
Message in my Microwave........Monday

Devotional for 2/1/16

For about 24 hours I thought I was losing my mind or just getting overwhelmed with the things I had to do this week. Sometimes the microwave heated and sometimes it did not. Had I pressed start? Did I not set enough time? Oh, it worked this time; I must not have turned it on after all.

During a time when busyness is taken to a new level, with all the challenges of the New Year I didn’t question the microwave, I doubted myself. Of course, I had every intention of staying focused on all the important things: family relationships and friendships, helping those in need, honoring God by my behavior, and counting my blessings. B I admit to feeling a bit stressed. But I was holding on and keeping up. Then my microwave broke.

Have you heard the phrase “We live in a microwave society with microwave expectations”? Do you count on everything being done quickly and being done right? Until yesterday, I thought I was flexible and prepared for things to go wrong. Able to leap delays in a single bound or patiently wait them out without seething inside or tapping my foot in exasperation. Okay, Lord, is this really the time to teach me a lesson with a broken microwave?

Has our instant culture made me impatient with things that take time? I don’t see myself as a ‘have to have it now’ type of person. I’d like to think it’s more likely that in my striving to get things done, I have come to depend on certain tools, like a microwave, to help me. When the microwave first fell silent, I told myself, I can live without it. How little I knew my own routine! Leftovers and a lukewarm cup of tea were the first items to sit unaltered. I was going to have to rethink my dinner plans and boil more water.

Waiting for the tea kettle, I realize I need to stop and smell the roses more often. I hadn’t noticed how often I would take a sip of tea, put the cup down, find it later, microwave it, and take another sip and so on. I can see the need to develop a new pattern. When I make a cup of tea, I will choose to sit down and enjoy it - read my bible, pray, listen, and be at rest even for just 10 minutes.

Thank You, Lord, for a gentle reminder to “be still” and for Your patience with my distractedness.

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly.
Matthew 11:28-30 

 Cease striving and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.
 Psalm 46:10

Written by
Mary M. Wilkins


THIS TOO SHALL PASS........ Sunday

Devotional for 1/31/16

I have had my share of migraines in the last 10 years.  Mine are of varying degrees.  Some are just an annoyance that if I treat right away pass as quickly as they came.  But others, especially those that choose to sneak up on me in the middle of the night, can make me sick to my stomach, and by the time I awaken they are already too severe to respond to treatment.  During the worst of them it feels as though I might die, and when I don't die I wish that I would!  There are even times I must miss work, sleeping for 3-4 hours in a dark room before it passes.  Eventually it ebbs... usually after I take certain combinations of medications.  With my prescription medication I can only take two doses in a 24 hour period, so sometimes I need a 2nd round of medications the following day before it finally subsides.  What gets me through these worst of the worst is knowing that this too shall pass.  

Life's challenges can feel that way too.  There are varying degrees of problems that we face.  Some are just an annoyance that if we address right away aren't too bad.  Others are more prolonged, or they pile up with multiple issues.  We may get so tangled up in our daily struggles that it becomes sickening, or we want to die. We may have various "treatment strategies" for these troubles:  In prayer we may ask God for help, healing or patience... or all three!  Meditation can help us relax and rely on God as we await his answers to our prayers.  Helping others gets us outside of ourselves and our own dilemmas.  Staying active and physically healthy helps us maintain our energy for the internal strife. Seeking connection and help from others that God sends our way not only gives us new perspectives and support, but also allows those helpers to use their gifts and feel the rewards of serving others.  And sometimes, no matter what we do, those difficulties never do let up in this lifetime.  But when we remain faithful to our Shepherd, we are promised a glorious heavenly home where every tear will be wiped away by God.  He will lead us to the refreshing springs of living water that wash away our sins and shortcomings as well as the tears of our "headaches" of this life.  So this too shall pass, if not on earth, then in heaven!

