
Proverbs 3:27-28

Withhold not good from them to whom it is due,
 when it is in the power of thine hand to do it.
Say not unto thy neighbour, Go, and come again,
and tomorrow I will give; when thou hast it by thee.
Proverbs 3:27-28

Cotton Mather, a Puritan preacher, once said, "The opportunity to do good imposes the obligation to do it." He is implying that we have been favored when an opportunity to serve in this manner arises. We are not to do it only when it is convenient or when it will contribute to our fame, but we should do it when we have opportunity, no matter how often it occurs or how much self-denial it takes.

Submitted by: Annie


Intimacy With The Almighty

"As a deer thirsts for streams of water, so I thirst for you, God." Psalm 42:1

Jesus didn''t act unless he saw his father act, He didn't judge until he heard his father judge. No act or deed occurred without his father's guidance....

Because Jesus could hear what others couldn't, he acted differently than they did. Remember when everyone was troubled about the man born blind? Jesus wasn't. Somehow he knew that the blindness would rev eal God's power 9John 9:3). Remember when everyone was distraught about Lazarus's illness? Jesus wasn't....It was as if Jesus could hear what no one else could....Jesus had unbroken communion with his father.

Do you suppose the Father desires the same for us? Absolutely!....God desires the same abiding intimacy with you that he had with his son.

Taken from: Grace For The Moment
by Max Lucado

Shared by Patty B.



A few days ago as I drove down the street, I saw a young rabbit in the median. The rabbit was trying to peacefully nibble on some tender shoots of grass. From out of nowhere came a mocking bird, dive-bombing the poor little rabbit. There must have been a nest nearby that the mockingbird was "protecting". The rabbit took off like a shot.

Have you ever felt that way before, yourself? You were minding your own business, doing nothing wrong, when suddenly someone attacked you mercilessly. It may have appeared to come out of nowhere for no reason. Perhaps the other person was being defensive about something and was on the attack, thinking they were protecting themselves or someone else. Or perhaps there was a more malicious intent. But from your perspective you simply were being unjustly assaulted. There may have been no way to know why the attack occurred. But we can rest assured that God is with us, even when we are unexpectedly assailed.
If the LORD had not been on our side when people attacked us, they would have swallowed us alive when their anger flared against us. Psalm 124: 2-3 NIV

Back to that rabbit - when it was trying to get away from the mocking bird, it ran across the street, right in front of a car. The car ran over the rabbit - did not hit it, but actually went right over it, with the rabbit passing underneath the car between the wheels. As it continued to run under the car, it was bowled over by the rushing wind, tumbling over twice, and ending up back on it's feet, still running! Surprisingly it reached the other side of the street unscathed. Off it hopped into the distance without a scratch.

Our lives may sometimes feel like this also. We may be running to escape one apparent danger, only to be bowled over by another. We may be knocked off our feet for a while and then get back up running again. But with God's help we can make it through to the other side unharmed, as long as we continue to place our trust in Him. How great is our protector!

You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. Psalm 32:7 NIV
May we always remain faithful in the face of opposition, trusting in God's protection and deliverance!
Dear Father in heaven, thank you for delivering us from the attacker. May your Spirit put a hedge of protection around all those who love you so that they may continue to serve you with rejoicing. Help us always to keep our eyes on you, no matter what is happening around us. You are the great protector, and we praise your name forever. In the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Written by Jan Andersen


Garbage In…Garbage Out

And He said to them, “Be careful what you are hearing.
The measure [of thought and study] you give [to the truth you hear]
will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge] that comes back to you
and more [besides] will be given to you who hear.
For to him who has will more be given;
and from him who has nothing,
even what he has will be taken away [by force].”
Mark 4:24-25
Amplified Version

This scripture was confusing until I found it in the amplified version. As I really meditated on it, I was able to amplify and expand even further the concept of the verse. The idea is that if we hear and listen to the truth, God will reward us with knowledge and insight, but if we put aside the truth and instead have only the knowledge that comes from the world…a world full of contradictory schools of thought, false ideologies and confusing philosophies…in the end, it will all be taken away.

There are so many dangerous teachings out there. They sound good, look enticing, and appeal to our prideful desires. We can easily use them to fill that void in ourselves. Maybe there’s a beauty to the way it presents itself and so we applaud it as art. Then we spout out the weighty words in order to appear wise and knowledgeable. The phrase that comes to my mind is, “Garbage In…Garbage Out.” I know it’s a phrase usually referring to the computer world, but I think it applies to what we feed our minds as well. The real danger is, if these teachings are contrary to the Word of God, they lead only down one path, and the end is death and hell.

