
Tuesday Devotional...5/1/12

Proverbs 16:24
Pleasant words are as an honeycomb,
sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.

Pleasant words are as a honey-comb - The honey of which is sweeter than that which has been expressed from it, and has a much finer flavor before it has come in contact with the atmospheric air.

Honey took its place not only among the luxuries, but among the medicines of the Israelites. This two-fold use made it all the more suitable to be an emblem both of the true Wisdom which is also true obedience, and of the "pleasant words" in which that Wisdom speaks

Submitted by

Monday Devotional

“Very truly I tell you; whoever hears my word
and believes him who sent me
has eternal life and will not be judged
but has crossed over from death to life.”
John 5:24

When I read this scripture, I thought, “Really, God? Is this the scripture you wanted me to read today? I already know this, and I already believe it." He answered, “I know you do. Still, sometimes it seems as if you release a helium balloon to rise with the guilt you are repenting of; you know, letting it go, when all of a sudden just as the string goes almost out of reach you jump up and grab it and bring the balloon back down to yourself. Please read the last two phrases of the scripture I have given you.”

I read the whole thing again not just the last two phrases…always anal and a bit self-willed. I told myself that I wanted a perfect understanding of what I was expected to learn, and therefore I felt that I needed reread it a few times. I suddenly noticed that He was silent…no more still soft voice in my ear. He waited for me to get around to doing as he had asked. Finally, after several readings I got down to the task at hand. Later, when I thought about this whole episode, I imagined God laughing, perhaps even banging his head on a cloud, and saying, “Thank ME, she finally is following my request!” (After all he probably would not say “Thank God.” You get my drift?)

Those who believe and hear His word will have…
        “eternal life and will not be judged”

Wow!!! That was easy. I will live forever in God’s presence because I said, “I do,” to the marriage proposal of my divine Groom.

Those who believe and hears His word…
       “will not be judged” because she has already
      “has crossed over from death to life”

“You are trying to remind me that you have already sealed my future. I knew that, Lord.”

“Yes, my child I know you know it. But sometimes you think that you need to keep talking to me about guilt that I do not even remember. Trust me it is in the sea of forgetfulness.”

I received this scripture, not because God wanted me to relax and do as I please, there were still things that were important for me to do…not to earn but to show Him my love. I already have the gift of Him, and I will never lose it. He has made me a pearl of great price, His child, His chosen, and His beloved. I need to let go of guilt. I need to live in the gift He gave me and let go of that balloon string and all the other balloons of guilt  just like it that I keep hanging onto.

Written by Corinne Mustafa



(devotional for Sunday 4/29/12)

Have you ever driven along a road and not really seen what was on each side of you because you were so focused on the destination, you didn't take time to look around?  Have you ever been on a boat ride and spent most of the time looking out to the horizon and forgotten to look right over the side to see the little ripples running off to the side and behind?  Have you ever looked out over a large field, admiring the peacefulness of the pasture, but never taking a pair of binoculars to seek out what was hidden? Have you ever walked a path looking around you but never scrutinized the crevices along the sides to see what might be growing there?

How many are your works, Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.  There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number— living things both large and small. Psalm 104:24-25 NIV

I went on a retreat the last several days in the mountains by a national forest in Arizona.  One morning I arose early after sunrise and took a hike up a gravel road.  I had been told there were beautiful views of the rim of a canyon at the top, so my mind was looking forward to that scenery as I trudged up the steep incline.  My eyes were searching through the trees to get a glimpse of that rocky edge.  They were right - I found many gorgeous views along a road at the top of the hill.  I took my time taking pictures of the rocky rim to one side of the road and forested hills on the other until I came to the end of the road.  On my way back I decided I would look to the sides as I walked down the same sloping path.  My eyes this time were searching for the small things on the ground that I may have missed on the way up.  Sure enough, I was rewarded with seeing some beautiful, delicate little flowers.  Some were hardly bigger than a large pinhead on some ground cover peaking out through the crevices of some rocks. Others were taller wildflowers in brilliant hues of orange and yellow as well as white.  These flowers were there on my way up the road too; they did not suddenly spring up within an hour to greet me on my return trip.

This same scenario can play out in our life.  We may be so busy looking ahead, hoping and planning for the future, that we miss the little joyful moments along the way.  We may be so focused on looking at the big picture that we miss the tiny miracles.  God has created an amazing world - both in the big picture as well as the tiny miracles.  We can learn to appreciate the beauty in both. Sometimes we just need to change our focus to take it all in.

