
Friday Devotional...How Great Thou Art

(I Peter 5:7)

I have a story that I’d like to share. This story is a true event in my life. After all, isn’t that our testimony…”Our Life”. Events that form our lives whether they be great or small. God hears our prayers, sees our needs and answers in his time. How great is our God, for he is so mindful of everything in our lives.

       “How Great Thou Art”

This event happened in the year of 1979. I was a young mother at age 32 with 3 children to support all alone. Life had dealt me some pretty hard blows, unexpected challenges and a future which I was uncertain about.

I remember it being a hot August night. My heart was heavily burdened feeling that I could hardly go on. I had no direction in life with three small children to raise, I felt so alone, so desperate for answers, how was I going to make it?

My husband had left me and the kids that previous November and so we had to move in with my parents who lived in Tracy. My folks were so good to me, they opened their home for us, fed us, and encouraged me by saying “Things seem rough right now, but eventually life will have its ways of working things out for you.” But somehow their encouragement seemed so shallow, so empty. Oh God, I would cry…”I need answers!”

I can remember that particular hot August evening in the dark of the night as my Mother sat at the dining room table inside the house. I slipped away from it all and went outside and sat on the front lawn under a tree. My heart being so heavy, I began to cry as I looked up into the star lit night. The sky seemed as dark as my life felt. In the silence, I looked toward heaven and said out loud….”LORD, if you’re with me…. Oh God, I just need to know. Jesus, I need a sign that you’re with me….oh please Lord, if I had a sign I’d know that you see my dilemma, and I’d be more assured that you are with me. Help me Lord.”

The next day, was a Tuesday…I drove to Stockton to Waterloo Rd. to a hotel to attend a business meeting which was a required weekly meeting. I had started selling “Home Interiors” I had to have some sort of income to help me get a start in supporting myself & my children. This particular gathering was held in a large banquet room, chairs lined in rows for all the lady’s who would be attending the Home Interior meeting.

Lori Black was my Manager, and as she sat at the front of the room at a desk going over all the weekly details….I walked in and chose a chair to sit in as I began to get my weekly paper work together. I happened to be there early that day, Lori and I were the only ones in the room at the time. Lori looked up and saw me sitting there and said “Glenna, did you see our new brochure that came out?” I said “No.” Lori said “Come up here I’ll give you one”. As I stood up from my chair and walked to her desk, the most deadly crashing sound of shattering glass twisted metal and dust came bounding down from the ceiling where I had just been sitting seconds before. A large Rod Iron ceiling Chandelier with pointed rustic spikes had come loose from the ceiling and dropped directly onto the exact chair that I had been sitting at.

Lori & I gasped with unbelief and when she got her breath she grabbed me and said “Oh My God, Glenna you would have been killed!” Little did she know that this was my sign that just the night before I had fleeced the Lord for “A Sign!” Certainly God was with me! I had tears in my eyes because although this was a horrifying experience and was hard to even believe, as hotel clerks rushed into the room to see what had happened. After I got my composure, I had no more doubt that the Lord had shown himself and God was with me. In time, He would work things out for me……. “How Great Thou Art” sings my soul even unto this day.

Written by Glenna Williamson

Thursday Devotional...A Day to Remembe

A Day to Remember

There are so many things to remember because it is
important that we never forget them. That is the purpose of Memorial Day. To remember that men and women have, do and will sacrifice for all of us by serving as our protectors and defenders. Veterans, active military, guardsmen and women, firefighters, police, and security form a huge foundation of support for our society.

Then I think of those who did not choose to be in harm’s way yet paid the ultimate price. The Jews in the Nazi Holocaust, victims of crime, and those killed during acts of terror by a group or individual: the Oklahoma City bombing, Sept 11, Norway camp massacre, and school killings that stretch all the way around the world to name just a few.

I do not bring these events up to make myself sad, but to remind myself not to forget those around the world who have lost a loved one in a horrible way. I want to remember so that I will make wise choices now while I am alive and able to: letting go of bitterness, turning away from unhealthy habits, and mending broken relationships.

When I hear a patriotic song, watch a military ceremony, or pledge allegiance to our country’s flag I am deeply moved with gratitude. When another anniversary passes that reminds me of a terrible attack I grieve for our world that is in so much pain. While I appreciate the free will God has given humans, I am sorry that there are people who choose to do harm to others.