God guarantees us, however, that if we are careful about what we allow ourselves to listen to, if we are careful to listen to His truth, then the measure we give to it will be given back to us plus more in the wisdom of God. It’s a wisdom that does not just appear wise and knowledgeable, but a wisdom that even explains and puts to shame the teachings of the world. It’s a wisdom that gives hope, not despair. It’s a beauty that cannot be compared or matched. It fills our void in a way that will never be wanting for anything else, and it will never be taken away from us unlike the world’s wisdom which will be taken away by force in the end.

Be careful little ears what you hear.
Be careful little ears what you hear.
For the Father up above is looking down in love.
So, be careful little ears what you hear.

Amie Spruiell


Little Glory

Little Glory

“Even everyone who is called by My name,
whom I have created for My glory,
whom I have formed, whom I have made.”
Isaiah 43 verse 7
Amplified Bible

Once upon a time, in a land not so far away… there lived a rare and beautiful flower. This little flower had bright yellow petals and an all white center. She was a very special flower, and her Maker loved her so much that He gave her a special name. He named her “Little Glory.”

Now, Little Glory knew in her heart that her Maker loved her, but she did not always feel “special.” In fact, she really felt very different, especially when she was around the rest of the flowers. You see, she did not live in a flower bed, like they did. Instead, she lived in a bed of ivy, where it was much harder to grow.

Sometimes Little Glory would see them all together. They would be laughing and playing together in their flower beds, and they would not seem to notice her. Little Glory did not understand why she felt so sad or alone. But she would still try very hard to be happy.

After awhile, even though she tried very hard to be brave, Little Glory’s head began to droop and her all white center felt very heavy. “I don’t want to be different” she would think to herself. Sometimes, Little Glory would try very hard to be just like the other flowers, but that never seemed to work. In the end, she was always “Little Glory” and she was always different.

“I don’t want to be me!” she cried. “I don’t want to live here in the middle of all of this ivy.” Then Little Glory began to cry. She cried so hard she thought her stem would break. That is when it happened. Little Glory felt the brightness of her Maker’s light all around her. “Do not cry, Little Glory,” He said. “You are not alone. You see, I am with you.” Still Little Glory did not lift her head. “But I am so different” she said in a very small voice. “Yes!” her Maker said, “That is why you are so special to Me. Please look at Me, Little Glory.” And He put His gentle hand under her petals and lifted her head.

“There are some things that I want you to understand. You see, every day I walk through My garden, and I am pleased. I see all of my flowers, bright and cheerful in their beds, and I smile. I love to see their pretty colors and to smell My fragrance in them. This is what I made them for.”

Silently, Little Glory felt her petals begin to droop, even lower this time. “How could she ever make her Maker as happy as all of the other flowers did?” she asked herself. “Then”…she heard her Maker say, “I see you.” Little Glory opened her mouth to speak, to perhaps find an explanation, but before she could speak, her Maker continued.

“You, Little Glory, bring joy to my heart. You see, I know that it has not been easy for you to bloom. I have seen your struggle to survive here, in the midst of all this ivy. At times, you have felt smothered, and even choked, but you never gave up. All the while, I was working on your behalf. You see, I went below the soil to make room for your roots to grow, and at the same time I went above and caused the rain of My love to pour down upon you. Even then I continued to speak My encouragement, My strength, and My peace to you. You did not always see Me, Little Glory, but I was always there.”

Little Glory quickly asked, “You did all that for me, Maker?” “Yes,” her Maker said. “But why?” she asked. “Because you” He said, “are a true testimony of My love and My goodness. You, Little Glory, are rare. You have chosen to bloom in spite of the things that have tried to take your very life away. Those things have attempted to steal you away from the purpose that I have given to you. That purpose is for you to bloom for Me in every circumstance, with all that you are, and to become all that I have made you to be.”

As Little Glory snuggled up close to her Maker, she whispered, “Thank you, Maker. I love you.” With that, she closed her eyes. As she fell into a deep and peaceful rest, she missed the last words that her Maker spoke.

“This is why I named you Glory,” He said softly. “Because as I shine on you, you allow Me to shine through you, onto all of the others who I send your way. Only then is your purpose made perfect in Me.” With that, He looked down gently at His perfect Little Glory… and smiled.