Revelation 7:17 (NIV)  "For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; 'He will lead them to springs of living water.' (a quote from Isaiah 49:10)  'And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.' (a quote from Isaiah 25:8)"
Revelation 7:17 (53 kb)
Father in heaven, creator, ruler and sustainer of all, we thank you for all of your gifts in our lives.  We especially thank you for the gift of your Son, who won for us salvation and everlasting life in heaven with you.  You know what our struggles are, and we ask that you would lift them if it be your will while we are here on earth.  Help us to remain faithful through the gift of your Holy Spirit, and to share that faith with others.  We thank you for promising the sustaining springs of living water and the taking away of everything that produces sadness and tears in our lives when we arrive in our heavenly home.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

written by Jan Andersen




"My dear brothers, 
take note of this:
 Everyone should be 
quick to listen,
 slow to speak and 
slow to become angry."
James 1:19

        I'd like to look at one word in this Bible passage -- listen.  In fact, I'd like to look at it in depth as I think there is a difference between hearing and listening.  James said we should "listen."


With every day conversation we all "hear" what other people are saying to us.  Some people have the bad habit of multi-tasking -- they don't stop what they're doing when someone comes in to talk with them.  They may hear what the person is saying, but are they really listening?

     We need to learn to really listen to what is being said.  We need to not only hear the words but we need to look at the meaning they have for the person saying them.  We need to take note of body language, and facial expressions. We need to give them our attention.  We need to listen to the person and not first hear our own biases.

 I think if we really practiced what this passage says, we would all have better relationships and get much farther with our communication to each other in every aspect of our lives.  So don't just hear what someone says to you -- learn to listen.

Written by
Carol Steficek.

Here is a video of a baby listening to his mom sing. He is concentrating 
on her words, and she has his entire attention. He is so touched by
her song that he becomes emotional.


My Mess is His...Friday

January 29, 2016

Recently I was watching a TV program in which a young man sang the following song to his love interest.  There are some really sweet lyrics with the intent to be a song for lovers; however, as I am listening to the words a very different interpretation was spoken to me.  The lyrics are as follows:

"Mess Is Mine" 
By Vance Joy

Talking like we used to do
It was always me and you
Shaping up and shipping out
Check me in and check me out

Do you like walking in the rain?
When you think of love, do you think of pain?
You can tell me what you see
I will choose what I believe

Hold on, darling
This body is yours,
This body is yours and mine
Well hold on, my darling
This mess was yours,
Now your mess is mine

Your mess is mine

See you in the marketplace
Walking 'round at 8 am
Got 2 hours before my flight
Luck be on my side tonight

You're the reason that I feel so strong
The reason that I'm hanging on
You know you gave me all the time
Or did I give enough of mine?

Hold on, darling
This body is yours,
This body is yours and mine
Well hold on, my darling
This mess was yours,
Now your mess is mine
Oh, Now your mess is mine
Oh, Your mess is mine

Bring me to your house
And tell me "sorry for the mess"
Hey, I don't mind
You're talking in your sleep
All the time
Well, you still make sense to me
Your mess is mine

Your mess is mine
This body's yours and this body's mine
Your mess is mine

“Talking like we used to do
It was always me and you
Shaping up and shipping out
Check me in and check me out”

This chorus gives me the message to talk to God about everything.  It is always Him and Me….He is always right with me, always listening and always there to keep me in check…whether I am coming or going, all I have to do is reach out to Him.  There should never be a moment of talking like we used to do….I should always be in continually conversation with Him.

“Do you like walking in the rain?
When you think of love, do you think of pain?
You can tell me what you see
I will choose what I believe”

I especially love this chorus just for the fact that it talks about rain.  Yes, I love walking in the rain and everything about the rain.  In regards to thinking of love and thinking of pain, yes, I have related the two because of past hurts; I then allowed myself to become negative regarding love, which also equals pain.  Through the love of Jesus I have learned that love is an incredible thing, and if I keep the focus on God’s love it will make all the difference.  Humans will always hurt each other.  I know I have given my share of hurt to others as well.  I strive to keep love in the proper category and with that I will be able to keep the joy in my heart to show others an example of God’s love for us all.

