As I think over some of my personal favorites I notice they share common themes: friendship, loyalty, devotion, support, perseverance, and in the end: love always wins. Perhaps the reason many of us enjoy a good Superbowl commercial is it's a reminder of things we long for and hold dear.
Case in point, although my busy days of rushing through a McDonald's drive-thru are long gone - I have seen their "Lovin' It" ads. When they spent 60 seconds of Superbowl ad space showing real people 'feeling the love' I found myself smiling, laughing, and holding back a tear. This commercial was a touchdown in my book. If you haven't seen it yet - it is attached below.
God is love. Yep, most of us know that and our brains move on. But wait! God IS love. There in 3 little words is the basis of all of the understanding we need. God loves us. I once heard a pastor preach at a conference that if we could "get this one thing" where we actually knew, that we knew, that we knew, that God loves us, how different our lives would be. We would be free because His truth sets us free (see John 8:32).
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this:
While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8 NIV
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for using every day things to remind us of Your intense love for us. As we see loving reminders, may we be those loving reminders to everyone You bring across our paths. May our own lives be better than the best Superbowl commercials we've ever seen: may it be Your love flowing out through us today and every day. In Jesus name, amen.
Written by Mary M. Wilkins
Your Love Knows No End performed by Hillsong United
McDonald's Superbowl 2015 Commercial
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