Written by Beverley A Napier

Inspired by my truly “glorious” friend, Gloria DeShields


Exercise those faith and trust muscles

Devotional for May 26.2011

Life Application: Do Not Fear

My daughter has just received notice that she missed a deadline for an important scholarship application. There was another date on the actual application which she did meet. But the rules are: the announcement each year, not the form, dictates the due date.

In a culture of exceptions and ‘it wasn’t my fault’ it’s actually impressive to run into a rule that cannot and will not be bent. Of course, I want them to make an exception for her. My initial response to the letter is a blur, my heart in my throat; all I could think was how much we were hoping for her success.

For the next 15 minutes I kept sorting through the details, I could feel my chest tighten as I began to fear for the future. How will she pay for college? What can I do? Just as the pressure of tears swelled into my eyes I started to do the most important thing: I cried out to God.

I declared (out loud, I needed to hear it) that He had seen us through far more challenging times, financially and emotionally. I would choose to trust Him and not worry or fear. I thanked Him for watching over us. I thanked Him for leading and providing for her. I had put my trust in a scholarship - now I had the opportunity to correct my thinking and put my trust in God.

I came home and prayed with my daughter. I assured her of my confidence in God and His plans for her future. I encouraged her that He is bigger than a missed deadline. Then I challenged her to not think about how it was all going to turn out. Instead she should nip any worries or negative thoughts in the bud, focus her mind on trusting Him, follow His leading and do what she can do (in this case, research more scholarship opportunities).

We all want to be “Strong in the Lord.” WARNING: this requires hard work and effort. Every step we take in correcting our own thoughts makes us a teensy bit stronger. Every challenge is an opportunity to exercise those faith and trust muscles. I truly believe that the more contrary to our natural tendency a step of faith is, the heavier the weights on the barbell. The more weight there is on the barbell then the bigger the gain in our spiritual strength and maturity.

This is a perfect opportunity to walk out what I believe and be an example and support to my daughter. Resisting fear is an exercise worth doing over and over again.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

The Lord is my strength and shield.
I trust him with all my heart.
He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy.
I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.
Psalm 28:7


My Hope Is In God

Wednesday, May 25, 2011 Devotional

Recently everywhere I turn, the word hope has been on my radar screen. For example, the sermons and songs I have been singing or listening to. I have been prayer walking my teenage son's high school this week,early in the morning. This morning as I was prayer walking the school, I happened to look up on the second level of the building and noticed a large poster board on the wall. In large lettering on the poster board was the word "Hope." As I was asking the Lord today what He wanted me to do the devotional on, of course the word "Hope" loomed up in my heart.

Without hope, none of us could function from day to day and truly enjoy life. Hope is why we get up every morning. Hope is why we can face those huge mountains befor us. Hope is why we can face every situation and know eventually it will be worked out and it will pass. Hope is why we can comfort and encourage others and let them know they will get through it victoriously. Hope is knowing that every one of our needs will be met in God's perfect timing.

Scriputure tells us in Romans 15:13 "Now may the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in Hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." God is the "God of Hope." As we look fully onto God, we can tap into the hope we need at any given time. God and God alone is our source of Hope. We can walk in great confidence and expectation, that as we fix our eyes on Him, we can continually experience great Hope in our Lord.

Not only can we have confidence and great expectation, but scripture tells us that we may abound in Hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Now that is something to get excited about!
 I choose to rely and fully embrace Hope in my God all the days of my life!
Written by Sandy

The Truth from God's Word

Devotional for May 24, 2011

But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty,
and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer,
but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.
If any man among you seems to be religious,
and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart,
this man's religion is vain. Pure religion and undefiled
before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless
and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself
unspotted from the world.

James 1:25-27

In essence, James describes a person who sees the truth from God's Word and responds by using it. He sees himself as an instrument of God to be used, even spent, in service to Him and His people. He holds the feelings and well being of others to be as important as his own. Unlike the myopic person, he sees beyond his comfort zone, following the example of Jesus Christ

Submitted by: Annie
Please pray for Annie who has been  having problems with her hand
and will require surgery in the near future.



"And I will set up one shepherd over them... and he shall be their shepherd" Ezekiel 34:23

"Is any name more comforting to weary, needy children of our God than Jesus name of Shepherd? Feeding, leading beside still water, watching over all our wandering, bringing us as the SHEPHERD OF ISRAEL brought His flock out of the wilderness over the Jordan into the land of peace and plenty. Teach us to trust in Thee, O SHEPHERD OF ISRAEL. Amen."