Yet, there is a remembrance of death that is full of hope and promise.

During the Passover in Jerusalem, Jesus was eating with his disciples in what would become known as the last supper. He took a glass of wine and thanked God for it, then he told them, when you drink this, do so in remembrance of me. He took bread and thanked God for it, then broke it, saying to his disciples when you take and eat, do this is remembrance of me. I think one of the reasons Jesus used everyday food when he did this, is so that his disciples wouldn’t just remember what he had done for them or who he was on special occasions, when they went to church, or were crying out to him in prayer. But so that they would remember him every time they had a meal.

After taking the cup, he gave thanks and said, “Take this and divide it among you. For I tell you I will not drink again from the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes. And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.

”Luke 22:17-19 NIV

Dear Lord, Thank You for the ultimate sacrifice You made in sending Your only son to die on the cross for my (and everyone who believes) sins. Thank You for special days of remembrance, please help me to be a tender and grateful person who never forgets what is important. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins


Wednesday Devotional..."Spiritual Correction Officer"

"Spiritual Correction Officer"

The Holy Spirit has many facets in which he operates, but one way you can look at Him is as our Spiritual Correction Officer. If we have given our life to Jesus Christ, then we have the Holy Spirit living within us. When we choose to disobey the Lord, that is when the Holy Spirit kicks in and will convict us of our sin and show us our need for repentance to get right with God. That gentle but firm conviction is ever so obvious. Then it is up to us, will we heed the call or continue in our sin?

The Lord knew just what He was doing regarding the Holy Spirit, for He knows each of us and our hearts ever so well. He knew we needed that extra help and nudge from the Holy Spirit to reveal the sin to us.

I am sure we can all recall the numerous times the Holy Spirit has revealed Himself to us at just the right time. Not only does He reveal Himself, but the Lord provides the strength and desire for us to have a change of heart and walk on that path of righteousness.

It says in His word in John 16:8...

"And when (the Holy Spirit) comes. He will convict the world concerning sin, and righteousness, and judgement."

Because our Heavenly Father loves us so much, He was willing to send a special Helper, a Spiritual Correction Officer if you will, just for us. He wants only the best for us and that will never change.

In His Great Love,
Sandy Billingham


Matthew 11: 27-30

 All things are delivered unto me of my Father:
and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him.
 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Our Savior Jesus Christ understands perfectly the burdens of this world. He understands perfectly the burden of sin and the devastation it causes. Sin has the power to destroy what God is creating, His Family, but Christ has already defeated sin. We do not have to carry that burden. He did it fully and completely, for when God does something, we do not have to redo it!

When we think of a yoke, we often think of bondage, servitude, or grueling work that will drive us into the ground. Some may recall the movie in which Samson, blind and bald, struggles to push a huge grindstone, and every step of the way is painful. In reality, however, a yoke is nothing more than a tool to do a job, and as we have seen, a well-designed yoke allows the user to work at maximum capacity and efficiency. Most importantly, our Savior has offered us His yoke. Would any other yoke fit us more perfectly?

Just as two oxen may work together in the yoke, Jesus is also closely working with each of us. We need to picture ourselves sharing the same yoke as Jesus, like a couple of oxen with a load to pull. We should also add to this scene God the Father as the teamster, just as we saw in verse 27 that He has given Christ "all things" needed to get the job done. Jesus is right beside us in the yoke, working diligently to guide us and pull His share of the load to ensure that we finish the job.

What is our reward? Verse 28 says that He will give us rest, "rest for your souls," as verse 29 adds. Jesus' yoke is one of rest, the same rest that is discussed in Hebrews 3-4—the rest of God in His Kingdom!

