If we all think about it... our very existence..our every breath... our every heartbeat... come from our Heavenly Daddy. None of us would be here if our God had not breathed the breath of Life into our very being.
I try to make it a habit each morning to thank my God for every breath He gives me and allowing me to live another day. For He is my strength and my "Total Everything!"
"The Spirit of God has made me,
And the breath of the Almighty gives me life."
In Job 33:4
It is so evident to me that apart from Christ I have nothing and I am nothing. As it says in His Word, He has made me, and He gives me life!!
Not only that but He completely takes care of me and is always watching over me!
I will be grateful onto Him even as I take my very last breath on this earth and slip into eternity in the arms of my Abba Daddy.....
From Abba's arms
Sandy Billingham
Sandy Billingham
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