What is True Freedom?
Devotional for Thursday, August 25, 2011
The pain and humiliation of being falsely accused, and my words misused, feeds my insecurity and fear that I am somehow less or not worthy of consideration. Even as my heart protests at the unfair treatment His words, “Vengeance is mine,” (see Romans 12:18-20) remind me what I need to do. Even though I am so grateful for all God has forgiven me of and know I do not deserve so much mercy, it is still hard to lay down my right to be understood and hopefully justified. I must forgive. How can I forgive and set others free when I do not feel free myself?
Interrupting a teaching session at the Temple, a group of men confront Jesus. Dragging a woman through the crowd they demand that Jesus tell them what should be done about her.
The men are trying to trap Jesus into saying something they can use against him. Instead of answering them Jesus bends down and starts writing in the dust of the ground with his finger.

What is Jesus scribbling in the dirt? Whatever it is (perhaps names, places, dates, amounts of money?) something causes every one of those men who are accusing her to turn and walk away. Now the guilty woman is left with Jesus.
What is this woman thinking and feeling? Is she holding her breath in fear? As she hears Jesus speak to her, is her heart in her throat, knowing she deserves condemnation for her sin? She answers him.
“No, Lord,” she said. And Jesus said, “Neither do I. Go and sin no more.”
Wow. God does not accuse or condemn us. His love for us (see Romans 8:31-39) and His desire for our freedom (see John 8:32 & 36) is throughout scripture.
Have you accepted Christ as your Savior? Have you believed He died for your sins? Have you admitted your sins to Him and asked Him to forgive you? Then we are both free in Christ. When a past sin comes to my mind, I thank God for His forgiveness and try to dwell on it no more. When it keeps coming to my mind, which happens more than I like, I ask God if there’s something I still need to do about it. Otherwise, I say to my mind, Be Quiet, God has forgiven me! Then I fight my tendency to dwell on the past. I am not my sins. You are not your sins. We can let our own pasts, and God’s kindness to forgive our sins, be a reminder not to be hard on others (no matter how loud our feelings may scream). Our true freedom comes from forgiving others whether or not they ask for it or deserve it.
Dear Lord, thank You for all You have done for us. Thank You that we can ask You for Your strength to forgive when we find ourselves unable to do it on our own. In Jesus name, amen.
You can read the story in John 8:1-11, these words are from the New Living Translation.
Written by Mary M. Wilkins
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