
Prayer, Simple and Heartfelt...Friday


When I was first asked to do some writings for Women's Focus Ministries, I felt honored, yet a little scared. I felt I heard the Lord say "Don't fear, you know I will help you. I want this for you. Follow me". Quickly, I was reminded that when The Lord asks something of you, you do it. 

Many nights I lay awake, unable to sleep. As a young mother, with two young boys, this is not uncommon for me. I constantly have thoughts running through my mind. This is also the time I often pray. Last night I prayed to The Lord to help me figure out what to write for my first writing. What did He want me to say? It didn't take long for me to hear Him say "talk about prayer". This is my experience with prayer.

 always felt maybe my prayers weren't "deep" enough or long enough. Maybe I was doing it wrong. Maybe I didn't know or understand God enough. Maybe God wouldn't listen cause I'm not doing it right.  I have since learned there is no right or wrong and God always listens. Prayers don't need to be long and "meaty", or worded in a certain way for God to hear us. God just wants us to pray to Him and keep in constant communication with Him in our hearts. A prayer can be a simple "please help", "please forgive me" or simply "thank you". Have faith that your prayers are being heard and will be answered in His way, at His time to fulfill His great plan for you. Just keep praying and always be thankful!

Two scriptures I enjoy in regards to prayer, are... 

 Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.
Colossians 4:2 

“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, 
for they love to pray standing in the synagogues 
and on the street corners to be seen by others. 
Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 
But when you pray, go into your room, 
close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. 
Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, 
will reward you. And when you pray, 
do not keep on babbling like pagans,
 for they think they will be heard
 because of their many words. Do not be like them, 
for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
Matthew 6:5-8

Here is a song sung by Allison Kraus.
I am sure you will enjoy it.

God Bless,

Kristin Erskine




...predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself,
according to the good pleasure of His will,
 to the praise of the glory of His grace, 
by which He made us accepted in the Beloved. Eph 1:5-6

One of my favorite words from the Bible has become Beloved. It was Father God's infinite affection for Jesus "His Beloved Son".  Beloved can be translated "the one He loves".   Jesus was dearly loved and adored by Father God. He cherished and treasured Him.  We have been accepted into the beloved because of what our Jesus did for us. We now have the good pleasure to enter into that same infinite affection and intimate love of the Father.  We too are His cherished and treasured prize.  We are adored and dearly loved by Father God just as Jesus is. The Son of God was highly regarded by the Father.  We beloved are also highly regarded.  One of the synonyms for regarded is favorite.  We are His favorite!!!

Written by
Kathryn Hanson

Here is a song that talks how we are Beloved and loved by God...

Kari Jobe singing "How He Loves Us"


"I'm Free to Live"...Wednesday


It seems the older I get, the more I want to experience life in a more brilliant dimension.  There are so many things in life into which I have yet to delve. I am realizing that the clock is ticking and it is time to go out there and smell the roses! That could be branching out in the field of technology, being bolder in meeting new people and sharing my faith, doing physical activities that I have not tapped into, and the list goes on.

We have a Lord and Savior that desires to give us great Courage to live life to the fullest as we walk on this planet earth. He tells us in Deuteronomy 31:6 
"Be strong and of good courage
do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, 
he is the One who goes with you. 
He will not leave you nor forsake you."

I will close with just a few of the words of a song I truly love called "Nothing's Gonna Hold Me Back" by Kim Walker. "Nothing's gonna hold me back..Nothing's gonna hold me back..Nothing's gonna hold me back...Cause my chains fell off...Free now forever... I'm Free to Live...Free to Give.. Free to to Be.. I'm Free to Love You.. Nothing's Gonna Hold Me Back!!!

Walk in God's Courage today and let nothing hold you back! 

In His Courageous Love,
Sandy Billingham


Thought you might enjoy hearing the song quoted above...