He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted. Job 5:9 AND Job 9:10 NIV

Dear God in heaven, creator of the entire universe, thank you for all your wonderful gifts in my life, and please help me not miss the tiny miracles along my path. Amen.

photo and writing by Jan Anderse


Saturday Devotional


I finally found success in an early morning walking routine. I’ve been struggling for months to be consistent and effective. Laziness, time, weather, and even physical pain have gotten in the way. Well last week, I walked four times and three of those times were for 10 miles each. So, this morning, I was determined to stay motivated. After a difficult night of very little sleep only to find that my phone was not charged, I left 45 minutes later than anticipated, but I still got out the door.

It wasn’t long before my feet were throbbing and I thought, “8 miles isn’t bad. Maybe I’ll just do 8.” At the halfway mark, I started debating calling it quits. Then I pushed through. At 6, 7, then 8 miles down, I almost turned to go home being at a location on my route that was close to it. In a split second, I made the decision to do the last two miles even though every joint was hurting.

Rounding the corner to the part of my route I don’t always travel down, I noticed a book lying on the sidewalk almost teetering on the curb. It looked like it could be a Bible. As I got closer, it resembled the Bible I had growing up. Having no contacts in, I leaned down slightly squinting my uncorrected eyes while walking past. Though dirty, it was identical to my old one, so I momentarily stopped to flip the cover open. Nope, it wasn’t mine and I quickly started walking again not wanting to break my stride for too long. Of course it wasn’t mine. Mine was at home up in the hall cupboard. I prayed that the owners would come back and find it, and then I stopped in my tracks. What was I thinking? I guess it was so early in the morning, I wasn’t thinking. I can’t just leave God’s Word on the sidewalk of a busy street. I ran back, swooped it up, and ran ahead to where I was before adjusting my pace to finish my walk. I did quickly open it to where there was a newspaper clipping and two memorial service programs stuffed in Ezekiel. “Oh,” I thought, “If the owner had recently been to a funeral, I’ll just contact the church or funeral home and see if I can track him down.”

After my 10 miles were up, and I was back at home, I pulled out the inserts to investigate. 1974? The newspaper clipping and one memorial program were from 1974. The other program was from 1975. One was a 50 year old woman, and the other an 86 year old woman. So, I read more carefully the inscription in the beginning. “The day of your acceptance of Christ as your own personal Savior,” was written in ink. It was presented to a Raymond by a Reverend Donaldson on April 7, 1974. I realized that the last name was the same name of the 50 year old woman who had died in ’74, and her service was only 4 days after Raymond received Christ. I wondered what the story was behind that. One can only conclude that they were connected.

After reading the inserted obituary of Raymond’s mother, Zola, I googled his name only to find that he too had passed away on April 22, the one year anniversary of which was only a day before I found it. I knew it wasn’t going to be easy to return this treasure because the only city referenced on every source was San Jose. How in the world did this Bible get here in Tracy? Well I had no choice. I wrote down every surviving family member’s name listed on the online obituary for Raymond as well as their relation to him. I planned to search each one beginning with his step-mother who was listed as his caregiver for the last 3 years of his life. Poor man, he was only 60 years old. He must’ve had a debilitating disease.

He had 2 surviving sisters, 2 step-brothers and a step-sister. I guess his father had since passed. He had no wife or children, but many nieces and nephews. Yet, before I left his obituary page to plug in some names in a people search, I noticed there was an online guest book. I couldn’t resist. There were 20 entries and I read every one of them. I learned that Raymond was a humorous man. He was a church going man. He was a loyal friend and a hard worker. Each entry had a name and a city listed. Lo and behold the last entry was a woman from Tracy. Ah Ha! Who is this woman? Well, her name is Carolyn, and looking back at the family members I had written down, she was his step-sister. So, the only thing left for me to do was track down Carolyn.

She was quite easy to find. I found online her phone number and address. I also found her age, profession, gender of her kids, and that she’s the president of the PTO of a local elementary school. I wondered if she was the one who organized this online site for her departed brother. After all, she was the last entry which really meant the first since the dates went backwards. I wondered if she realized that this Bible of Raymond’s was missing. Now her address was no where near mine, but there were garage sales all over the neighborhoods this past weekend…at least 30 in my development and the neighboring ones. I wondered if that’s how it got over on my side of town.