Taken from Wonderful names Of Our Wonderful Lord
By Hurlburt and Horton
Shared by Patty B.



Well, if you are reading this on Sunday, it is the day after the predicted May 21st Judgement Day. Another prediction that did not come to pass. Were you worried? Did you have even a tiny bit of apprehension that it might be true? There are many reasons why we can be confident and fearless about Judgement Day and when it might occur. We have the Word of God that says no one knows when that hour will be, not even the angels or the Son. So if someone predicts a specific time for it to come, we can be sure that it is not true!

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Matthew 24:35-36 NIV

Another reason we do not have to worry about Judgement Day is that whenever it comes, God will see us through his son, Jesus Christ. Our sins will be covered by the sacrifice of his son.
...“Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool." Isaiah 1:18 NIV

If we have faith in the promise of eternal life being a free gift to all who believe, then it will not matter when that day comes - we will not perish.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 NIV

The only thing we have to do is not reject that free gift. We can keep watch - remain faithful at all times.

Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him. Matthew 24:42-44 NIV
And God even helps us to remain faithful through the Holy Spirit so that we may receive that forgiveness of sins.
For through the Spirit we eagerly await by faith the righteousness for which we hope. Galations 5:5 NIV

God also freely gives us his Holy Spirit, as a gift through baptism.

Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38 NIV

We do not need to fear Judgement Day. God has supplied the payment for our sins in Jesus his son, and plants the seed of faith in Christ through his Holy Spirit at our baptism, so that we can live confidently in the knowledge that we are forgiven for everything and will be with him eternally in heaven on the last day. So have no fear!

Written by Jan Andersen with confidence in Christ


Saving Private Ryan

Not a lot of women watch war movies as much as I do. There have been times when I’ve felt forced to watch them, but the truth is, I love history, nostalgia, and seeing bad guys brought to justice. I have a father who was a soldier, a husband who was a marine (scratch that, once a marine, always a marine), and God has blessed me with 3 sons all interested in military. Thank God I have one daughter who will converse with me about beauty tips. Bottom line is, I have become fairly well educated about specific wars and spent countless evenings watching war movies. So, forgive me, ladies, if you don’t find a devotional about a war movie to tickle your fancy, but give it a chance because there’s something very important God showed me while watching “Saving Private Ryan”.

This movie, which takes place during World War II, beginning with D Day, and I’ve been told gives a most accurate depiction of that day, has a theme of sacrifice, search and rescue. It leaves one man wondering in the end, why? Why was he so special to be singled out? Why would there be orders for a group of soldiers to risk and sacrifice their lives to find one, a Private James T. Ryan, and send him home? There are logical answers to that question, and we don’t even meet this young man till the end, because the majority of the movie focuses on what these other men suffer through in their attempt to find him.

It’s fascinating how well the story is laid out to draw the audience into this question of why, why, why? Why the lives of all these men to save the life of one man? It’s fascinating that the message of lives exchanged for other lives has to be spelled out to us this way, when the truth is, each and every one of us who have not been in the throes of war are alive because others have lost their lives for us.

For me, I already got that message a long time ago. It was the affect that this message of sacrifice had on this man, this character, Private James T. Ryan, for the rest of his life that got to me. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to look into the eyes of someone who has risked his life and behold life slipping away from him because of you? For your sake? So that you would live? I had not thought about these questions until I saw this movie. Oh, I thought about pain…the pain suffered by war heroes or any heroes for that matter. I’ve thought about the pain suffered by the greatest hero the world’s ever known, Jesus Christ. But it was different. It was different for Private Ryan to know what these men had done for him and then to witness death overcoming one specific man. It was just moments after this one specific man had quietly spoken something to Private Ryan, commending him to do something, admonishing him to be and to live a certain way.

As an old man, Ryan reveals that he had never forgotten those words. He had thought about them every day of his life, and through tears, he expresses his hopes that he had followed through. Out of all the admonitions ever given, wouldn’t you say that they would pale in comparison next to the words of the one person whose life was sacrificed?

Is that what it takes for us to follow commands? Does it require a sacrifice? The life of the one giving the command? Maybe so, but I’ve seen many people call themselves Christians, proclaim without a doubt their belief that Jesus died so that they would live, and praise God with their lips for the sacrifice He made, yet not follow the commands of Jesus Christ.

