
Thursday, January 1, 2015

From Grumbling to Gratefulness
A few weeks back, a friend of mine told me about a goal she was setting.  I’m sure it was around Thanksgiving because it had to do with thankfulness.  I told her I would do the same thing, but I have failed to do so.  Instead, I’ve done more mumbling and grumbling than anything else.  I’ve had the most difficult time finding joy over the last several weeks and I know it has to do with all the complaining.  And it’s not like I don’t have a reason to complain.  It seems like anything that can happen has happened.  Well, here I am at the end of this year which has turned out to be one of the least joyful holiday seasons I’ve had.   So, I’m going to attempt one more time to do what my friend succeeded in, and that’s to find the little things that God leaves for me throughout the day and week that are a blessing to me.  They are called little pleasures and treasures.  What better way could there possibly be to begin a brand new year than to count my blessings?

First off, I want to say how thankful I am for my neighbor and friend who has allowed me to use her clothes dryer after mine broke just seconds before we left the house on Christmas Eve to visit family.  Yesterday, a crown popped off my tooth as I was flossing my teeth.  I called the dentist, but they could not get me in until January 8th.  It could’ve turned out to be a painful and embarrassing New Years for me.  However, there’s no pain associated with the tooth, and the location is back far enough that nobody can see it even when smiling.  I also cannot tell you how grateful I am for the young man who is coming to take care of our elderly dog so we can visit my parents for a couple days.  And finally what brings relief to my mind and joy to my heart is that fact that my frail grandmother who has suffered for months with excruciating painful broken bones in her twisted back, is now on the mend and feeling some relief.

The truth is, these are the big things, and there are a few little things I could mention, but I think I will wait and write about them next week.  I will also do my best not to grumble about broken machines and body parts.  And I will consider it a blessing to worry for the precious aging loved ones in my life. 

Amie Spruiell 12/31/2014

Extra Offering for the New Year of 2015...Thursday


This was sent out from KLove Radio. I think it is a great idea. I do not know what my word is but I will pray for one and then like the writer see where it leads me.

Happy New Year from Bangladesh...


A New Kind of Resolution
By Rachel Olsen, co-author of My One Word: 
Change Your Life With One Word
I adore January. Never mind that I usually need to shed some holiday pounds or that I’m no fan of cold weather. The first few weeks of the new year feel pregnant with the possibility that this year I’ll become my best self. Americans love this fresh start feeling. Nearly two-thirds of us make New Year’s resolutions—and I’ve been one of the 90 million who do. What about you?

Any of these sound familiar:
• I’m going to get organized.
• I’m going to lose 10 lbs.
• I’m going to stop running late.
• I’m going to read my Bible early every morning.
• I’m going to be a better spouse … parent … Christian.

Research confirms what you and I have known: Before January ends most of us abandon our list of ways we intended to improve. That ball keeps dropping in New York’s Time’s Square each New Year’s. And we keep dropping the ball on our resolutions to change. That’s because change requires more than a clean calendar page. It takes more than positive feelings or wishful thinking. And transformation takes more than a couple weeks’ effort. 
Double Coma
Double Coma
The problem is our attention is divided. Our lives are fast-paced and demanding. Lots to change divided by busy days (multiplied by frequent frustration) equals little transformation. But there’s a solution equation. Clarity plus grace (multiplied by focus over time) equals transformation.

A Single-Word Focus
That’s why seven years ago I ditched New Year’s resolutions in favor of choosing one word to be my focus for the year. Just one word that represented what I most hoped God would do in and through me in the twelve months to come. I stayed focused on that one word for 365 days. I thought about it, talked about it, journaled with it, and prayed about it. I let it shape my choices and my schedule. And I saw change.

In looking through the lens of a single word, chosen in tandem with God, I found a new approach to personal change mainly because it supplies narrowed focus. In fact, the results each year have been greater and farther reaching than I expected. I want you to try it too. Let me be clear, this is not a “pull yourself up by your bootstraps and will yourself to be different” project. Such an approach rarely works for long. Change, heart-level change – spiritual formation – is an act of God. The human heart is meant to be conformed to His image. The power and provision of God will aid us in that transformation.