I thought about how I almost didn’t go down that street, how the Bible resembled my own, and then I thought about the time I spend in prayer in the beginning of my walk. I had specifically asked God to use me today. Is this God’s answer to my prayer? Well, it was time to call Carolyn.

I made two attempts with no answer. That’s not the happy ending I was anticipating. So I wrote down directions to her address thinking that I’d find her later when I would be out running errands. Later came much later. It wasn’t until after 6 before I finally pulled up to the address of Carolyn and family.

There was a man outside putting things into the back of an SUV. I parked and walked up with my youngest by my side. I asked the man if a Carolyn lived there. He confirmed and was curious as to why I asked. “I think I have something that belongs to her,” I responded pulling the Bible out of my purse. “That’s not her Bible,” he contested. “Well, I think it belonged to her brother.” I opened the first page to show him the name, and the gentleman was surprised and impressed at the same time. He informed me that Raymond had passed away a year ago the 22nd. I told him that I knew that because I had searched online to find out how to return the lost item. He called for his wife to come outside still feeling excited over the matter.

When the woman walked out, she looked suspicious of me and did not come across very friendly. In fact, she did not recognize the Bible, nor did she seem impressed with the find. I related the story of how I stumbled upon it, and her non-emotional, non-pleasant response was simply, “That’s strange. I wonder how it got there.”

I told her there were tons of garage sales in my neighborhood and asked if she had been to any over the weekend. Apparently, her mother, who now lives in Tracy right around the corner from my own house, had a garage sale this weekend and was selling books. The husband and I both asked at the same time, “Why would your mother sell Raymond’s Bible?”

Carolyn shrugged her shoulders, and then very professionally thanked me for my extra effort. I turned to walk away, and two steps down the driveway, I heard the garage door close behind me. This was definitely not the happy ending I expected God to provide.

Of course, there’s no way I can know what was going through the mind of Carolyn at that moment, what her relationship was with her step-brother prior to his passing, or even why God insisted as far as I’m concerned that Raymond’s Bible be returned to her. All I know is that I saw a glimpse into a man I never met…the date of his spiritual birth, the date that he buried his mother as a young man of 23, and 20 entries of how he will be missed. But how missed was he? It was hard to tell by the way Carolyn was acting.

Maybe she was angry as she discovered how much a stranger can easily learn about her and her extended family. I was actually shocked by it myself. Maybe she was the one who placed the Bible in the box of used books to be sold, and it ended up back in her hands. Maybe she adored her brother, but could care less about a Bible, or a God for that matter. And maybe that very God she cares nothing for plans to use her dearly departed loved one, Raymond, to minister to her from the grave.

I certainly know this…my circumstances brought me around that corner straight to that Bible, and I did what I knew was right. I was used to bring a used Bible to a used family. God truly did use me, but I’m sure I’ll never know exactly how fully used I was this day.

So is my word that goes out from my mouth:
 It will not return to me empty,
 but will accomplish what I desire
 and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
 Isaiah 55:11

Amie Spruiell 4/23/2012

Friday Devotional

And now abideth LOVE

And now abideth faith, hope and charity;
 but the greatest of these is
The first time I met Millie, I felt her kind sweet humble spirit. She was up in years, soft spoken, very meek and my heart went out to her with open arms.

Millie, a kind gentle elderly neighbor lady came to me last week to inquire if I knew of a day time Bible Study group that she might be able to attend, she would need a ride because she didn’t drive. As we sat in my living room, I listened to Millie unburden her heartaches and concerns of her daily life of loneliness. Millie talked of her younger years and how she was raised by the Bible and how the word of God had carried her all these years.

Compassion rose up within me as one of a mother’s heart that might be listening to a child bare the burdens of its heart. I told Millie that I didn’t know of a day time Bible Study, but if I heard of one, I would definitely let her know. After a few short minutes, Millie dismissed herself with a humble “Thank you for listening” and she left to walk down the hall to her own apartment.