Then, in verse 30 appears Jesus' heartening proclamation, "For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Jesus has already cut the road, so all we have to do is to follow His lead, and we will find rest from all of our burdens.

submitted by : Annie

                                               I take NO credit for these ..
                                                        because I do it at HIS direction


Monday Devotional...Praise God in Both Sun and Rain

Praise God in Both Sun and Rain

I recently did I Bible Study about Job. I was feeling frustrated, and I got up from my desk and went out to get a cup of coffee, saying to God, “Wow that sure is an uplifting little piece of scripture, Lord! NOT”

Then I said a prayer asking Him to open my mind and heart to whatever He has to give me. I also asked Him to help me with my preformed attitude about Him where Job is concerned…getting a bit of a laugh when it occurred to me that my having any kind of attitude against God was laughable, foolhardy, non-productive, and a total waste of time.

The interesting thing that I noticed in this scripture was that Job does not act out. He is taking it like a man. Though he is blameless himself, he does not blame God for his tribulations. When his wife starts complaining and tells him to let go of his integrity...to just curse God and die. Job takes her to task and reminds her that they have to accept not only good from God but trouble as well. He calls her foolish, but the Hebrew word used means “moral deficiency.” Personal integrity and morality is a very important thing.

One insight that I received in my study of the Book of Job is that no matter what happens the important thing is how we react to it. I just thought about Jesus who just stood there and did not fight back. He did not curse his tormentors. He did not scream his rage at what was happening to Him. If we are going through a trial period and we keep our integrity and moral behavior, we have won where there could have been great losses.

"Though He slay me,
I will hope in Him
Nevertheless I will argue my ways before Him.
"This also will be my salvation,
For a godless man may not come before His presence.”
Job 13:15-16

This is beautiful. Job is saying that no matter what happens he will have hope in God. He may speak his issues as he sees them to God knowing that if he is given that opportunity to do so it will mean that he is a godly man. If not he would be banned from His Presence. I heard about a quote a few days ago that was written in a book by Mary Beth Chapman. (story) This is it…"Love of God is pure when joy and suffering inspire an equal degree of gratitude." What a wonderful philosophy…matches with the song…”Blessed Be the Name of the Lord”

Here is a link to listen to this amazing song...

Written by
Corinne Mustafa



Devotional for Pentecost Sunday 5/27/12

Have you ever roasted a turkey and then cooked down the remaining carcass to make soup?  After it has boiled down, you take the bones out and set them aside to cool so that you can pull off any remaining meat without scalding your fingers.  The bones become very dry when they are completely cooled down and often they have fallen apart in the process.  Can that pile of dry bones ever become a living turkey again?  Even if you put the bones back together in the correct way, how would you get all the ligaments, tendons, muscles, skin etc back together?  And ultimately, how would you bring it to life?  Worse yet, could the turkey get itself back together and back to life?  Of course not!

It is the same with us.  Once we die and our bodies are put in the ground and decay sets in, there is no hope for any return to being a living being on this earth.  It is also true of our spiritual selves.  When we sin, we are totally dead in our trespasses, just dry spiritual bones remain.  This includes when we commit what we consider tiny little sins, like "white lies" or "a little envy",  as well as huge immoral acts, murder, massive addictions, etc. We cannot do anything to put ourselves back together and repair our relationship with God.  All the good works or amends or charity we do avail us nothing.  Only God can bring us back to life.

But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions  it is by grace you have been saved.  Ephesians 2:4-5 NIV

We are celebrating Pentecost in our church this weekend, when the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples as tongues of fire after Jesus had ascended into heaven.  One of the lessons was Ezekiel 37:1-14, about the dry bones scattered in the desert, and how God told him to prophesy to the bones. They all came back together and formed into bodies and flesh reappeared, but they were still dead.  The Spirit had to be breathed back into them, then they lived again.  Without God, the Father who created us, the Son who redeemed us, and the Holy Spirit who creates faith in us, we would still be dead like those dry bones in the desert. 

"Then you, my people, will know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and bring you up from them.  I will put my Spirit in you and you will live, and I will settle you in your own land. Then you will know that I the Lord have spoken, and I have done it, declares the Lord."  Ezekiel 37:13-14 NIV

Holy Spirit

Prayer: Thank you dear God in heaven for creating, redeeming and sanctifying my life.  On this day especially I thank you for the gift of your Holy Spirit, who creates faith in me and allows me to witness that to the world.  I am totally unable to change my life or even be alive without you, and I am ever grateful that you have done that for me.  Please help me to continue to walk in your ways to the glory of your holy name.  AMEN.

written by Jan Andersen


Saturday Devotional

Why Wait Until It’s Too Late?
Last week, my pastor delivered a controversial sermon…and I was proud of him for it. It doesn’t happen very often, but I’m praying that it will. Many people feel that at the end of their crazy week, they just want to hear something that’s easy to swallow. Likewise, a great number of Christians immerse themselves in heavy Bible studies during the week, so they expect something light and uplifting for their Sunday sermon. I disagree.

