Today I was listening to K LOVE radio and a woman called in about the Sunday message at her church. It was called the call to prayer. There are many ways that we receive a call to prayer. Church bells chime the hour or even just before the service is to start. We set the alarm to get up in early enough to have time at the start of the day for prayer. In the Muslim areas the Muezzin climbs into the tower and sings a prayer that is broadcast by microphones to the surround area that it is time to pray. When I have been in Bangladesh I have so loved that call. I use it to remind me to pray to the God I know is The One. Many religions have ways of making a call to prayer.
Then there are the symbols of prayer. Some Christians have an open Bible that they read, meditate, and pray about. Other Christians pray with rosary beads. Muslims and Buddhists have beads...the list goes on an on according to whatever religious custom is followed.
It seems as though modern people with all the digital and electronic toys that they have hear a different call. In the morning the first thing that they do is to go to their toys to see what new thing is up. They (we) check it out and the result is that we spend time...for those who work the time is limited...catching up on all the news. Then they are off to work. They have not had enough time to spend with God in what is called a quiet time. Social Media has become our God.
I am not a saint and sometimes I fall short. However, I am mindful of the importance of putting God first. There are times when I "sneak a peak" so to speak. However, it is always my intention to spend time with God first thing and give Him and me our time together.
How about a challenge? For one week promise yourself to leave the toys until after you meet with God, and appraise how that works in your life. I think you will like it, and I know God will like it.
Heavenly Father
Today help me to think of you as more important than anything in my life. Help be to give the first fruits of my day to You. I love you Lord.
Written by
Corinne Mustafa
Thanks Corinne I love that idea or you know what we could do is set up a reminder on our smart phone every hour or weekly or monthly or yearly to stop and pray to God and see what is hindering us...a perfect filter for what keeps us from putting God first in our lives. Just a thought-