“Hold on, darling
This body is yours,
This body is yours and mine
Well hold on, my darling
This mess was yours,
Now your mess is mine

Your mess is mine”

This body of mine is His….He created me in His own imagine.  This truth puts me in the mindset of taking better care of my body.  I want to honor Him by keeping this body in good shape….being healthy to show Him that I respect and love this gift He has blessed me with.

I also know that any mess I have I am able to give to Him.  I share everything with Him and He is always going to walk me through my messes.  He will never leave me, turning to Him may even turn a mess into a miracle.

“You're the reason that I feel so strong
The reason that I'm hanging on
You know you gave me all the time
Or did I give enough of mine?”

No more perfect truth can be stated…  He is the reason that I am so strong.  I have been so down and out….feeling like I cannot possibly go on…and then I focus my eyes upon Jesus…and with that; I know I will be more than okay.  He is my strength and my reason for hanging on...I will strive to give Him more of me; To awaken with Him and continue to keep my thoughts upon Him throughout the day….all moments…happy, sad and everything in between.

He is enough and always will be.  I will keep my heart, eyes and ears intentionally open to all He provides.  There is nothing I will be in need of when I keep my path on the Lord. Scripture says...

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

    and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make straight your paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6


Written by
Kelly Dobyns



Embrace Lessons in Valley Experiences...Thursday


Even when I walk through the deepest, darkest canyon, I will not fear evil because I know You are close beside me. And when my path takes me through the valley without sun, shadowed by death itself, I will not be afraid, knowing You are with me and walk with me.

Your Shepherd’s rod is there to protect me and Your staff will guide me. They comfort and console me, making me feel secure.
Psalm 23.4

In the journey of life, there are mountaintop experiences where things go so easy and the enjoyment of life is at its best. There are also valley experiences where it feels like you are alone in the world, like there is no help around. Friends, family and loved ones seem to stand far away watching you as you travel the dark, lonely road of pain, rejection, opposition and misrepresentation.

But this is a valuable time. The good thing about the valley is that growth and maturity take place there. It is in the valley that we learn obedience, commitment, consecration and loyalty. In the darkest valley is where we learn dependence on the infallible word of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit.

In the sunless valley, we appreciate the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Our walk through the valley is where we develop rock solid faith that can withstand any challenge on the mountaintop.

The key to surviving the pain of the valley experience is in the promise of our King. He never fails. No situation is too big that His power cannot solve. No night is so dark that His light cannot shine through.

…for He has said, 
“I will never, under any circumstances, desert you 
or give you up or leave you without support. 
Nor will I in any degree leave you helpless, 
nor will I forsake you or let you down or relax 
my hold on you. Assuredly not!
Hebrews 13.5 Amplified Bible

Remember that the warriors of the cross are made in the valley before they are displayed on the mountaintop.

Do not despise the experience of the valley on your Christian journey because faithfulness in that valley is the glory on mountaintop.

Written by Brother Thomas Ukwate
        via Jody Ward, Editor



"Mind Of Christ"...Wednesday


I realize more and more each day how very important it is to fill my mind  with the Word of God. As  I do that on a continuous basis, the Lord  will  give me His revelation, thoughts and so much more of Him.
His  Word  tells us ...
  "For "who has  known  
the mind of the Lord  that he may instruct  Him?"
  But we have  the Mind of Christ.
1 Corinthians 2:16
The Word tells us that we as God's  people  have the mind of Christ. When we choose to fill our minds  with His Word  and allow Him to consume our thoughts,  we truly will  have  the mind of Christ. As we dwell on  Christ  and  His Word and listen intently onto Him, our minds will be saturated with our Lord's very thoughts and ways.
I find if I am anxious or discouraged, I remind  myself  to fix my thoughts and heart upon Jesus and His  Word. It certainly does not take long before those feelings begin to melt and have no place  in my life.
I am ecstatic to be His daughter, have His inheritance  and be able to function spiritually with the mind of Christ as I press into Him.
All the more, I will draw near to my Father and put my ear to His mouth and wait and listen to all the glorious words that He will share with me. That is a good place to be!!
In His Love, 
Sandy Billingham 



Musings on the New Year...Tuesday


One month into the New Year already!!