This single word will force clarity and concentrate your efforts. And as you focus on your word over an extended period of time, you position yourself for God to form your character at a deep level. Last year my one word was FIRST. It was anchored in the call to seek first God and his kingdom whenever I worried about how I was going to get what I needed or wanted. I encourage you to join the thousands around the nation already choosing their one words for 2015.

I think this is a great idea. So often well meaning resolutions become impossible to hang onto or to follow. This so called replacement has a simplicity that we can hang on to and not loose track of.

I hope you will see the value of this style of organizing the New Year to be meaningful and and fruitful to maneuver through to the light at the end of the December 2015 tunnel. Praying for your growth and happiness in 2015.

Happy New Year

Love and God bless
Shared by Corinne Mustafa



Devotional for 12/31/14
Today I began to really take note of the reason for the things that I choose to do. I love the Lord, I love His Word and love to serve Him in any way I am able. The clincher for me though, is when I do set out to serve Him, are my motives truly pure??? When I am helping someone, or serving at church or even praying for someone... am I doing it fully unto the Lord?  Am I doing it for a pat on the back? Am I doing it to feel good about myself??? These are all legitimate questions for me. I know I always set out with my heart to please God, but sometimes I can lose sight of the total purpose in the midst of the serving.
I think even the Pharisees' motives at first were somewhat for a worthy cause, but we know their hearts were far from God. They went through the motions, because that is just the way it was for them for years and years. That is the way they were taught and they allowed their flesh to have dominion in their hearts.
My point is, that if what I set my hand to do, whatever that may be, God has called me to do it fully unto Him with His pure love. If I am not walking and serving with His love, then I may as well not do anything at all. No-one will benefit and it will be all in vain.

You see His Word tells us in 1 Corinthians 13:3 "Even if I give away everything that I have and sacrifice myself, but have no love, I gain nothing." The bottom line is that I must be sure that I am fully on board with the Love of Christ or I may as well hang it up.
The good news is that when we do serve the Lord with His all consuming love that His love never fails!!

In His All Consuming Love,
Sandy Billingham


Peace in this Place...Monday

Not everyone makes it home for Christmas. Some of us are busy with jobs, kids, and financial issues that keep us from spending holidays with those we love. Military and civilian men and women stationed all over the world will also greet the new year away from family, friends, and familiar places. 

I realize that not every home is a place of peace. The challenges and struggles of this life are real, pressing, and overwhelming every day of the year, Christmas or not. But we have a God who will meet us right where we are at, and deliver our hearts and souls from the anguish of eternal death and separation from Him. 

God didn’t send his Son into the world to judge the world, 
but that the world might be saved through him.
John 3:17 AMP

If we know God but struggle with fear, anger, or resentment, etc. we can talk to Him and ask Him for what we need. While there are wars, attacks, violence, and destruction all over the world, and even in our own lives, we may hold onto the Peace we have from Christ.

You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars.
 See that you are not frightened,
 for those things must take place,
 but that is not yet the end.
 Matthew 24:6 NASB

Show a gentle attitude toward everyone.
The Lord is coming soon.
Don't worry about anything,
but in all your prayers ask God for what you need,
always asking him with a thankful heart.
And God's peace, which is far beyond human understanding,
will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:5-7 GNT

Whether you like things to be quiet and cozy, or overflowing with company and excitement, I hope your New Year's is full of hopefulness and peace. 

Dear Lord, there is chaos in this world, in our cities, in our families, and in our own hearts. Please give us eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts that understand how to trust in, depend upon, and lean on You in every circumstance and situation. In Jesus name, amen.  

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

Perfect Peace performed by Laura Story



Devotional for 12/28/14

Leftovers can be tasty but are often not as good as they were the first time around.  We are wrapping up the year this week.  Many people consider year-end giving to their favorite charities.  They wait until the last of the year to decide how much they have left over to spare.  They may also be cleaning out their closets and pantries, giving to homeless shelters and food pantries the things they feel are crowding their own shelves.  Sometimes those things are worn out clothing or cracked, scuffed shoes, or outdated packaged food.  Unfortunately, some donations aren't even fit to pass on to those less fortunate and have to be put in the trash.