I’m a mother of four, and I stay home and home school my kids. My life is without a doubt crazy most of the time. I also do my best to discipline myself in some serious Bible study. However, if I want something light and easy to swallow, I’d just assume turn on a Disney movie rather than expect it from the pulpit.

This may not be what you want to hear for a Saturday devotional, but if a devotional is meant to make you ponder on something, well this is what my mind is pondering on right now.

My people perish from a lack of knowledge.
Hosea 4:6

How many times do I shake my head in sadness at what the Christian world is oblivious to? And why is it that so many Christians put their heads in the sand on worldly issues? Is it because they know that if they do educate themselves and face the truth, they’ll be convicted and forced to either uncomfortably push against the current of current events, or painfully remain silent and suppress what the Holy Spirit has pressed on them?

I recently heard an excerpt from a book by Andy Andrews called, “How Do You Kill 11 Million People?: Why the Truth Matters More Than You Think” that was very thought provoking. The story from this excerpt took place in Nazi Germany and was about a little church not far from a train station. This particular train station was a hub for loading up and sending sardine packed Jews to their death camps. Fully aware of what was about to happen to them, the horrified souls screamed in terror the entire trip. As the train would pass by the little church on Sunday morning…yes, that’s right, even on Sunday morning during church service…the parishioners would sing louder and louder and louder during their worship time. Instead of doing something…anything…about the evils lurking just around the corner, they would drown out the sound of it.

I can’t say that I can imagine the fear in any German citizen at the thought of standing up against Hitler’s regime, but I pray that I am never guilty of such cowardice. I pray that my fellow Christians are never guilty of such cowardice. The truth is, there was probably quite a bit that could’ve been done prayerfully as well as politically long before the small nation of Germany sank into the evil pit under Nazism. There always is. Also, in the midst of the storm of this period of time, there were some who did stand up and they made a difference. We herald them as heroes and think of their place of honor in heaven. Still, why was it allowed to go so far?

I pray that more and more pastors all over this nation will have the courage to take a stand. I pray that the Christian community does not put their head in the sand, but instead does their part…their duty…as citizens who bear the name of Christ…someone who was not afraid to take a stand against the leadership of His day. I encourage every one of us to educate ourselves on the facts, compare everything to scripture, pray for wisdom, and finally vote our consciences. Why wait until evil has had a chance to overrun us? Why wait until it’s too late?

Amie Spruiell


Friday Devotional...A Bruised Reed

A Bruised Reed

I wonder how many sermons I’ve heard from the many many years of being in church. Sometimes although the message (at the time) ministers to you and you really feel it….but by the next week you’ve probably forgotten all that was conveyed. Howerver, I will never forget a message that I heard one Sunday morning probably twenty-five years ago or longer.

We had an evangelist come to preach that morning and he titled his message “God will not throw away a bruised or broken reed.” He took his scripture from either Isaiah 42:3 or Matthew 12:20 which says:

“A bruised reed shall lhe not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench; he shall bring forth judgment unto truth.”

I remember and still see in my minds eye…this young preacher. He came down from the pulpit and I mean he preached. I can still remember feeling his message down deep within my soul as I remember standing and crying and crying from within my soul of the understanding of the mercies of God. This little preacher pointed his finger at some that were sitting there maybe feeling unworthy of God’s grace….He spoke loud at times and soft at times, the sweat running off his brow.

The message reached down further in your heart than any human could touch… how God said “I will have mercy, and not sacrifice”. The scripture about the bruised reed in which God said he will not throw away a bruised reed was also explained. In days of old ….the musicians would look for a reed down by the water edge to make an instrument from, but they would throw away any reed that was bruised or broken.

The Lord God Almighty does not throw away any human being that will cry out to him. He will take our bruised and battered lives (A bruised and broken reed) and make it into an instrument of Glory for his name sake. Come unto me all ye that are heavy laden and I will give you rest!

