Hmm, I wondered if it was going to be an "Adopt me" card? What a novel idea, I thought. Then I felt a surge of emotion rising in my chest as I petted the peaceful pup and thoughts of my own beloved pet, gone just 4 months, flooded my memory.
A dog training service was on the business card. How brilliant! It gave all the necessary contact information but it was the dog that was the real advertisement: Look at my dog, no leash, no owner nearby, and yet still she has self control.
I thought about the young dog we had just adopted and how much work she is because she's so young and needs so much training. Taking a picture of the business card, I headed back to work thinking how nice it would be if our new pup was as well behaved as our old pup had been.
It wasn't until Sunday's sermon on contentment that I even realized what I had been doing lately. While missing our 12 year old Rottweiler, Sienna, I was forgetting to count my blessings of having a family who was willing to adopt 2 year old Fifi, the 3-legged Pit bull.
Fifi is full of energy, and enthusiasm, while training is full of tedious repetition, improvement is visible very quickly. She loves to snuggle and she makes us smile more often than frown.
I have experienced times of need and times of abundance.
In any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of contentment,
whether I go satisfied or hungry,
have plenty or nothing.
Philippians 4:12 NET
This is the day the LORD has brought about. We will be happy and rejoice in it.
Psalm 118:24 NET
Dear Lord, thank You for showing me that in focusing on the past, and planning for when the future will get here, that I am missing and even avoiding the present. Thank You for giving me opportunities to practice contentment each day. Please give me eyes to see and a heart to understand Your love. In Jesus name, amen.
Written by Mary M. Wilkins
"Every Good Thing" by The Afters
This is an important concept Mary, but I hope that you know that your friends who used to see you more and talk to you more are missing very much. People are one of the gifts that God gives to us to bless us and often represent Him in our lives. Still I do think the things you mentioned about getting more communicative with God and relying on Him more is definitely the way to go. God is the source and blessing of our life. However, please do not be a stranger.x0x
ReplyDeleteGod bless...
Mary, thank you for this very honest writing. It is so true how our emotions can keep us so focused on the past and keeping us from seeing what is present. I am so grateful for each day that God shows us where we need to be. And yes even though we didn't know each other very well, I do miss seeing you about.
ReplyDeleteAwesome writing and reminder that our contentment lies completely in Christ.. not things..people..ect but Jesus!!!!