I Have An Attitude...Tuesday

"Curse God and die!" She screamed at her husband. It was all too much. She’d had enough. First they were healthy, wealthy, and enjoying a wonderful family life with their sons and daughters. God had poured out His blessings upon them beyond human imagination – until–every possession, and their family, was torn from them. What would I do in such a situation? What would you do? They’d lived worshipping God and enjoying His blessings - what had they done wrong to incur such wrath?! They hadn't.

In Job 1 we read: a messenger came to Job and brought the news that the plowing oxen and the donkeys who were feeding beside them, were attacked by an enemy who killed the servants and took the stock. While he was speaking, a second messenger came telling Job the sheep and the servants were consumed by a fire from heaven. Then a third messenger came saying that another enemy came and raided the herd of camels, killing the servants guarding them. While he was telling Job this, a fourth servant came to report that Job’s sons and daughters were together as usual and a great wind came from across the wilderness and struck the four corners of the house which then fell on the young people and they died.
Now I understood where Job's wife was coming from when she yelled at her husband. What would my attitude be if even one of these crisis' occurred in my life? What would be yours?
Job’s attitude was to do what he’d always done, he worshipped God. What?! No accusations against Him? No fist shaking against Him? No questioning of Why? Why? God?!! It is recorded in Job 1:20-22: "Then Job stood up and tore his clothing and cut the hair from his head (the natural way of expressing grief then). And he fell to the ground and worshipped. He said, “Without clothing I was born from my mother, and without clothing I will return. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Praise the name of the Lord." In all this Job did not sin or blame God.

Wow, I would think that with faith and confidence like that things would have immediately gotten better for Job - but they did not. Instead, oozing, itching sores break out all over Job's body from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. Still Job did not accuse God. He did however, answer his wife. In Job 2:10," He told her, “You’re talking like an empty-headed fool. We take the good days from God—why not also the bad days?” Not once through all this did Job sin. He said nothing against God.

Why am I writing about Job? I have never faced as many troubles in my own life. Yet I do face fear, wrestle with doubts, struggle with understanding, and question why things happen the way they do. I realize that I am just like Job in that I arrived into this world without a stitch of clothing on my body, and I will leave it one day, taking nothing with me. But how I really want to be like Job is in his attitude.

What has been my attitude in the past several weeks? In all honesty, I confess that I have many times shared Job’s wife’s attitude. I whine with worry, cry in confusion, and fume with frustration. A friend will tell me that I am not as bad as Job's wife. But God has shown me what is in my heart. Self-pity and ungratefulness have been stuck all over me like Job's oozing sores. But God's love and forgiveness washes over me, healing me, cleaning me, and making me whole.

The Lord is near.

Be anxious for nothing,

but in everything by prayer and supplication
with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:5b-7 NASB

To God be the glory, great things He has done!

Just listening to this worship song lifts my heart and reminds me that no matter what is going on, I can choose to be like Job, and worship God on the bad days as well as the good days: click here to hear Matt Redman perform "10,000 Reasons": 

Written by Sandy Schott


Looking with Spiritual Eyes...Monday


Yesterday I was driving East to my brother's place. 
The sun was setting in the West behind me. 
The sky was a grayish blue. 
It had sprinkled earlier and a rainbow was created. 
The sun was shining on the tree tops before me and made them really stand out. 
I wish that I had my camera. 

The color of the leaves were brilliant. 
The rust and gold really stood out and was lovely to see with the light 
  from the sun shining upon it. 

I had a thought.....

A few days before I had said to someone that the leaves on the trees were 
  not as pretty as they have been in the past. 
I remember them being fire engine red, blazing orange, and bright yellow. 
However, for the past couple of years the leaves have been rust, dark red, and brownish yellow. 
Sort of disappointing and not as nice to look at. 

Yesterday, although the leaves were still rust, dark     red, and a brownish yellow in color, when the       setting sun hit them they were beautiful. 
I certainly was not disappointed with what I saw. 
They were very pleasing to the eye. 