Last night on the American Idol T.V. show, there was a song that was song…and I relayed it to the broken reed. The name of the song is You’ll never walk alone >>>the words go as this….Just remembering that the Lord is by our side even when we are a broken reed.

When you walk
through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid
of the dark

At the end of the storm
Is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of the lark

Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown

Walk on walk on with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone

Written by: Glenna Williamson


Thursday Devotonal...TURNING POINT...5/24/12

Turning Points

Five young men and women walk down the center aisle pacing themselves like bridesmaids in a processional. Graduation caps sit on heads held high with tassels swinging, and a wide smile is spread on each face. They are practically glowing with excitement. Marching up onto the platform the seniors turn as one to face an audience of family, friends, pastors, teachers and coaches.

The intimacy of this graduation allows time for each graduate to share about their plans and hopes. As I listen I can’t help but smile and imagine what it would be like to be finishing one phase of life with a wide circle of options ahead of me. In these five lives there are no spouses, no houses, no car payments, no debts nor any other obligations to direct their choices. For a minute I envy them the clear paths that lie before them and the potential of their futures.

Then a still small voice reminds me that each day is a fresh start. Every morning I can choose to love the troubled, be patient with the emotional, forgive the impulsive, care for the forsaken, and restore the fallen. I can tend to what God has given me to do, and leave everything else and everyone else in His hands. From this moment forward I can choose to let go of bitterness, pain and sorrow by looking for and focusing my thoughts on the lovely moments God provides in each day.

Turning points are available everywhere in every day.

I Peter 4:8b-11 (NIV)

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

Dear Lord, please forgive me for ever whining about my life or crying that something is not fair. I purpose to choose You first at all times. Please help me to let go of pride and to lean on You, bring to my mind that with You on my side, I need not fear failure or the future. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M.Wilkins

Wednesday Devotional...Gone Fishing

"Gone Fishing"

I was recently giving it some serious thought about one of my main purposes on this earth. That purpose is to make disciples of all nations as it talks about in Matthew 28:19. I can honestly say I personally have experienced seeing very few come to the Lord by way of God using me to introduce them to Him. I know I have had a part in planting seeds and sharing my testimony, which I know is important, but I truly desire to be used in greater ways to bring men and women to Christ.

Right now that is my urgent cry onto the Lord. I am ready to put that line and hook in deeper and go fishing for my Lord in greater intensity.

God says in His word in Matthew 4:19
"Follow me and I will make you fishers of men."

God tells us to follow Him and He will show us how to be a fisher of men.

As we trust and call to Christ for His leading, He is more than willing to show us creative, productive ways to reel in the lost.

I am anxiously awaiting that day that when many stop to see me, they will not find me home but a sign in my window simply stating "Gone Fishing For Men."

In His Love,
Sandy Billingham


Tuesday Devotional...THE DOOR

The Door

This parable spake Jesus unto them: but they understood not what things they were which he spake unto them. Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep.All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep. The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep.I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep. And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.

John 10; 6-18

Many who hear the word of Christ, do not understand it, because they will not. But we shall find one scripture expounding another, and the blessed Spirit making known the blessed Jesus. Christ is the Door. And what greater security has the church of God than that the Lord Jesus is between it and all its enemies? He is a door open for passage and communication. Here are plain directions how to come into the fold; we must come in by Jesus Christ as the Door. By faith in him as the great Mediator between God and man. Also, we have precious promises to those that observe this direction. Christ has all that care of his church, and every believer, which a good shepherd has of his flock; and he expects the church, and every believer, to wait on him, and to keep in his pasture.