How has it been for you? For me it has been pretty much the same :)
Same routine, I made no new year resolutions. My goal to get fitter is always constant, the only shift is to try to be fitter and not slimmer, health is paramount need now.

In the decades of life towards being a senior or arriving there priorities do shift. 
A few  changes have been that now instead of providing care to children, we become the caregiver to my older parents. So yes back to spending lot of time in kitchen and cooking and the endless domestic chores. Many of us are or soon will be in that role, and I empathize with all.

The Christmas cheer is gone from the malls and stores and the homes also look odd without the Holiday decor, the trees outside look bare and the gardens are forlorn. But the rains have brought greenery to the rolling hills; there are splashes of color in between as the hardy mustard will sprout its yellow and the wild flowers will join the dance sending up purple and violet buds. In few weeks time it will be beautiful again and the spring will come knocking. I long to catch a glimpse of the winter beauty of the snowy mountains but often the cold and storms of the waning  winter forces me to stay put. Many still working long for a day when a a work trip comes along that takes them to an area where snow is found...although not to the North East after the current blizzards have stopped all normal life. Older people (retired although not always actually foot loose and fancy free) long for a road trip towards the Sierra foothills where snow is visable.   

(Nandita)..."There is a possibility of a trip to Seattle, and I will marvel at the majestic peak of Mt Hood again. But nothing final yet. Sandeep had a trip to New Jersey this week. and it made me realize that I don't like being alone these days. Which also made me think that he too might be missing me when I travel... I do travel more than him as a norm. Perhaps its the time now... advancing age when I try to live every moment fully and cherish what I have more than what I used to earlier. Its not that when we are together we talk a lot, in reality we might exchange just 20 sentences during the 24 hours but just knowing that we are under same roof is comforting."

(Corinne)..."I travel to Maine almost yearly. In an effort to make the plane fare not feel so costly, I spend three weeks there. Mustafa professes not to mind, and it is a fact that he seems to be happy in solitude. Still, when I read what Nandita wrote, I wonder. In our case, it is I who feel alone at time, even when he is here. He has his things that he does that do not include me. Nandita's words about exchanging 20 sentences a day has some reality in my life as well.

(Nandita)..."Apart from the usual stuff, I have started reading few books, one is a murder mystery which I just read few pages daily. That in itself is a big change, as I would finish a mystery book within days before. Now I am pacing it, and I find that slightly awkward, There are few small books that are like 45-50 pages long. More like children book series Bharat Bharti (About India)...they are great in value of heroes and legends and martyrs of history who helped shape India. I 

(Corinne)... "Since the New Year I have been getting up at 6AM to pray and read the Bible. I have also been working on reduction of clutter. My plan is to read the book that my daughter sent me written by  Marie Kondo entitled The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. The title explains the theme, and you can see what I am trying to do. I am really tired of having no place in my house to put things when there are bins in my closets and I am not able to say what they contain. I am also planning the retreat that Women's Focus Ministries will be present in April...the sixth annual retreat. I am following a new path this year. I read a statement somewhere. It said we should not make resolutions; they are just a set up to failure. If there is something you want to change, just work on changing it" 

(Nandita)... "Other than that, have been meeting friends one on one and focusing on quality relationships these days. My shakha work keeps me quite busy and in reality I have very little time for myself, which is why I take that 1 hr gym time seriously and actually enjoy the intense workouts.....

.......Oh and before I forget I must say around mid afternoon I look out of my window and I always see this single big crow that comes and sits atop a spindly top branch of a totally barren tree. I marvel at how he balances there, but he hold on and just sits there, surveys all around, rests for a bit and then flies away. Without fail he will come and every day that I gaze at him I find it inspirational, as if he is telling me many wise lessons: never be afraid of being alone, never be afraid of climbing up, know that it is never crowded at the peak, no position is ever guaranteed, hold on just hold on, be strong, be tenacious, you can ignore the disturbances of wind and rain and cold, disturbances of life and can stay steady, every day depending on my state of mind he tells me a different message. But the thing is I have to get that message myself......