Many people give God their leftovers.  They decide what to put in the offering plate after all the bills have been paid and the entertainment and travel have been enjoyed.  Their time for God is limited to an hour occasionally on a Sunday here and there, and heaven forbid if the service runs over one hour or interferes with watching or participating in sports!  People use their abilities and talents for their jobs or their hobbies, but don't always think about how they can use them for God's glory.  They may have a strong faith but  are reluctant to and rarely share that with others.

Thankfully, God the Father gave us his firstborn and only Son.  Jesus gave up his life for us in a torturous death on the cross so that he could defeat the devil and give us eternal life.  The Holy Spirit gave us our very faith so that we can accept and believe that this is most certainly true!

We ought to honor God with our first and very best of everything, not our leftovers.  We should dedicate our lives wholly to him, including our time, talent, treasures and testimony.  As sinful people, we all fail to some degree.  Thanks to God he continually forgives us and gives us strength to do our best.
Proverbs 3:9 (75 kb)
Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops.  Proverbs 3:9 (NIV)

God, the Father, almighty, we thank you for giving us your first and very best in the gift of your only Son, Jesus Christ.  Help us, dear Lord, to give back to you the first fruits of all our gifts, which you first gave to us.  May our faith, given by your Holy Spirit, also give witness to others. Forgive us when we falter. Help us to strive to honor you in all that we say and do. In Jesus' name, Amen. 

written by Jan Andersen



"The man who fears God 
will avoid all extremes."
Ecclesiastes 7:18b

Have you ever noticed that life is a series of tasks with fluctuations which never remain the same?  Most of us live our lives going from completing one task to moving onto the next.  Or as we're working on something we have to be flexible enough to change mid way.  we never stop growing and changing.

     In the midst of this observation, I have also seen that it is best to avoid extremes.  Moderation should be the key to everything.

     As a nurse, I have seen many people live in one direction or the other.  Either they avoid something all together, or, if they eat it or take it as a medicine, they figure more is better.  However, for example, too much exercise can be as detrimental to a person as no exercise at all.

     Extremes are seen in people who succumb to addictions -- too much alcohol so they become drunk, too many cigarettes so it costs them their health, too much food so they become obese, too little food so they become malnourished.  The list goes on.

     God has given us our lives and the provisions we need to enjoy and maintain our health if we only learn moderation.  Take some time to evaluate your habits and life style to see if they're in proper alignment with avoiding extremes.

Written by
Carol Steficek


Faith and Hope....Friday

December 26, 2014 

Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead 
and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God.
1 Peter 1:21 NIV 

Yes, I believe in God, therefore, I am holding onto this scripture.  My faith and hope are in God.  Prior to this I had been holding on to so many ways of this world that are not the most amazing things to hold on to.  I know now that holding on to these worldly possessions are causing me to be stuck where I am.  I have a few days of being unstuck and then I back track again; present problem being my lack of commitment to faith and hope.

Faith in Action
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for 
and assurance about what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1 NIV

That is the struggle that I have.  It is really hard for me to feel confident in something that I can not see.  It has been my pattern of learning and trusting thus far in my life to see, feel, and do a thing in order to be confident in it and do it well.  So my new pattern to learn is to read and trust in my bible and what it teaches me about faith; the faith to have the hope to get me to the other side of this struggle.  It is no longer acceptable to have faith for a moment, a day, or even a week….I must have it constantly and continually.  When I do this the hope will come.  The new life living in faith and hope will take me to the life I want of freedom….freedom living in the love of God.  Loving myself and my life as God has intended me to do so.

We are foreigners and strangers in your sight,
as were all our ancestors.
Our days on earth are like a shadow, without hope.
1 Chronicles 29:15 NIV 

So as we begin a new year, I as well, will begin a new lifestyle; a lifestyle of living continually with faith and hope.

Written by 
Kelly Dobyns


Merry Christmas

Enjoy the warm fire
and the Christmas music
as you spend a wonderful Christmas morning.
Click on the music first.


May the Reason for the Season
bless you with happiness and joy!