This morning as I was walking out of the main entrance door to go to work, another quite distinguished looking neighbor lady was leaving at the same time. I noticed she was pushing a cart with books and a few things…I politely said “Oh you’re getting out early this morning!” and she replied “Yes, I’m on my way to Bible Study.” This immediately rang a bell as I was quickened to Millie’s inquiry. As we both walked out through the parking lot to our cars, I said to this lady… “Oh, that’s great! Do you happen to know Millie that lives down the hall?” she responded with a raised eyebrow “Yes”. I then told her that Millie mentioned to me that she was looking for a Bible Study to attend during day time hours. The neighbor lady at once posed a look of arrogance and said “Oh, Millie couldn’t handle the Bible Study that I attend, its way over her head! It’s very deep, she just wouldn’t get it.” And we parted ways.

My heart sank with injury as a scripture instantly came to mind.
God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.

As I sat in my car for a few minutes thinking (with righteous indignation)….”How does that woman know that her Bible Study is too deep for Millie!” I thought of the contrast in attitudes and pondered my thoughts. Millie might not be in a Bible Study, but God’s Grace is surely with her, for surely goodness and mercy shall follow her all the days of her life.

Written by: Glenna Williamson


Thursday Devotional

A Loving Reminder

“Go ahead and put some music on,” I said as my husband walked past me to our room. “No. Never mind. I want to watch a movie,” I continued. Teasingly I asked him if he ever thought I would change and be less fickle.

“No, I don’t want you to change,” he answered evenly.

“Oh, really, you never prayed in all these years for me to be less fickle?” I said half laughing and half taunting.

“If I prayed for you to change I would be telling God that He got it wrong when He created you,” he replied quite seriously.

I was silent as I considered his words and remembered countless times I had asked God to please change my husband!

Romans 13:8-10 (MSG)

Don't run up debts, except for the huge debt of love you owe each other. When you love others, you complete what the law has been after all along. The law code—don't sleep with another person's spouse, don't take someone's life, don't take what isn't yours, don't always be wanting what you don't have, and any other "don't" you can think of—finally adds up to this: Love other people as well as you do yourself. You can't go wrong when you love others. When you add up everything in the law code, the sum total is love.

Dear Lord, please forgive me for ever thinking the people around me are the problem, when actually sin and selfishness are the problem. I am sorry I have allowed myself to be distracted with my own self concerns. Please help me to accept and love others as they are right now just as You love me right now where I am at. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins


Philippians 1: 20-21

20 According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body,whether it be by life, or by death.
21For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

Paul's earnest desire was to glorify Christ in all circumstances. His desire to glorify Christ superseded all personal interests, including being released from prison and spared from death. Paul intensely hoped and trusted that, despite the severe trials he was undergoing, he would persevere with boldness—even to death—to the glory of God.

("Does It Glorify God?")

 He declares that his sole purpose for living was to glorify Christ. Paul's aim was not get. His purpose, to which he devoted himself with passion and zeal, was to give everything to glorify God. He understood that, if it was God's will, there was great advantage in dying above that of living.

submitted by : Annie


Monday Devotional

"My Personal Trainer"

I totally splurged with my eating habits during this past Christmas season. I had a blast testing out the variety of sweets we had available, but now I am having to pay for it with the many added pounds. Many of you may be able to relate. I gave some serious thought as well in getting a personal trainer to help me in losing the weight I had gained. They would know what is best for me, since they are equipped to know just what each person needs. A personal trainer would teach me just the right exercises and teach me how to eat properly according to my body weight and build.

Our Heavenly Father is a lot like a personal trainer. In fact He so marvelously has created us, He knows exactly to the key what is best for each of us. He personally wants to train,teach and show us His excellant ways for us. He knows exactly how each one of us are wired and He has prepared the perfect "work out" plan for our lifes.

As we call out to the Lord as it says in Psalm 25:4
"Show me Your ways, O Lord, teach me Your paths,"

the Lord is exuberantly willing to reveal His plan and His ways for us. He stands ready to train us according to His perfect ways for His sons and daughters.

I ended up not hiring a personal trainer but in essence I have had one all along. That is the Lord God Almighty who will train me well!!

Sandy Billingham


FOREST FIRE (devotional for Sunday 4/22/12)

A forest gives us a view of the cycle of life. God created and placed in this microcosm an amazing variety of living things. As the life cycle of an organism ends, it becomes food or compost or serves some purpose for other things there that are still alive. Have you ever seen a forest fire? The overwhelming power of the flames and heat and smoke engulf everything in it's path. There is no regard for anything in the way - whether stationary or moving, rooted or running or rising into the air. It is all-consuming. Sinfulness is much like a forest fire; it can consume our entire being when we are separated from Christ.

