"How'd it go?" I ask, holding my breath.
"Pretty good, I think, but wait until I show you what happened," Sarah says with some of her old energy. I am encouraged and hopeful that God has heard our prayers.
Sarah is my best friend and I am part of a large circle of support during this intense personal crisis. Her youngest child had stopped gaining weight a few months ago, and when they took the baby in to be checked, she and her husband were entered into a Child Protective Services monitoring program.
My children happily climb into their car seats knowing we are headed to Sarah's house to spend time with their favorite playmates. We have followed this routine after each CPS home visit to try to help Sarah maintain a 'everything is okay' atmosphere for her children.
Sarah and I pause at the doorway as the children run into the large living room to play. I watch my friend's face as I wait to hear her news. I admire her courage as she faces this challenge of having to prove she is a diligent parent. I pray the process will be over soon.
"I had just finished loading the dishwasher with the breakfast dishes when I gave a final glance into the family room. I meet with the social worker in there and I wanted to be sure the kids hadn't made a mess after I had cleaned it. I was feeling good when I spotted the quilt folded along the back of the couch. My heart sank a little as I noticed how wrinkled it was. I looked at my watch but there wasn't enough time to even throw it in the dryer much less iron it." Sarah continued, "I cried out, half in prayer and half in desperation, oh God, I just wish that quilt was ironed."
Everything did end up all right. Sarah and her husband were eventually excused from the program with flying colors. Whenever I think of that time, I remember the miracle of the ironed quilt, and how amazing and unstoppable our God is that He would bother with such a trifle to comfort a mother's heart.
If you want favor with both God and man,
and a reputation for good judgment and common sense,
then trust the Lord completely;
don’t ever trust yourself.
In everything you do, put God first,
and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success.
Proverbs 3:4-5 TLB
Dear Lord, thank You for the miracles You do each day in each of our lives. Please give us eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts that understand and fully believe just how deep and intense Your love is for us. May we allow that love to flood through us to others. In Jesus name, amen.
Written by Mary M. Wilkins
Jesus Culture performs "One Thing Remains"
That is an amazing story Mary. God is soooo good to be sure.I love it when God shows His presence like that. I know by faith that He is always with me but I love seeing His presence in reality so much.
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