People are like that too. 
Not everyone is beautiful or nice to look upon     if we see them with our human eyes. 
I'm not just talking about outward appearance,     but also their character or personality. 
However, if we look at them with our spiritual       eyes we may see something very lovely. 
If the "son" shines upon them or from within        them, WOW! 

But Jesus turning and seeing her said, 
"Daughter, take courage; your faith has made you well." 
At once the woman was made well.

Written by 
Storm Hendrickson
Here is today's song
"Give Me Your Eyes" sung by Brandon Heath



devotional for 10/27/13

To clean house, turn over a new leaf, clean up one's act, purge of corruption, make one's actions more presentable or acceptable to others, shape up, change one's ways for the better, become a new and better person, start fresh, wipe the slate clean, begin anew.  These are all ways of describing what "reformation" means.  

When we hear the word reformation, we may think of various things.  In the church we often think of reformation as the time in history when attempts to change Catholic teachings from within eventually led to the Protestant churches beginning. But we also go through a personal reformation when we go through confession, absolution and repentance.  We confess our known sins and are assured of God's forgiveness.  Repentance includes turning from our ways, and then doing the good things for which we were created to do out of thankfulness for God's forgiveness.  This is also reflected in the 12 step recovery process, where the addict goes through a searching and fearless moral inventory, shares it with a trusted person, and amends their ways.  God desires our reformation.

This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Reform your ways and your actions and I will let you live in this place.  Jeremiah 7:3 (NIV)Jeremiah 7:3 (73 kb)
Sadly, we can never completely reform all of our thoughts and actions. We will never be able to be perfect on earth.  However, the good news is that God not only formed us in our mother's wombs, but he also re-forms us in baptism, and then he sees us through Jesus, the perfect Son of God.  He is the great reformer!

written by Jan Andersen

Here is a song to enjoy for Sunday.
"Your Great Grace"


Believe Me It Is Forgotten...Saturday


“Very truly I tell you; whoever hears my word
and believes him who sent me
 has eternal life and will not be judged
but has crossed over from death to life.”
John 5:24


When I read this scripture, I thought, “Really, God?
Is this the scripture you wanted me to hear? I know this and believe 
it.’ He answered, “I know you do.  Still, sometimes it seems as if you release a helium balloon to rise with the guilt you are repenting of when all of a sudden just as the string goes almost out of reach you jump up and grab it and bring the balloon back down to yourself. Please read the last two phrases of the scripture I have given you.”

I read the whole thing again not just the last two phrases…always anal and a bit self-willed. I told myself that I wanted perfect understanding of what I was expected to learn, and therefore I felt that I needed reread it a few times. I suddenly noticed that He was silent…no more still soft voice in my ear. He waited for me to get around to doing as he had asked. Finally, after several readings I got down to the task at hand. Later when I thought about this whole episode, I imagined God laughing, perhaps banging his head on a cloud, and saying, “Thank ME, she finally is following my request!” (After all he could not say “Thank God.” You get my drift.)

Those who believe and hear His word will have…
                           “eternal life and will not be judged”
Wow!!! That was easy. I will live forever in God’s presence because I said, “I do,” to the marriage proposal of my divine Groom.

Those who believe and hears His word will…
                           “will not be judged” because she has already “has crossed over from death to life”

“You are trying to remind me that you have already sealed my future. I knew that, Lord.”
“Yes, my child I know you know it. But sometimes you think that you need to keep talking to me about guilt that I do not even remember. Trust me it is in the sea of forgetfulness.”
I received this scripture, not because God wanted me to relax and do as I please, there were still things that were important for me to do…not to earn but to show Him my love. I already have the gift of Him, and I will never lose it. He has made me a pearl of great price, His child, His chosen, and His beloved. I need to let go of guilt. I need to live in the gift He gave me and let the balloon string go.

Written by
Corinne  Mustafa

Here is  a song for Saturday
"Sea of Forgetfulness"




"I was young and now I am old, 
yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken 
or their children begging bread." 
Psalm 37:25

     With the decline in the economy since 2008, the high jobless rate, the daily fluctuations in the stock market, the decline of the worth of the American dollar, and the continual rise in prices of everything we buy to live -- it is difficult for most people to face the future with any hope or optimism.