Surely wickedness burns like a fire; it consumes briers and thorns, it sets the forest thickets ablaze, so that it rolls upward in a column of smoke. Isaiah 9:18 NIV

Sometimes we think of sinfulness or wickedness only as major immoral acts, like stealing or murder. But sin can be very sneaky. Even when it seems like just a little white lie, or an unhealthy thought, it is still sin, and that can be even more dangerous because we may not even realize the weight of what we have done. It becomes invasive and we may not even realize how big it has grown inside of us. Think of how even our words can harm others. It is like a spark in dry kindling when we use our tongues to cut others down or lead them astray.

Forest Fire

Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. James 3:5-6 NIV

But we also know that what can bring great destruction can also bring about new life. The heat of a forest fire can make the pine cones open up to release more seeds to plant new trees. The thick underbrush consumed by the flames makes way for new growth on the ground. The forest springs back to life after being destroyed by tongues of fire. We know that our own tongues, though sinful, also can provide a great witness to others of God's great love and mercy. Our mouths can speak words that give glory to God and bring the good news of salvation to others. We are tools for God here on earth, helping plant the seed of faith in Christ in other people's hearts, which brings them new life.

Dear Father in heaven, forgive me for the times when I have sinned, especially unknowingly. Please extinguish my sinful tongue of fire and make it into an effective tool for your glory. May the good news of your forgiveness and salvation spread like wildfire! In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Written by Jan Andersen


Saturday Devotional...3/21/12


As a child, I remember that it felt I was always forgiving someone. Whether it was my bullying brother or cousin, or some bratty kid that treated me badly, it seemed that someone was always being forced to say that they were sorry to me. I know I wasn’t a saint myself, and I had my apologies to make since I did like to tease and sometimes I tried to get back at the bad guy instead of turning the other cheek, but still more often than not, I was the recipient. After awhile, I would get so hurt in my heart I just didn’t feel like forgiving, “Again? I have to forgive again?” Can’t say that I recall the lesson giver, it was probably a parent, grandparent, or maybe even a teacher at the private Christian school I attended, but I learned that “yes” I always had to forgive.

I guess the good thing that came out of it was that I definitely learned to be a forgiving person. I never even held a grudge against the man who abandoned my child and that in itself has always shocked me, but it took me awhile to learn the lesson of “again?”

As a wife, there have been unhealthy recurring patterns over the years in our marriage. I’m sure most couples can relate. Two people learn all the right buttons to push, and when, say one is set off by mistake, a familiar ping pong match of words, tones of voices, looks, actions, or lack thereof follows. Though I can say that there has been progress made over the years, sometimes baby steps and other times giant leaps, something that is not always shared with each other is the question I pose to God, “Again? You mean I have to be the first one again? Do I really have to be the one who humbles herself and goes to him with kind words to end this charade? Again?” His answer of course is “yes!”

It’s a good thing that God doesn’t ask “again?” because it seems that I always need this lesson shown to me…again. I’ve found myself asking it in the area of serving…as I’m sure many Christians have. Whether it’s in children’s ministries, Bible Studies, or clean up duty before or after an event, I know many have wondered why they are the only ones who ever volunteer. There have been times I’ve asked God this question as a member of my congregation for one reason or another, “Again? I’m the one left holding the ball again?”

It never occurred to me why this question was repeated in so many areas of my life until a friend of mine gave a testimony. She’d experienced similar situations throughout her life, and her heart was open to hear the Holy Spirit, so God used her to teach all of us who were in her hearing. The question of “again?” is evidence of our sin. It reveals our self-centeredness, being only concerned for ourselves. It shows our inability to love unconditionally like Jesus loves and likewise our need to learn how to let Him love others through us. We’re not supposed to ask “again?” We’re supposed to respond with “always”. When faced with the opportunity, we’re to always do the right thing.

