Devotional for 4/13/14
We've probably all experienced them - fickle friends or acquaintances who in one moment support you and the next thing you know turn on you. Sometimes it is even our own relatives who do it. That can be so annoying, disappointing, even devastating. Our response can range from mild irritation to irate anger. It can be very hard to trust that person again, or other people for that matter.
Our God certainly understands what it is like to have fickle friends. As Jesus entered Jerusalem on what we celebrate today as Palm Sunday, the people lining the streets showed him great honor and praise. Yet less than a week later, they were calling for him to be hung on a cross. Even his closest friends and disciples abandoned him.
Mark 15:12-14 “What shall I do, then, with the one you call the king of the Jews?” Pilate asked them. “Crucify him!” they shouted. “Why? What crime has he committed?” asked Pilate. But they shouted all the louder, “Crucify him!”
The response of our Savior was to go willingly to the cross and to ask the Father to forgive those who sent him there, "for they know not what they do." We sin daily, and often do things that we don't even realize are not in line with God's will. Sometimes we may feel like there are things in our past for which we can't possibly be forgiven. With each wrong we commit, it is as though we ourselves hammer the nails into his flesh that crucified him, for that is the price for our sins. We continue to turn to him, and then turn against him over and over. We know that while hanging there on the cross, he forgave those who called for his death and those who hammered the nails into his hands and feet. In the same way he forgives every possible wrong thing that we do today, every time we ask in faith. Praise God for his patience and mercy to forgive us, his fickle friends!
written by Jan Andersen
Today's song is "Forgiven" by Sanctus Real
Today's song is "Forgiven" by Sanctus Real
This is such a good commentary about the events following Palm Sunday. It is just another human challenge that Jesus had to face...friends who disappoint them. Another example of how the Creator of the universe was willing to live under the same circumstances as those we live under. I love the graphic you found, Jan.
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