Merry Christmas from the staff of
Women's Focus Ministries

"The Great I Am!!"...Wednesday

Do you suppose that Mary, the Mother of Jesus at the time, fully understood what her baby boy Jesus would someday become? Do you suppose she spent endless hours dreaming and imagining of the impact her Son would have on the world when He grew up?
I love the song "Mary Did You Know". That songs says it all in a nutshell, How Jesus has touched the world. There is truly,totally no limit what Jesus has done and what Jesus will do! There are simply no impossibilities in Jesus' world!
He is the perfect Lamb of God and forever the Great I Am.
Luke 2:16-20
 "And they came with haste and found Mary and Joseph,
 and the Babe lying in a manger. Now when they had seen Him,
 they made widely known the saying which was told them 
concerning this Child. And all those who heard it 
marveled at those things which were told them by the shepherds.
 But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart. 
Then the shepherds returned, glorifying and  praising God 
for all the things that they had heard and seen, 
as it was told them."
Thankful for the Great I am! 
Sandy Billingham


Out of the Mouths of Babes...Merry Christmas...Tuesday


This is an adorable rendition of the story of the birth of Jesus which will make you laugh as you also see and are blessed by the sweetness of  what happened.


Shared by 
Corinne Mustafa


What Was True Then......Monday

Thirteen years ago I had a perspective shift. I stopped worrying about whether or not we would ever take a vacation other than to visit family. Or if my kids would grow up to resent the life we had provided. I stopped comparing my clothes, our home, our cars, or anything else with anyone else.

On 9/11, the world that I had so freely and comfortably lived in became both smaller and larger as terrorists perpetrated their attacks on America. It became smaller as the details were revealed that the plans of those far away were carried out by a few in our own land. The world became larger and scary as I lost my footing and my faith. I was, for a moment, afraid of all the unknown that surrounded me.

As the rescue efforts of the public servants in New York, and citizens on Flight 93, and the actions of everyday heroes were revealed the ground stopped shaking for me. I counted my blessings very carefully.

A few months later I found a group picture of our family at a picnic. No cool landmark in the background, or cute clothes to polish the image. Just tossled hair, dirty feet, and faces beaming at the camera. I wrote a small note to add to it:

Dear Family and Friends,
We wish you a very merry Christmas.
We have food to eat, clothes to wear, and a place to live. 
We are very blessed.
We hope you have a happy and blessed New Year.

As another Christmas draws near, I ask myself, what was true then, is it true now? Am I remembering to count my blessings carefully one by one? Am I keeping my comparing tendencies in check? Am I remembering what is truly important? And am I choosing to live like I believe it?

Love is patient and kind.
 Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude.
 It does not demand its own way.
 It is not irritable,
 and it keeps no record of being wronged.
It does not rejoice about injustice
 but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. 
Love never gives up,
 never loses faith,
is always hopeful,
 and endures through every circumstance.
 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 NLT

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for another Christmas. We thank You for the good things that will come our way, and we ask for Your strength for the challenges we will each face. We thank You that You care for us and provide for us far beyond what we can easily see. Please open our eyes and gives us understanding that we may be truly gratfeul this Christmas and each day of the coming year. In Jesus precious name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

Matt Maher performs "All The People Said Amen"


ARE YOU READY?... Sunday

Devotional for 12/21/14

The closer we get to Christmas, the more often we are asked, "Are you ready for Christmas?"  There are lots of things that we do to get ready for this holiday, though each of us may have a different line up of activities, some of those items more pressing than others.  The things we hopefully have completed in time may include the sending out of Christmas cards perhaps with a letter tucked inside, mailing out packages in order to arrive by the correct day, baking goodies in order to hand them out the last time we see someone before Christmas, cleaning of the house before guests arrive or we depart, decorating the house inside and out for a special party or showing, etc.  I always say, "I'm ready enough - whatever gets done, gets done."

At least with the above activities we generally have a specific deadline by which to complete them.  However, if we miss that deadline, it typically isn't a life or death situation.  But what about being ready for Christ?  We all know that some day we will die or the Lord will return at his second coming, and we will face judgement day.  The problem is none of us knows exactly when that day will come.  We have to be ready at any time to meet our maker.  