Now that I realize that I’ve done this, I’m surprised at how many different situations I’m tempted to ask “again?” He’s taught me to always forgive, always try to be the first to make amends (unless my husband beats me to it since I think he’s learned the lesson of “always” as well), and to always step up when you have the opportunity. So when I was faced with praying over my son as he was about to play in the last game of his baseball tournament and I was tempted to say, “Again? Do I have to pray for both teams again?” I knew the answer before the thought ever finished forming in my mind. I still wanted my son’s team to win, but I knew I was to pray for both teams even if I didn’t like the other team. I even know this lesson well enough to teach my own kids. So, when they lost to the team with the poor sportsmanship, when they came in second place to the first place team who we all thought didn’t deserve it for one reason or another, and my son looked at me with a look of, “Again? Do I have to congratulate them again? I gave a reassuring nod of, “Yes, you always have to do the right thing.” Yes, we always have to be Christ to the world.

Amie Spruiell 6/17/2011


Friday Devotional...2/20/12

Someone’s Thinking of You

This morning I received an unexpected phone call from a dear friend that I’ve not heard from in quite some time. Linda is an old high school girl friend from many years ago. She lives in Oregon and so we haven’t kept in touch much through out the years.

I was so happy to hear her voice as we chatted for a short while before our busy day got started. After hanging up, I thought to myself “It’s so nice to know that someone is thinking of me.” And then my mind began to think about the Lord and his continual thoughts on each and everyone of us.

The scripture says in Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD,
thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

And in Psalm 40:5 this Bible verse declares

Many, O LORD my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done,
and thy thoughts which are to us-ward;
they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee;
 if I would declare and speak of them,
they are more than can be numbered.

My thought being… if you have someone on your heart and mind, pray for them and then give them a call or write them a short note just to say “God Bless You, I’m thinking of you today.”

I’m so thankful that Jesus is so compassionate toward us and that he has us continually on his mind and is working working working on our behalf to love us, comfort us and give us courage. He is more than just a friend!

                                                      Written by:
                                                                     Glenna Williamson


Thursday Devotional,,,4/19/12


What is so hard about this word? Letting someone else go first, letting someone else answer, letting someone else decide, letting go of unhealthy aspects of my life.

Dictionary.com describes “letting” as to allow or permit. It seems that since I would be turning it over to God, it should be easier to let go. Surely the God who created the whole universe and everything and everyone in it knows what is going on. Since He has complete knowledge and understanding of all things, including what is best for me and what I truly desire, I can safely trust in Him.

I can feel my heart beating a little faster than normal at this thought. Truth is I am afraid. Deep down, I have a fear that I won’t actually like what God has planned for me. I am not just talking about brussel sprouts or being nice to people I don’t like. Although, frankly, He probably only cares about the people one.

What if what God has for me isn’t something that makes me comfortable? I do know people who are longing for the opportunity to get outside of themselves and serve God wholeheartedly. They are ready to let go of all that hinders them and pour themselves into the work God has set before them. They don’t care what shape it is or how they will look to others, they just want to please God.

Galatians 6:7-8 (The Message)

Don't be misled: No one makes a fool of God. What a person plants, he will harvest. The person who plants selfishness, ignoring the needs of others—ignoring God!—harvests a crop of weeds. All he'll have to show for his life is weeds! But the one who plants in response to God, letting God's Spirit do the growth work in him, harvests a crop of real life, eternal life.

Dear Lord, thank You for living in me and not leaving me alone. I do want to let go and allow and permit You to prepare me and train me to live a life that pleases You. Please forgive me when I cry and complain about how hard a day has been. Please give me the grace to accept the difficulties as opportunities to become patient and mature. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins


Wdnesday Devotionsl 4/18/12

"Making Christ Top Priority"

God so desires for us to put Him first in our life, from the time we wake up in the morning until the time we go to bed at night. We each have a choice how we will prioritize our life.

His word tells us in Matthew 6:33

"But seek first the Kingdom of God
and His righteousness,
 and all these things
shall be added to you."

That is certainly a wonderful promise to cling to. He tells us that if we will seek Him and allow Him to be number one, that every arena of our life will be provided for and blessed. He will take care of all those things that concern us.

As we cry out to God on a daily basis and ask Him to partner with us, He is overwhelmingly ready to do just that. We are His daughters and He wants only the best for us.

Putting Christ first in all that I do is always the excellant way and worth making it a lifestyle.

In His Powerful Grace,
Sandy Billingham

Tuesday Devotional

Romans 6: 28

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God,
to them who are the called according to his purpose.


This verse captures the essence of what a Christian absolutely must have faith in, if he wants to conduct his life without falling into the same state of mind that Solomon did as shown in the book of Ecclesiastes. We, too, are subject to our own unstable convictions, opinions, and decisions.