The one person who lost His life so that we can live not only in this life, but in eternity as well, gave us commands. How is it that we can know this with our hearts and proclaim Him as our Savior, but not follow these commands? I’m guilty of this…not 100% of the time, but quite often. Then I remember, and tearfully ask Him to forgive me and help me to follow through.

You know, a person can be told thousands of times throughout their lives by hundreds of people what’s right and wrong and how to live a good life. There could be threats given, rewards offered and control tactics used in attempts to accomplish right living in individuals, but there’s nothing like choosing to do the right thing out of love for the one who asked you to do it. What good is obedience if its not done out of love? There’s no true loyalty, no true devotion unless the obedience is done out of love.

At one point in the middle of the movie, the men are arguing back and forth about why they’re going through so much for one man. The answer that came from their leader was, “I don't know anything about Ryan. I don't care. The man means nothing to me; he's just a name. But if, you know, if going to Ramelle, and finding him so he can go home, if that earns me the right to get back to my wife, well then, then that's my mission.” So, one man’s life was changed because he experienced firsthand witnessing other lives sacrificed for his, and as a result, he lived his life in obedience to the words given to him. Yet those lives lost were not lost out of love. My friend, Jesus’ life was lost out of love for us all.

Greater love has no one than this,
than to lay down one’s life for his friends.
John 15:13

God knew how a sacrifice would impact mankind. It was not only to save us from hell, but to demonstrate the greatest love ever known. He knew it would be the ultimate act of love resulting in the ultimate acts of obedience from the recipients. That’s why He says in John 14:15, “If you love me, keep my commands.” Is He only your Savior, or is He both your Lord and Savior? He left us with a lot of words. Oh, if only each and every one of us could’ve looked into His eyes while He was on that cross, how much different would we be living our lives?

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this:
While we were still sinners,
Christ died for us.

Romans 5:8

May 20, 2011
Amie Spruiell


The Story Our Hands Tell

“I had many things to write to you,
but I am not willing to write them to you with pen and ink…”
III John 13 a
(New American Standard Bible)

To this day I can still “see” my Grandma’s hands. I can remember each thing that she used her hands for. I remember that her hands were always busy. She was always cooking with them, or doing the wash. She would hang clothes out to dry with her hands, and she could “hang” others out to dry too, when the occasion arose. She sewed things for me with her hands, and she also “talked” with her hands, smile. She “swatted” me a few times with her hands, and she held my babies in her hands as well. She helped to dress me with her hands when I was little, and when I was bigger she would use her hands to fashion my hair into a “special” bun for school field trip days. She could feel if a bone was broken with her hands, and later on in my life she would comfort me with her hands when it was my heart that was broken.

I loved my Grandma’s hands. In them were kindness and love, comfort and care. She didn’t “hold” a wealth of earthly riches in her hands, but she did hold “riches” nevertheless. She held the “richness” of a hard working life and a life characterized by serving others. She wore rings of commitment on her hands, and they bore a testimony to the depth of devotion in her heart.

Have you ever thought about your own hands? There is so much to be said about them. What do your hands hold? What are your hands are holding onto? What is it that your hands have had to let go of? What is it that your hands are reaching for? What is it that they are pulling away from?

Do your hands reach out in love or do they strike out in anger? Do you provide comfort with your hands, or do you use them to inflict pain? Are your hands full to overflowing or are they nearly empty? How many things are you able to “hold” in your hands before having to “drop” some of them?

What do your hands look like? Are they “young” hands or are they “worn” with age? Are they rich with character lines and softness or are they rough and marked by years of hard work? Are your hands manicured and beautiful, or are they too “busy” to be? Do your hands hold those you love, or do they hold onto the things of this world?

Our hands, yes there are so many things to be said about them. But what I love is that the choice of how they will be remembered is ours. Only we can decide how they will be remembered when we are gone. Will we leave a testimony of having hands that were always “open” and giving, or will we be remembered as having a “tight” and closed fist? Will our loved ones be comforted by the memory of our hands, or will their hearts “close” at the very thought of them?

Jesus has scars on His hands. His hands tell the story of His great love and sacrifice for us. He gave to us what only His hands could give, and to this day His hands alone “bear” that distinction. What “story” do your hands tell? God chose to make our hands distinctive only to us. There are no other set of hands that are exactly like yours, or mine. We each have one set of handprints that are unlike anyone else’s. This means that no one else’s hands can ever tell the exact same “story” as your hands can tell. 