.....Life is like that, na?....one has to learn lessons by oneself. There are many times when we ignore or are not mindful what life is telling us... we must listen, see and hear.. so that we can enrich our existence. 

(Corinne)…There are many times when we ignore or are not mindful what life is telling us... we must listen, see and hear.. so that we can augment our existence to by inspiration. If we do not listen then we might learn a lesson, but we might not reach the conclusion that God is teaching. Care needs to be taken.

I want to mention Nandita's story of the crow high in a barren tree on a spindly branch at the top. She drew some wonderful conclusions on what the lesson was. She wrote, "wise lessons: never be afraid of being alone, never be afraid of climbing up, know that it is never crowded at the peak, no position is ever guaranteed, hold on just hold on, be strong, be tenacious, you can ignore the disturbances of wind and rain and cold, disturbances of life and can stay steady."

The Bible says...

God, teach me lessons for living  so I can stay the course. 
Give me insight so I can do what you tell me...
Psalm 119;33a

We all must agree with Nandita's final conclusion 
that every day, depending on our state of mind 
God teaches us a different lesson. 
We have only to listen for it. 

On this uplifting note we sign off.

Written by
Nandita Bhatnagar
      and Corinne Mustafa


The Knife Sharpener...Monday

"I'd really like a knife sharpener," my husband points out, as we walk through the fancy kitchen store. I roll my eyes over the necessity of a knife sharpener as I admire a pan that costs the same as a weeks' worth of groceries. I don't ask why he wants one since I have heard the reasons many times. The bottom line is that properly sharp knives are safer and do their job more smoothly with less pressure than dull knives. 

When I think about it, whenever I really listen to God's Word and take it to heart, my edges are being gradually smoothed. Which is just like a knife being sharpened. 

When I am sarcastic or 'funny' at someone else's expense - that is sharpness from my mind.  When I speak words that bring peace and encouragement - that comes from attentiveness to God's truth and grace.

When I am full of God's love, like a knife newly sharpened, my words will be smooth even when I need to address something difficult. When I am mad/upset/angry/hurt about something or someone - I try to wait and let myself cool off before speaking. Waiting for my emotions to settle down helps me to figure out what it was about the situation that actually upset me. Then I can, if I choose to, share honestly with the other person. 

Become wise by walking with the wise;
    hang out with fools and watch your life fall to pieces.
Proverbs 13:20 MSG

Words kill, words give life;
    they’re either poison or fruit—you choose.
Proverbs 18:21 MSG

Dear Lord, thank You for giving us wisdom on how to use the hearts and minds You have given us. Please help us to remember that we see only on the outside and we cannot assume how people are doing. We are called to love others - we are not called to decide who needs some love today. We all need love. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

Toby Mac performs "Speak Life"


LIFE... Sunday

Devotional for 1/24/16

People either think of themselves as important to some degree, or of no significance.  Sometimes the same person may feel both - important in one situation while at the same time insignificant in another.  We may feel we are of the utmost importance to others who depend upon us, like an infant child, while at the same time we may see ourselves as simply a wisp of mist on earth for but a moment in the history of the universe.  (James 4:14  "What is your life? You are a mist that appears for little while and then vanishes.")

But what are we to God?  We are important enough for him to have created us in his image and to consider us very good (Genesis 1:27, 31  "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them... God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.")  We are significant enough for him to know every detail of our lives, including the number of hairs on our head (Luke 12:6-7  "Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God.  Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered.  Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.")  And we are precious enough to him that he would submit his Son to torture and death on a cross in order to give us new life with him in heaven (John 3:16  "For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, so that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.")