In addition, we are subject to decisions and circumstances that others make and over which we have no control, yet which cause us to descend into a blue funk. We seem to be powerless over people making these decisions, so life seems unfair that such things should happen.

But we Christians cannot lose our perspective! Romans 6:28 has the right perspective for a Christian, a wonderfully encouraging and comforting promise. However, it does not automatically apply to everyone. Two conditions must be met.

First, we must respond to God's grace, to His gift, to His calling, to His gift of Christ, to His gift of the Holy Spirit, to His gift of revealing to us knowledge and understanding of what is happening. We must respond—that is, love God in return.

Second, we must be one of "the called according to His purpose," one of the elect. This does not apply to those who have merely received an invitation from God, because that summons goes out to many more than actually respond to it. Just as in advertising, the call, the invitation, may go out over radio, television, or through the newspaper to millions of people, but few respond as compared to the mass of invitees. The calling of God is similar: The invitation goes out to many, but few become part of the elect ( Matthew 22:14).

If we meet these conditions, God is with us, and we can be encouraged and take comfort in that assurance.

submitted by: Annie


Monday Devotional

I am thinking lately how fickle “feelings” are. They want to be as a bridle on a horses neck and lead me in a direction that serves them. A master of the life they reside in. The one who is in charge…Often they can rise up from a look, a word, waking up in a poor mood…To be led around by them is to be owned by a strange task master, a fickle lover, or a false friend.

One time riding by bycycle in Monterey, it began to rain. Stinging my face, hurting my hands, making me miserable. I had just started my ride, so I had a choice; turn around and hide to cover, or change my attitude…all of a sudden I got the giggles, rain dripping of my nose, hair in my eyes and me yelling, “Yahoo!” What changed my day? I began to look at creation, the light in the clouds, the feeling of water dripping off my nose, and became thankful.

God’s promises are true, no matter what the circumstances of our life are, it does not change the fact that HIS promises STAND. They are not held up by our thoughts, our feelings, or our own beliefs about something. They simply stand, supported by the one who made them.

2 Peter 1:3-5  As His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature…..

Written by
Kathy Bireley



devotional for Sunday, 4/15/12

My husband and I are on a short vacation trip to the Grand Canyon. We took a train ride, with "Wild West" entertainment, to the Grand Canyon. Here it is, the middle of April, and what was the weather? SNOW! It has been snowing off and on for almost 24 hours. We don't usually get to see snow now that we live in the middle of Arizona. But in the "high desert" and northern part of the state, they do get occasional snow. But in the middle of April? Did it have to be on the one day we go on vacation to the Grand Canyon?

I must say it was a treat to see the snow piling up as high as it could on the evergreen branches, bending the boughs low, covering the ground with a white blanket, but leaving the streets fairly clear. It was a joy to see elk resting and playing in this unexpected spring cover. The flakes were cutting through the air sideways at times, as the wind blew so fiercely that even the birds had trouble making headway. It had no effect on us as we were taking it all in from the comfort of a first class train car. When we got to the canyon, the tour bus canceled it's trip to the rim because the snow was preventing the people from seeing the canyon at all, like a dense fog. However, patience paid off, when we walked to a lookout site and waited for the lulls in the storm. When the sun fought it's way through the cloud cover occasionally, and the snow slowed or even stopped briefly, there were indeed some beautiful sites in spite of the snowstorm. It was a wonderful reward to see how white the snow was as it laid to rest on all the surfaces, no matter how minute, even each pine needle. Yet the the areas untouched by the crystals provided colorful contrast, the areas beneath the ledges, the nooks and crannies, the undersides of the branches, all with their own variations of tones, tints and shades.

Snow is such a pure white. Can anything be whiter than snow? Only God, who made the snow to be white, can make anything even whiter than that. When we ask God to cleanse us, he not only makes our souls clean and free from dirt and sin, he makes us even whiter than the snow:

Christmas Light 2

Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Psalm 51:7 NIV

Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, whose death and resurrection we celebrated last week, is our own cloak of snow, changing our blood red sins to pure white innocence.

Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. Isaiah 1:18 NIV

Thank you, Lord, for your cleansing blood on the cross that makes my scarlet sins white and my soul even whiter than snow, and for coming back to life so that I might live with joy, eternally with you in heaven. In your name I pray, AMEN.

written by Jan Andersen