosy” hue on things and at times that has been difficult. However, I have found that once I am able to see the truth, then I am able to process through it. After that, I am able to make a better decision regarding how I will allow this truth to affect me.
Lord, thank You for the truth. Thank you for seeing and speaking the truth. Most importantly of all, thank you for being the truth. Amen.
Beverley A. Napier
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