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Cutting off the Split Ends...Friday
August 1, 2014
I got quite a dramatic haircut change yesterday. I just decided that I needed to go short, at
least for the remainder of the hot weather; being a woman my age the hot
flashes have been quite often and unpleasant.
If I can at least make them a little more tolerable I am all for
it. So, I bit the bullet and paid the
price to go to a darling young lady near work.
I loved her, and I love my new hair style. First of all it is off the back of my neck,
and the next amazing bonus is that it is so easy and fun! Yay, all the way around!!
As I was watching my hair that had been cut being swept away
with the broom, it sparked an analogy in my head about how we need to cut off
the brittle split ends of our lives, how hanging on to the brokenness in our
hearts causes us to feel lonely, sad, brittle and broken ourselves. I know that I hang onto ugly things for way
too long.
Let all bitterness and wrath
and anger and clamor and slander
be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another,
tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in
Christ forgave you.
Ephesians 4:31-32
So, as my old split end hairs are being swept away, I am
thinking that I need to do the same with my internal split ends that have been dragging
down my heart. My hair now feels so much
lighter and freer and perky. Not being
flat and sad. It has a new start to be
free of the ends that were pulling it in the wrong direction, lugging me down with
it, making me feel like I am really a bummer with no bounce to it. Well, my beloved readers, I can do the same
with my split up heart. I can’t take
scissors and a razor to cut them off, but I can do something much easier and
that is that I can give my heart to Jesus.
He has already and will continue to heal all those split ends and
brittle chunks of hurt caused from this broken world. After I give my brittleness to God, I now
walk with a sweet little bounce, sure, I have clumsy slips along the way, and
may even have a fall or two, but, He will never leave my side, and He will even
carry me if necessary. Thank you for
that, my heavenly Father, thank you for giving me a new style that I can be
proud of and wear with happiness!
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