Christ is a good Shepherd; many who were not thieves, yet were careless in their duty, and by their neglect the flock was much hurt. Bad principles are the root of bad practices. The Lord Jesus knows whom he has chosen, and is sure of them; they also know whom they have trusted, and are sure of Him. See here the grace of Christ; since none could demand his life of him, he laid it down of himself for our redemption. He offered himself to be the Saviour; Lo, I come. And the necessity of our case calling for it, he offered himself for the Sacrifice. He was both the offerer and the offering, so that his laying down his life was his offering up himself. From hence it is plain, that he died in the place and stead of men; to obtain their being set free from the punishment of sin, to obtain the pardon of their sin; and that his death should obtain that pardon. Our Lord laid not his life down for his doctrine, but for his sheep.

submitted by : Annie



(devotional for Sunday 5/20/12)

Have you ever been in a situation where you made matters worse by becoming anxious and tense?  I remember as a child that I felt very self-conscious in school.  If I was carrying a lot of things and dropped one small thing, as I tensed up and tried to quickly pick it up, the situation would often become a disaster of everything being dropped.  I discovered as I grew older that if I just took it in stride and stayed relaxed, it was easier to pick up the one dropped item without losing everything else in my arms.  I've also found as I am learning the new skill of riding horses later in life, that if my foot slips out of the stirrup unexpectedly, I can keep my balance much better if I do not panic.  If I get apprehensive and tighten up all over, not only has my foot slipped, but soon my whole body slips - right onto the ground!  Also, if you see an accident about to occur, like someone about to rear-end your vehicle at a stoplight, tensing up in anticipation of the impact actually causes more harm to your body.  That is why some theorize that the drunk driver often walks away with minimal injuries, because they are more relaxed in not anticipating the crash.  Addictions in and of themselves give us another example.  Addicts often get caught in a cycle of acting on their addiction to numb feelings, then becoming distressed and anxious about that action, leading to more acting out to numb the feeling of anxiety.  But many addicts have discovered through the 12 steps that they must admit they cannot quit on their own and stop fighting so hard to "fix it" themselves.  As they relax and leave it in God's hands, the anxiety lifts and God's love restores them as they work through the steps.  Just the lifting of the anxiety itself makes a huge difference, and soon peace and joy take over as the changes occur, knowing there is safety in relaxing in God's arms.

When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy...   But the Lord has become my fortress, and my God the rock in whom I take refuge.  Psalm 94: 18-19, 22 NIV

Bible With Jesus Is My Rock

So the next time you feel anxious about something, try to remember that God is in control of the outcome and will guide you through more easily if you relax and allow him to be your rock, your fortress, your refuge!

Prayer: Dear Lord in heaven, thank you for calming my anxious heart and showing me that what I need to do is leave everything in your capable hands. You give me the tools to use but the outcome is yours.  You've got it all covered, and you have my best interest at heart.  Help me to trust you so that I may relax and feel the joy and comfort of living life on your terms and in your arms. In Jesus' name, Amen.

written by Jan Andersen


Saturday Devotional


Being married in today’s world is harder than it’s ever been…and guess what…it’s not going to get any easier. We are bombarded by a twisted worldly view that goes against everything God has to say about it. About 10 years ago, my husband and I were going through quite a bit in our marriage. Well I suppose we’ve had many seasons of ups and downs, and that was just one of them, but it led me to make a decision that I’ll never regret.

Of course when we think of marriage problems, the worst that comes to mind is infidelity. The high statistics of couples who experience extra marital affairs are staggering. The scars left on the heart are devastating, and the outlook always seems hopeless. There are countless ways a couple can experience these tragedies, and they range from one end of the spectrum to the other including everywhere in between.

In the 20 years that my heart has been committed to my husband, we have equally experienced our share of betrayal from the other person. These betrayals come in many forms from failing to meet each others’ needs to flat out lying about our behavior. And when the truth comes out, sometimes it has been hurtful and other times it has been a misunderstanding.

My memory is of a time in my marriage when my husband’s behavior led me to believe that he was having an affair. There was no evidence other than his behavior which was both suspicious and hurtful. The more I thought about it, the more hurt I became. I had three young children and I was pregnant with the fourth. The thought of losing my husband scared me to death.

I wasn’t looking for worldly insight, but every time I turned on the TV or picked up a magazine in the waiting room of some office, the subject of marital affairs was headlining. I was attacked on every side with everyone else’s story, their bitter advice, and reminders of my suspicions. I managed to keep my mouth shut around girlfriends only because I had enough wisdom to know that they wouldn’t have any for me.