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To think about the depth of impact that our hands can have is absolutely amazing to me. Personally, one of the things that I am able to do is to write stories with my hands, in a literal sense. But in the same way, we all “write” with our hands, in a figurative sense. When our day comes to leave this world, we will each leave behind a story that was “written” by our own hands. What story will your hands leave?

Written by Beverley A. Napier on May 19, 2011

Inspired by my Grandma, Marie Katherine Rivera, (aka “Ma)
and the story of love that she “told” to me
and to others, with her hands.


I Will Stand by You

Devotional for May 19, 2011

In Exodus 17, the Israelites are fighting the Amalekites. When Moses, standing on the hill and overlooking the battle, has his hands lifted to God the Israelites are winning. When he lowers his arms, they start to lose. He must NOT drop his arms, but how can he last all the way through the battle? Aaron and Hur are God’s provision and the answer. A brother and a friend stand by his sides, each one supporting one of Moses arms. Moses’ hands remain steady until sunset. Joshua (the leader of this battle) overcomes the Amalekites with the sword.

As God was leading Israel through the desert the Amalekites came to attack Israel. The men needed a leader: God provided Joshua. Joshua needed divine intervention in the battle: God provided Moses. Moses needed to fulfill his call to watch over the battle (intercede) but was losing strength: God provided Aaron and Hur. From our point of view, it is so much easier to see that God was IN everything.

Moses, a superhero of God’s Word, needed help. Not only did he need help, but he accepted help from imperfect people. He didn’t reject his brother or throw Aaron’s past sins up in his face saying, “You can’t be trusted to hold strong, you waiver under pressure.” Nor did Moses express any preferences; such as, “No thanks, Hur. Where’s my buddy Benjamin?”

What I really appreciate about this piece of history is that it is a reminder that no man (or woman) stands alone. When I am too tired to carry on, too worn out to finish, too weak to succeed, I feel like there’s no one available to help me. Everyone else has their own burdens or their own pressing needs. As soon as I get past myself, my own hesitation, and admit that I could use some help: God’s provision is there.

I have heard women, who struggle with receiving, quote, “It is more blessed to give than receive.” But we are not simple stick people. There is so much complexity to who we are that we cannot take one verse and live by it alone. Mother Theresa, who during her lifetime gave more than most, accepted help from others.

Sometimes I kid myself, and say, “I’ll just wait for God to provide.” Or “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Of course, sometimes those are the right answers in a situation. But often God is using my weakening arms in the battle, to get me past my own pride and to get others involved. Just like in the battle with the Amalekites where God was in every step - He is in every step of our lives.

Proverbs 16:9 (NASB)
The mind of man plans his way,
But the LORD directs his steps.

Proverbs 19:20-22 (NIV)

Listen to advice and accept discipline,

and at the end you will be counted among the wise.

Many are the plans in a person’s heart,

but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.

What a person desires is unfailing love;

better to be poor than a liar.

It was part of God’s plan for Moses to accept help from others- it’s still a part of His plan for us. We just need to practice.

Proverbs 3:5-7 (AMP)

Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord
with all your heart and mind
and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.
In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him,
 and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.
Be not wise in your own eyes; reverently fear and worship the Lord
and turn [entirely] away from evil.

Learning to Ask and Accept by Mary M. Wilkins

Music for the Moment

I Won’t Let Go performed by country music group Rascal Flatts. Press Control key and left click on the link below to hear:


None Should Perish

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness;
but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish,
 but that all should come to repentance.
2 Peter 3:9


God bears long and is slow to anger. Longsuffering is proof of God's goodness, faithfulness, and His desire to grant us salvation. Romans 2:4 describes God as forbearing and longsuffering. Forbearance is refraining from the enforcement of something that is due like a debt, right, or obligation. Longsuffering differs slightly in that its emphasis is on temperament.

Submitted by: Annie


No Fears At All

I am the LORD your God, who holds your right hand, and I tell you, "Don't be afraid. I will help You." Isaiah 41:13

"Could you use some courage? Are you backing down more than you are standing up? Jesus scattered the butterflies out of the stomachs of his nervious disciples...

We need to remember that the disciples were common men given a compelling task. Before they were the stained-glassed saints in the windows of cathedrals, they were somebody's next-door-neighbors trying to make a living and raise a family. They weren't cut from theological cloth or raised on super-natural milk. But they were an ounce more devoted than they were afraid and, as a result, did some extra-ordinary things.

Earthly fears are no fears at all. Answer the big question of eternity, and the little questions of life fall into perspective."