John 3:16 (30 kb)

Today is Sanctity of Life Sunday in many Christian churches.  It is the Sunday where we celebrate that all human life is precious to God from the moment of conception to the time of natural death.  It is the Sunday nearest the anniversary of the Roe v Wade decision that legalized abortion.  Jane Roe (actual name, Norma McCorvey) says her case was built on lies and encouraged by two ambitious lawyers looking to overturn the anti-abortion law.  Her baby was born and adopted before the case was decided.  She has since become pro-life, against legalized abortion which has made possible the murdering of millions of pre-born children who are precious to God.  But this Sunday also includes honoring the importance of every life, including the elderly, sick and dying.  There are many difficult situations that make choosing life an agonizing decision, and we pray for God to guide and direct those decisions.  We are ever thankful for God's forgiveness when we have made decisions that may have harmed a life.

Dear Father in heaven, creator of all life.  We thank you for making us special and precious in your sight, and for watching over us throughout our lives.  Help us to remember not only that we are important to you, but that every life on earth is significant, including the pre-born and the sick and dying.  Help us to honor our own life by living to glorify you, as well as others' lives by helping them to the best of our ability.  Forgive us when we knowingly or unknowingly show disrespect for anyone's life, including our own, when we don't take proper care of ourselves or others physically, mentally or spiritually. By the power of your Holy Spirit, help us to remain faithful throughout life and to share the good news of forgiveness and salvation through Jesus Christ, your Son, in whose name we pray.  Amen.

written by Jan Andersen

Here Is My Heart...Saturday


The alarm sounds off.  I’m thinking…Is it morning already? I pull myself up and swing my legs around to touch the floor.  “Thank you Lord! You blessed me with another day.” Then like the movie “Groundhog Day” there is that song again.   For the past several weeks I wake up singing “Here’s my heart Lord, speak what is true.”  I remember hearing it on the radio a couple of weeks ago but I have not heard it since, only in my mind. As we all know it is a New Year and according to the TV I should join a gym. I have a feeling there is something bigger for me, something more spiritual.

The sermon last week from our pastor was about healing; our bodies, our relationships and of course our hearts. “Is your heart clean, is it pure?”  The week before that it was about change; when the Kingdom of God is here, change will appear. “What needs to change in me? If you are not sure, ask yourself this question, “What breaks your heart? And what are you doing about that thing that breaks your heart? “

The “Here’s my heart” theme continues at my women’s bible study where we dug into the lives of King David and King Solomon.  We can learn a lot about David because “He was a man after God’s own heart” (1 Samuel 13:14) Finally, David’s broken heart and contrite spirit are what brought him the forgiveness of God. King Solomon started out strong but he did not finish that way.   God gave him wisdom and wealth but we read what happens when you don’t seek God with all our heart. A life apart from God is meaningless, even if you are rich, educated and famous. 

This morning a friend sent this random text to me:

The song lyrics say “I am found, I am yours, I am loved, I am pure, I have life, I can breathe, I am healed, I am free.”   Okay Lord, I am listening, it is no longer a soft whisper. 

When I became a Christian I was baptized and served in the church.  I wore a cross around my neck.  Yes I had found joy and was forgiven, God chose me… all of that but there was never an intimate relationship between my heart and soul. Until I read “The Pursuit of God” by A W Tozer. At the end of every chapter was a prayer. This prayer broke my heart:

O God, I have tasted Thy goodness, and it has both satisfied me and made me thirsty for more. I am painfully conscious of my need of further grace. I am ashamed of my lack of desire. O God, the Triune God, I want to want Thee; I long to be filled with longing; I thirst to be made more thirsty still. Show me Thy glory, I pray Thee, that so I may know Thee indeed. Begin in mercy a new work of love within me. Say to my soul, “Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away.” Then give me grace to rise and follow Thee up from this misty lowland where I have wandered so long. In Jesus’ name, Amen

I surrender my life to you. I pray for a clean heart.  I pray for freedom from the “old man”. I pray for forgiveness so that I don’t live in the past. I pray that you would truthfully reveal fruitless areas of my life. I pray for godly wisdom.  Here’s my Heart Lord…speak what is truth.

Written by
Shelly Keith