I’ve always tried to keep up the habit of getting out of the house early in the morning for a good walk. When I’m really doing well, I spend my walks in worship and prayer. During this period of time, I slacked off on my time with God. I instead let my mind go to every place it shouldn’t have gone believing the worst of every scenario. I think I almost pushed myself to a complete breakdown until, in my heart, I came to a fork in the road. I could continue to move in my own strength and choose the world’s way of handling things, or I could go down God’s road. From that point on, I got back onto the path of talking to God during those walks instead of entertaining my own destructive self talk.

So He asked me, “Ok, what if it’s true? Then what?” He showed me a picture of one possibility. I didn’t like it. He showed me another. I didn’t like it either. Instead of going through the scenarios of what my husband’s doing, how he’s doing it, and who he’s doing it with, I was now going through the scenarios of how our lives could turn out based on how I chose to react. Nothing that God showed me was anything I was willing to go through except for one.

What if it was true and I forgave him? He showed me every ramification of unforgiveness and every result of forgiveness. It was the only thing bearable. So I said, “Yes”.

“If it means that you, God, will bring everything to light, if it means that forgiveness would bring about a change in him, if it means that our marriage would not be over, but it would be healed and restored then, yes, I’ll forgive him. I would, however, prefer it to not be true.”

I told God that my trust was in Him and that’s all that mattered. Trusting God meant that I was trusting that whatever might have happened or was possibly happening, He would reveal it. It meant trusting that if it were true, and He did reveal it, then I would follow God’s lead and forgive my husband bringing about the best possible scenario…love, hope, and healing. It meant trusting that if it were not true, God would bring peace to my heart about it. Think about it…it’s not necessarily about trusting the other person as much as it is about trusting God when He says to trust the other person.

My soul,
wait in silence for God alone,
for my expectation is from him.
Psalm 62:5

So I let it go, and things started changing in our marriage. Like I said, we’ve still had and probably will still have many ups and downs. Every time my fear of “what if” comes up, God responds with, “You already said that you would forgive him and I’ve already said that I would bring it to light. Has this in particular fear of yours proven to be true?” I would respond with a “no”. He would ask me if I trusted Him. I would respond with a “yes”. He would then say, “…then there’s nothing to fear. Trust your husband, be the wife to him that I want you to be, and know that I care about your marriage even more than you do.”

There have been things that He has brought to light over the years…things that He has revealed to us both, but I don’t think God was willing to do this until we were willing to forgive the worst. If we were willing to forgive that, everything else seemed a little easier to swallow. I say “we”, but I really mean myself. I don’t know what kind of conversations my husband has had with God about this. I only know my own.

Looking back, I don’t even remember the details surrounding his behavior that led me to conclude the worst. I only remember the conversations with God. As far as I know, his behavior was based on other things going on at the time. It doesn’t excuse his hurtful behavior, but it also doesn’t mean that it indicated an affair.

Something else I have learned through all of this is that when certain types of behaviors are observed, the last thing we should do is jump to conclusions and make assumptions especially if we’re going off of what the world tells us is typical. No behavior is so typical that what’s behind it can be accurately predicted. Our fears of, “What if I look like an idiot because I didn’t see the signs,” are just that…our fears. The truth is, making decisions and living our life based on our fears is the exact opposite of what God says to do, and is one of the greatest tools Satan uses against us.

Anyone who says that they discovered their spouse was having an affair and they were blindsided by it is more of a noble and righteous person than someone who says that they saw all the signs and left their spouse because of it. In the first case, the love of their spouse is evident, but in the latter, there is only a love of self.

How about this one? “I saw all the signs and chose to trust my God that He will bring it to light and then He’ll bring healing. “But what if He never brings it to light,” you ask? Then you still trust Him. He knows better than all your friends, TV shows, and magazines. He knows better than you and cares more about your marriage then even you do.

Husbands and wives both fail in their promises, but God never fails in His. He made a promise in His Word, and He’ll keep it. He promised that whatever is done in darkness, He’ll bring it to the light, and it will be in His timing. The question is not “what if”. The answer is “He will”. Not only will He bring it to light, but He’ll bring love, hope, and healing. The only thing left to do is trust in Him, trust your husband, and determine to forgive…even if you have to forgive over and over again. I mean, how can you not when Christ has forgiven you? And how many times has that happened?

Amie Spruiell