Taken from: Grace For The Moment
By: Max Lucado

Shared by Patty B.



Patty and corinne and some of the writers from womens focus ministries will be away this weekend on a ministry retreat. there will be no new writings posted until monday morninG


"Love, There Is Nothing Greater”

We love because He first loved us.

1 John 4:19

Today I am reminded that love is a choice. When Jesus died on the cross for us, He chose to do it. He knew that it would cost Him his life, but He also knew what His death would accomplish. His love for us had a great big price tag attached to it., but He still chose to love us.

Have you ever thought what it has “cost” others to love you? My mother lost her life when I was four and my Father died three short years later. This left my nine year old brother, my three year old sister and me, at the age of seven, all alone in this world.

My Aunt and Uncle were the people who decided to take us in and raise us. They were only nineteen and twenty years old at the time. They were not married, but they decided to get married, in order to do this. Neither one of them had been a parent before this. They didn’t have any prior experience that made them think that they could do this. The one thing that they did have was love.

Each of them loved us three children, and they cared deeply about what happened to us. We mattered to them. Our futures mattered to them. They did not want to see us split apart and placed into three different foster homes. They wanted us to be able to stay together, to be able to grow up together, and to be able to stay with our own family.

This was what they chose to do, and this decision would cost them in the years to come. Their love for us had a great big price tag attached to it, but they chose to pay that price. They sacrificed their own youth in order to rescue us in ours. They lost their freedom and they gained an extraordinary amount of responsibility in return. They had been given no warning, no training and not a whole lot of help.

During the course of raising us they encountered more than their fair share of challenges. Not only had they never been parents before, but they had never been married before either. They had not been given the advantage of raising each one of us from birth, but they had been “handed” a ready made family. Not only that, but each one of us children had been deeply traumatized and we each struggled in different ways emotionally.

In some ways, this situation was a “set up” to failure, right from the very beginning. Perhaps because they were so young at the time, they really didn’t know how to “count the cost” and they simply went forward in what they felt was the right thing to do. Or maybe they had an extraordinary amount of courage, or faith… or both.

The only thing that I know is that they did love us. It is the only explanation that there is. Only love causes us to sacrifice our own lives, for the lives of others. Whether they were aware of it or not, at that time they were being Jesus to us three kids. Although they would make mistakes, and not do everything “just right”, the one thing that was right was the love that they had for us in their hearts. This love caused them to put our needs before their own. It caused them to give to us all that they had to give. It caused them to invest all that they had to invest at the time. It is love that causes ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things.

This kind of love is what this Bible verse is talking about, “We love, because He first loved us.” Today I thank my Aunt and Uncle, for the love that they chose to give us. I know it cost them a lot. I also ask the Lord to help me to love others in this same way. I thank Him for loving us and then giving us the opportunity to love others in the same way. In ending, I would like to close with this verse, it is my very favorite.

“And so faith, hope and love, these three remain,

but the greatest of these is love.”

1 Corinthians 13:13

Dedicated to Janice and Arthur Diaz

Written with love by Beverley A. Napier

May 8, 2011


Reach Out and Touch Someone

Devotional for May 12,2011
 Is there someone in your life that you’ve been meaning to call? A friend or family member who keeps coming to mind and you wonder how they’re doing. When I talk to someone after a long while -I ask myself, “Why did I wait so long?” I took a poll to see what it is that keeps us from acting on the loving thoughts that come to mind.


• I’m never sure when would be a good time.
• I know she’s busy, and I hate to interrupt.
• If she wanted to talk to me, she’d call.
• I’d love to call her when I have the time.

Here is what I have learned when a thought comes to me to do something. If it’s really good - then it’s probably from God. What I mean is, it’s probably not even my great idea -but God’s!

Romans 7:18 (AMP)
For I know that nothing good dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot perform it. [I have the intention and urge to do what is right, but no power to carry it out.]

I have heard from women, who, when they heard that other women avoided ‘interrupting’ or ‘bothering’ them - wished they would have interrupted. Yes, they might be busy - but they will let you know if it is truly not a good time for them. The words I got from would be recipients included: appreciated break, respite, relief, and refreshment. Basically they said they would have enjoyed the call, letter or email.

There is a great contemporary Christian song about us as the body of Christ being the hands and feet of God. “We Are the Body” by Casting Crowns: click on this link to view and listen:

When a friend of mine shared her personal goal in life so succinctly (perfectly and concisely) I asked her if I could share it with you. Needless to say, I wrote it down for my own benefit also!