     Yet, God doesn't want us to focus on what we see.  He wants us to focus on Him and His promised provision for us.  God's resources are unlimited.  He has promised to provide for all who trust Him.

     The above verse in Scripture is one of many which tells us that God can and will take care of us.  We just need to listen to His direction for our lives and trust Him.  So cultivate your relationship with God, feed on His Word, and lean on His almighty arms.  He will not forsake us.

Written by
Carol Steficek
Here is a song about never being forsaken.





But you are God's "chosen generation", 
his "royal priesthood", his "holy nation, 
his "peculiar people"..
1Peter 2:9

The definition of identity is the distinguishing character or personality of an individual.

When we want to travel out of country we have to show proof of our identity.  We have to travel with a passport. The passport tells who we are, all of our alias must be listed and a picture of you is also required.

The Word of God is our passport showing us proof of our identity.  That is our identity in Christ.  In our passport we have written in it all of our names.  Chosen generation, Royal priesthood  a Holy nation, peculiar people, a Child of the Most High God, the Righteousness of Christ, Difference maker, Light of the world and the Salt of the earth.  It tells us we are the Head and not the Tale. We are above and not beneath.  What we put our hands to it is blessed.  There are hundreds of scriptures that tell our identity.

Our identity is not our title in life (doctor, lawyer, server, husband, wife, daughter, mother, father etc.) those titles do not define who we are.  It is our Jesus who has defined who we are.  We must never forget our true identity our identity in Christ.

Written by
Kathryn Hanson

Here is the song for today...Hope it blesses you!


Nothing Hidden In Jesus...Wednesday

10 23 13 

Soon after I had recently attended a women's brunch, a thought came to me of something I participated in years ago when I was single. I lived in a four-plex home that was very old. I had decided to put new wallpaper in the main living area. As I stripped away the old, I discovered there was not just one layer of wallpaper to strip away but multiple. It was a very tedious and long process to do.

I felt impressed that the Lord was saying that is how we as people can be. We have layers of masks that we walk in and don't allow ourselves to be stripped of those masks. The masks keep us from being transparent and open before the Lord and His people.

The Lord tells us in 1 Corinthians 4:5B .. 
"who will both bring to light the hidden
things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the hearts.
Then each one's praise will come from God."

If we will but let the Lord, He will shed light on those masks and remove them if we are willing. It is because of His character and actions that we are able to be transparent before people and before Him. He is a God of incredible openness and self giving.

It is that transparency and vulnerability and translucency that will enable us to get into the hearts of those that need Jesus.

We can then walk with sincerity and be pure vessels in which the Lord can flow through us freely to bring healing to others.

In His Beautiful Love, 
Sandy Billingham


When God Doesn't Answer....Tuesday


Have you ever felt like God doesn't answer you? Just when I am trying to hold on and trust, and be patient and wait, it seems as though everyone around me is being blessed and hearing wonderful things from God. I used to think something was wrong with me, or more specifically, that I wasn't worth God's time and attention, that I somehow deserved to be kept waiting. But then I discovered I wasn't the only one who felt this way. I was surprised, yet comforted, to hear from the women around me that they have faced this struggle.

I was more amazed, and even a little disturbed, to read about a man who questioned God as to why He was taking so long to answer his call for help. He not only questioned God, he accused God of not listening, and of allowing the wicked to overwhelm the righteous. A little bit of hope leapt into my heart as I continued to read, perhaps my answer was in this prophet's conversation with God.

This Old Testament's prophet name was Habakkuk.  His dialogue with God stuns me and yet causes my heart to rejoice as I re-read his story several times. I felt like I understood where Habakkuk was coming from when he cried,

"How long, Lord, must I call for help, but you do not listen?

 Or cry out to You, "Violence!" but You do not save?

