Repost from Friday, July 9, 2010
“My frame was not hidden from You
when I was being formed in secret (and)
intricately and curiously wrought
(as if embroidered with various colors) in the
depths of the earth (a region of darkness and mystery).
Psalm 139:15
(amplified Bible)
If you are like me, there have been times in my life that I have wanted to be
someone different from who I am. I have wanted to look different, to think
different, to act different. I have wanted to have different strengths, different
talents and different abilities. It has taken me a long time to be able to see that
the Lord has made me the way I am for a purpose, for His purpose.
Somewhere along the line I began to embrace this knowledge and I began
relating to being “different” in a new way. Because I am who I am, I somehow
I began to think how wonderful it must be to be a “button”. There are so many
different types and sizes and colors and styles. There are simple buttons and
“loud” buttons, “crazy” buttons… and golden buttons.
I thought how buttons can be casual or elegant…how they can be “proper” or
silly. I imagined how a button must not think “too highly” of itself… or “too
little” of itself, either. It seems to me that buttons must be comfortable with what they are… and that above all else, they understand that they are needed.
I thought how buttons are both functional and fun. I see that they serve a very
important purpose… for in them, you find the “finishing” touch, and a sense of
“completeness”. If you don’t think so, just try “losing” one, and you will soon
experience the sense of panic that results!
I began to think that buttons must have been given an extra measure of grace…
for surely I think they must need it. I can see how most of the time, that the
showers of praise and admiration are focused primarily upon the “suit” or the
“dress” or the “outfit”… and, at times, I can imagine how the “button” must feel
a little left out, or perhaps, a bit insignificant.
That is when I imagine how the “Master Tailor” Himself… comes alongside and
begins to explain things to the very special button in a special way that she will
be able to understand. I think that He speaks softly to her as He reminds her how He created and designed her to be exactly the way that she is. I can almost hear Him as He shows her that He uses her for His very special purpose… how she was created to add support and reinforcement, beauty and laughter, or a fabulous show of color to an otherwise “dull” surrounding.
I love it as I imagine how the Master Tailor takes pride in, and values His very
special button. I think that He begins to show her that she is versatile and
loving… and that most of all He loves how she goes willingly to the different
garments that He sets out before her. In ending, I imagine how the very special
button begins to trust in the Master Tailor completely. I believe that she knows
that He is her thread, and I know that she longs for Him alone to shine forth from her very core.
After “seeing” these things about a button, I began to “see” how I can also relate to this whimsical story to my own life. It is my desire to bring joy to my Lord above all else also, and what better way is there for me to do that then to
embrace ALL of the things that He has made me to be. What more can I do than to strengthen my weaknesses and celebrate my strengths by using them to help
others. What better way can I bring my Lord joy than to love the person that I see looking back at me in the mirror each day, for after all, who am I to question that which He has made by His own Hand and design.
Written by Beverley A. Napier
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