“To always listen to God, to always not listen to the enemy.”
It sounds like such a simple plan. The first question I ask myself is how will I know whether it’s God or the enemy whispering to me? The short answer is: it takes practice. Reading His word so I am familiar with what God says, does and intends is essential. When I am confused I can seek wise counsel from a woman with experience who is actively following after God. Then I must simply step out in faith and do what I believe He is telling me to do. I always have the protection of knowing He will never ask me to do anything contrary to His Scriptures.

James 1:17 (AMP)
Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.

I can trust God. He knows the beginning to the end. I learned the hard way that I must listen to Him sooner rather than later. When I was a young mother, a grandmother in our church was in the hospital. I lived nearby and went to visit her. We had a pleasant conversation and she asked me to come see her again. Well, I meant to and I felt very bad when she passed away. Yes, I know, but wait, it gets worse. At her service, our pastor mentioned how this woman had loved having so many visitors. She had told him on more than one occasion how much she had especially enjoyed the company of one young woman in particular. The pastor looked at me and smiled. I am still not sure how he made eye contact with me from the podium, since I had shrunk to the size of a mouse in my guilt and mortification. The point of my story is not to instill guilt but to encourage you to learn from me and just do it!
Romans 7:19 (AMP)
For I fail to practice the good deeds I desire to do, but the evil deeds that I do not desire to do are what I am [ever] doing.

It is not just me and you. We all have good intentions but not as much follow through as we need. We all need God’s grace to do what He tells us to do. We just need to spend more time praying than we do explaining, excusing or strategizing.
Written by Mary M. Wilkins


Laughter Is A Great Medicine From The Lord

Wednesday, May 11, 2011 Devotional

I was recently attending a special class at a nearby church recently. After the teaching, they had a time of gathering in various groups. In our group we had a time of sharing and was asked a specific question on "what happens when you lean on your own understanding instead of the Lord's understanding?" We were set up in a circle, and shared in the order of the circle. One particular lady shared her heart and brought some humor in the midst of her time of sharing. It brought some loud chuckles from everyone in the group. The next lady in line to share begin to speak but all she could do was laugh. She couldn't seem to stay focused on what to say, because she was still tickled on what was said previously that brought many smiles and great laughter. She tried to be serious and speak, but all that would come out was hilarious laughter.

We have all been there at some time or other. You get the giggles from way down deep, and it just won't stop, no matter how hard you try. Scripture tells us in Proverbs 17:22 in the first part, "A merry heart does good, like medicine." It is a good thing to laugh and be joyous. God had a reason for giving us laughter. There is healing when joy and laughter are released in our life.

I remember reading that in some hospitals while the patient is recovering, the doctors will have their patients listen to comedy shows. Studies have shown that patients heal much faster when they are able to have times of laughing. Scripture says it is like medicine.

I am so thankful that God has given us laughter. It enriches our life and is beneficial for our well being. And it is free! Our God is so good to us and blessed each of us with the gift of laughter. Thank you Lord!

Written by Sandy
Devotional for 5/10/11

Philippians 4:3-4

4:3 And I intreat thee also, true yokefellow, help those women which laboured with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and with other my fellow labourers, whose names are in the book of life.

4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.


For some, this is difficult, and indeed, we all often stumble over it. We can be very gracious to God when things go well. Perhaps, after returning safely from a trip, we are quick to thank God for our successful arrival, as if He were personally responsible for the operations of all who worked to get us home. Suppose, however, that the trip was not so successful. Maybe we were involved in an accident and injured or delayed so that we were late for a meeting, costing a large sale or the loss of a client? Or maybe lightning struck the house, an earthquake damaged it, or a burglar broke in and stole valuables?

Do we see God's hand in these circumstances as well? Is God involved only in the "good" things of life? For example, did Job bemoan his "bad luck" or murmur against God? He bowed before Him, even managing to bless Him (Job 1:13-22)! Is this just fatalistic acquiescence or blind credulity? No, in people who live by faith, it is neither of these because real faith always rejoices in the Lord, knowing He is involved in all aspects of life.

Paul's exhortation to the Philippians church (Philippians 4:4) is nothing short of a call to faith of those undergoing some sort of heavy trial. If a Christian believes that his life and all its circumstances are in the hands of the sovereign, wise, and loving God who is always working for his good, then he can truly rejoice always.

Submitted by: Annie