 Why do You make me look at injustice?
Why do You tolerate wrongdoing?

 Destruction and violence are before me;
there is strife, and conflict abounds.

Therefore the law is paralyzed, and justice never prevails.
The wicked hem in the righteous, so that justice is perverted."
 Habakkuk 1:2-4 NIV

At first I thought he was shaking his fist at God in his frustration. Then I learned he was lamenting, sharing his heart’s burden – mourning, feeling deep sorrow for Judah, who were sinning against God and refusing to repent.
In the following verses God makes it very clear that He hears and sees all that is going on; that the actions and plans of those who choose to do what is wrong, is not hidden from Him.  Although I was encouraged that God does indeed know everything, I wondered what He was going to do about it. Then Habakkuk surprised me by calling God out, and making a second complaint,
Lord, are You not from everlasting?
    My God, my Holy One, You will never die.
You, Lord, have appointed them (evildoers) 

to execute judgment;
    You, my Rock, have ordained them to punish.

Your eyes are too pure to look on evil;
    You cannot tolerate wrongdoing.
Why then do You tolerate the treacherous?
    Why are You silent while the wicked
    swallow up those more righteous than themselves?
Habakkuk 1:12-13 NIV
Then Habakkuk announces in chapter 2, verse 1 – and this is amazing to me – that he is not going anywhere until God gives him an answer. He expects God to respond to him!  What confidence he has in his relationship with God!  
Most of us have experienced a period of time when God hasn't spoken, or at least, a time when He didn't give us the answer we wanted. But I tend to say, "OK, Lord, whatever You want." Then I get up, and do the next thing I need to do. I admire Habakkuk's courage and perseverance to seek more from God and then to wait for it.

Then God answers Habakkuk again, this time telling him to write it down for everyone to read. But He cautions Habakkuk, saying, "But these things I plan won’t happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, do not despair, for these things will surely come to pass. Just be patient! They will not be overdue a single day!"(see Habakkuk 2:2-3).

Then as God begins to describe the evil doers of this world, and how they take for themselves, and depend upon their evil deeds to live, He says, "but the righteous man trusts in me and lives!" (see Habakkuk 2:4b).

When I saw that reminder in the midst of God's description of how evil people will all fail and be punished, I was reminded of my own evildoings. Although they may be small compared to other wrongdoing, I know it is still sin.

He has not punished us as we deserve for all our sins, 
for His mercy toward those who fear and honor Him
is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth.
 He has removed our sins
 as far away from us as the east is from the west.
Psalm 103:10-12 TLB

I am humbled and grateful that God is watching over all that is going on in this crazy world we live in. I am encouraged to be reminded so clearly that He has a plan, even if it isn't the way I think things should be done.

This plan of Mine is not what you would work out,
neither are My thoughts the same as yours! 
 For just as the heavens are higher than the earth,
 so are My ways higher than yours,
and My thoughts than yours.
Isaiah 55:8-9 TLB

In the third and final chapter of Habbakuk my heart thrilled as I realized I had found my answer. The prophet praises God for Who He is and then finishes the prayer with a declaration that no matter how hard life may get, or how difficult the conditions of this world,  
"Yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will be happy in the God
of my salvation. 
The Lord God is my strength;He will give me the speed of a deer and bring me safely 
over the mountains."
 Habakkuk 3:18-19 TLB
Now when I feel like the last person on earth waiting to have my prayer answered: I know I can trust God, that He will be my strength, and that He will see that I get over every trouble safely in the perfect way and at the perfect time.

Thank You, my Lord and My God, for using Your relationship with Habakkuk to show me the kind of God You are.

Jesus Culture performs
"One Thing Remains":


Written by
Sandy Schott


Pancake Blessing....Monday

Last Friday morning, as I was walking from the BART station to my office, I had an unusual thought.

“I have to buy pancakes.”  
Just that thought, out of nowhere. 