Matthew 24:44 and Luke 12:40 (NIV)  [Jesus said:]  You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.

What does it take to be ready for that day?  Some believe they must perform good works in order to be saved.  Others believe it is fate, that everyone is predestined either to go to heaven or to hell.  Still others believe that our loving God will save everyone because he could never be so heartless as to condemn someone to eternal suffering.  But we know that what it takes is faith which is given to us by the Holy Spirit - not rejecting the free gift of eternal life given to us by God the Father through his Son, Jesus Christ, whose birth we are soon to celebrate.  Because of that true believers will do good works out of thankfulness for that free gift.  But that is not what saves us - faith does that.  We nurture our faith through fellowship with other Christians and with God, and then we share the love of God with other people.  How is your faith?  Are you ready?

Romans 3:22-24 (NIV) This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe... for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.
Romans 3:22 (41 kb)

Dear Father in heaven, thank you for sending your Son to earth in order to later die in our place and rise again for our forgiveness and salvation.  Help us to remain ready for his return!  Amen.

written by Jan Andersen  




"You shall have no other gods before me." 
 Exodus 20:3

     This is the first commandment which was given to Moses and the people of Israel after their delivery from the hand of pharaoh in Egypt.  This is what God rightly expects from all of us.

  Is Christ first in your life?  Take a minute to look at how you spend your time, how you use your talents, what you spend your money on.  Then you will know if you put Christ first in your life.

     Are you a one or two hour a week Christian or do you give the Lord devotional time every day?  Do you help promote the programs at your church, tell others about your faith in Jesus, volunteer in your community?  Do you generously support your church with your tithes and offerings or give your leftovers -- if you have any?
God expects all of His followers to live different lives from the rest of the world.  He put us first by giving His Son, Jesus, to die for our sins.  He has prepared a place in His heavenly mansions for all who believe in Jesus.  He blesses us daily with all we need to sustain our lives and loves us unconditionally.

     In return, we need to recognize Him as God and place Him in Hi rightful place in our hearts, first, above all else.

Written by 
Carol Steficek

Merry Christmas...Friday

December 19, 2014

Luke 2:1-20
The Birth of Jesus

An Event for Everyone

There were sheepherders camping in the neighborhood. They had set night watches over their sheep. Suddenly, God’s angel stood among them and God’s glory blazed around them. They were terrified. The angel said, “Don’t be afraid. I’m here to announce a great and joyful event that is meant for everybody, worldwide: A Savior has just been born in David’s town, a Savior who is Messiah and Master. This is what you’re to look for: a baby wrapped in a blanket and lying in a manger.” At once the angel was joined by a huge angelic choir singing God’s praises: Glory to God in the heavenly heights,Peace to all men and women on earth who please him.

So blessed….we are all so very blessed to live in this time and be able to celebrate such a  glorious event!!  The birth of Jesus Christ is an event to celebrate always, not just on December 25th, but all year long!  It truly is the gift that keeps on giving….all year long!!

During this time of year people get so caught up in the hustle and bustle that has been created by materialism, and unfortunately greed of some humans.  We all need to remember the real reason for the season…..and yes, we need to remember it all year long.

For me personally this will be one of the most meager Christmas seasons since I have had my sons.  One of the biggest joys for me is giving to them and watching as they open the gift that they have most wanted.  That was making me feel bad and angry towards certain things in my current situation; however, I am not going to let that happen.  Both my sons and I have so much to be grateful for, and we know that.  If I asked them what they want for Christmas their answer will be “nothing”.   Now there may be some thing that they would like to have, but, I also know them well enough that they will be happy with any little thing….but, most of all they are happy with the gift of life and good health that we all have.  In addition we love the joy of memories of yesterdays shared together and the anticipation of the happiness of family times to come.
There is so much sweetness to be shared in a family’s love and with the birth of Christ in the center of that we all have the greatest gift that no money can buy.  I am so very blessed to share my greatest love of Jesus with the two best gifts I have been given since I have been living on this earth.  This season I am celebrating the most amazing gifts I already have on earth and in heaven!!

Merry Christmas One and All!!!  XOXO 
Written by
Kelly Dobyns