I had already eaten cereal for breakfast, so I wasn’t hungry. I do like pancakes, and it had been a while since I had them. I was really early for work, so I did have time to eat, again.  But I am supposed to be watching what I eat. Especially things with the word cake in the name. Things that require melting butter and a small pool of syrup, with sausage or bacon on the side, of course. Not exactly a health-fest, but a strong comfort-memory for me. 

Anyway, I reminded myself that I did not need the pancakes, especially today. But, I did have time to eat. I would not have a full breakfast at the nearby Denny’s; there were a couple of fast-food places that I would be walking past.  But I do not need pancakes! 

I continued to walk, crossing the wide street and stopped at the supermarket that is also along the way. I could buy one of those frozen breakfasts.  One of those little microwave meals that were oh so handy years ago when I was a brand new mommy. I started to walk up that aisle, and then stopped myself. I Do Not Need Pancakes!

I paid for my small purchases, sans (without) pancakes, and started walking across the parking lot, which took me past McDonald’s. They have pancakes. I can get some there and eat them  in the break room. They might even give me extra syrup! But I Did NOT Need Pancakes! 

I walked on, taking a shortcut that brought me back to the sidewalk in time to walk past Burger King.  Sigh…  I think they have pancakes. But maybe not. I have had their oatmeal recently, but have no idea what else they had in the morning. 

My feet lead me up the path to the door. Why was I going to Burger King? Maybe they don’t have pancakes. I’ll just go inside and read the breakfast menu, and walk out. Maybe I‘ll get a cup of coffee or some juice, so they don’t think I am weird. 

My eyes skimmed over the menu board.  Yup, they have them. Pancakes. With Sausage.  They also have a platter with eggs, hash browns…  I’m sorry, just got sidetracked for a moment:).

The manager was standing at the register, waiting patiently, while I continued my inner discussion. “I DO NOT NEED PANCAKES!!” My face must have shown some conflict, because he started to look a bit concerned. So, I calmly stepped forward and ordered pancakes and sausage, to go. They were less than $4.00, so my unexpected indulgence was a small one. 

Still feeling a bit bewildered, but starting to smile a bit, I thanked him for my meal and left.   Walking to the corner, I started to think about the nice little meal I was carrying. I could walk this extra food off at lunch time, couldn’t I?

As I walked around the corner, I saw a fellow who seems to live somewhere in the area.  There are often a number of street people around. This fellow appears to be a few years younger than me, and always speaks, even though I seldom give him anything. Then I heard it, loud and clear, “Give him the pancakes!” 

In an instant, I realized that they were never my pancakes in the first place! They were for him all along. But I had to buy them in order to hand them to him instead of giving him cash.

As we made eye contact, I said, “Do you like pancakes?” He said yes, a bit cautiously. He had probably had offers of food, and other things, that came with long, thick strings attached. Strings so thick, they become chains. 

I smiled and held out the bag, “Have these, the Lord told me to buy them, but I do not need them. There is sausage in there, too.”

His eyes lit up like it was Christmas morning and his new bike was sitting under the tree.  “Thank you, thank you so much!” He took the bag gratefully. As I walked away, I turned back to remind him that now he had to bless someone else. I don’t know if he heard me, but I hope he got the message.

I walked on to the office, grinning wildly. My heart racing as tears of joy filled my eyes.  Foolish, flighty little me was an instrument for the Lord’s work!  God was directing me to do the unusual, and I had listened and obeyed (eventually!). I was blessed, because I recognized His voice. I had argued and tried to reason my way out of doing what He said, but now I recognized that He was teaching me and preparing me for whatever will come next. 

The next part of the plan may not be with food, but I pray that I will be ready to respond with a willing heart and eager hands.

"Then the King will say to those on his right,
‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance,
the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 
 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat,
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink,
 I was a stranger and you invited me in,
 I needed clothes and you clothed me,
 I was sick and you looked after me,
 I was in prison and you came to visit me.’” 
 Matthew 25:34-36

Casting Crowns performs:
"If We Are His Body"


 Written by 
Lynda Kinnard – October 2013