
"Coming Home”

Today I am remembering the special times that I have spent with family and friends. I love and treasure those times of just being together. It is such a gift to have friendship and love. I always feel as if I am "coming home" from some kind of a journey, which in reality is the truth, for we are always either “setting out” or “returning” in one sense or another.

At these times I feel that I am able to come in and "kick off the dust” and to bask in the warm and comforting presence of the Lord. I can feel the love of those whom God has blessed me with, whether they are friends or family. I love the honesty, frankness and understanding that we are all able to share. I love the wisdom gained in the listening, and the acceptance and understanding that takes place in the sharing.

I love that I am able to be myself, even when I'm not quite sure of who that is. I love the image and direction of Christ I see mirrored back to me when I have lost my way. I love that I am able to find a loving hand to help me up when I've run out of strength. I love the encouragement and truth from the Word of God that settles itself inside of my spirit and makes its way into my heart where it plants hope, forgiveness and more love. I love the sense of fullness and satisfaction that permeates itself on the inside of me, a sense of being in the very presence of God and knowing that I am deeply loved.

To me there is no greater gift than the gift of ones self, for this is the very same gift that Jesus gave to each one of us. There is such great truth in the scripture that states,
“We love because He first loved us”
(1 John 4:19).
As I sit here and contemplate all that this means I can feel the depth and sweetness of this truth as it bears witness in the deepest, most intimate places of my heart and spirit.

As I shut my eyes I can almost feel the gentle but strong embrace of My Heavenly Father. As I settle back I can feel a deep smile of contentment as it outlines itself onto my face. As His peace and gentleness enfold me, I can almost hear Him as He whispers so clearly, “It is good.”

Written by Beverley A. Napier


A Good Story about You

My kids enjoy a good story. They especially like to hear stories about themselves. Whether it’s the day they were born, people who came to see them, people who cared about them, things they did that they don’t remember, tears shed, or falls taken. It’s enchanting to meet an apparent stranger who looks in your eyes then with a twinkle in their own starts with, “I remember when…”

It’s nice to hear that you mattered to someone, that there was at least one person who rushed over just to hold you and kiss you. There were people who prayed for you, even if your parents were not praying people themselves. There were people who cared about you, made things for you, gave your parents ‘best wishes’, loving looks, and reassuring words of what a fine baby you were.

This is how I know that you were loved. God knit you together inside your mother’s womb. It doesn’t matter if she was expecting you, wanting you or desiring you. It is God who opens and closes the womb. No one is an accident. When I was studying teen pregnancy, I asked God if He is in control and every baby is a blessing from Him, why did He let 14 year old girl’s get pregnant, or rape victims, or incest victims, or woman who are about to be diagnosed with cancer? The answer is destiny. God has a purpose for each one of those children, for their mothers and for you.

Romans 8:29-30 (MSG)
"God knew what he was doing from the very beginning.

He decided from the outset to shape the lives of those
who love him along the same lines as the life of his Son.
The Son stands first in the line of humanity he restored.
We see the original and intended shape of our lives there in him.
After God made that decision of what his children should be like,
he followed it up by calling people by name.
After he called them by name, he set them on a solid basis with himself.
And then, after getting them established, he stayed with them to the end,
gloriously completing what he had begun."

Ephesians 1:3-6 (MSG)
“How blessed is God! And what a blessing he is!
He's the Father of our Master, Jesus Christ, and takes us to the high places of blessing in him. Long before he laid down earth's foundations, he had us in mind,
had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love.
 Long, long ago he decided to adopt us into his family through Jesus Christ.
 (What pleasure he took in planning this!)
He wanted us to enter into the celebration of his lavish gift-giving
by the hand of his beloved Son.”

In spite of the sin-filled world we live in, we can trust Him to guide us through it. He chose to bring us into this world, and gently draw us to Him. He will not just turn around and decide we’re not worth the trouble. Of course He wants us to do what is right and His forgiveness policy is not an excuse to do what is wrong. But His love for us is so intense and so great that when we do fail, He will not abandon us.

2 Corinthians 4:8-10 (NLT)
“We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed.
We are perplexed, but not driven to despair.
We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God.
We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed.
Through suffering, our bodies continue to share
 in the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus
 may also be seen in our bodies.”

Written by Mary Wilkins

Seek Him First

What comfort and peace to know that if we will seek God first and all that He is, He will be faithful to meet our every need. If we will but put Jesus first, if we will pursue Him with all of our heart, everything in our life we need He will grant us provision.

If we are trying to satisfy our life with things other than the Lord, not looking onto Him, there will be much lack and emptiness in our life. There will not be that rich and deep fulfillment of Christ in our life. The things that we truly need will not be added onto us.

As we make Him top priority in our life, and seek His face, He will reveal His will, purpose and glory to us. He will speak to our hearts and reveal the destiny that He has for us.

Matthew 6:33 says, But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. I desire to seek His kingdom first. What a wonderful promise He has given us as a result of seeking Him first.

Written by Sandy


Living in Harmony

1 Peter 3:8-9  
Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another;
be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble.
 Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult,
but with blessing, because to this you were called
so that you may inherit a blessing.

Paul's counsel to the congregation in Rome (Romans 12:17-20; 13:8-10) is clearly in line with what Jesus taught. He insists that we must never allow vindictiveness, the desire to get even with someone for a suffered wrong, to drive us.

In the same vein, Peter taught that we must not repay evil with evil, insult with insult, but we must bless (I Peter 3:8-9). Why are we called to react this way? Because if we want to be in God's Kingdom, it can only happen without the spirit of murder dwelling in us, and those evil retaliations are the spirit of murder. We are not to take vengeance because God has retained that responsibility to Himself. Is that not the way it should be? Only He fully knows and understands every facet of the circumstances and can judge perfectly. By the way, Paul addresses the issue of retaliation four times in Romans 12, which begins by stating that we are to be living sacrifices and not to conform to this world's ways.

The picture should be clear. Somebody must be willing to do this if there will be peace. Jesus set the example: He, refusing to strike back, died for the entire world. Christ's non-retaliatory remedy is ultimately for everybody's benefit, but until He returns, the standards He set can be met and lived only by those who, like Jesus, have the Spirit of God, are living by faith, and are enabled to keep God's ways by God Himself.

God bless you all ..Submitted by AMA



I just wanted to share the lyrics to a special song. It was written by Stormie Omartian and sung by Debbie Boone expressing her thoughts toward her children. The lyrics are dear to me and I hope will touch your heart as well.

"So much to say and just a lifetime to say it.
How quickly time passes.
If I had my way, I'd keep you safe within my arms
While the storm of life crashes.
I won't always be with you, my child, but words I can give.
When the winds of hope are dying down, these words will live.
Above all else, know God's the one who'll never leave you.
Look to Him above all else.
He is love you can depend upon, a heart set to care.
If in the darkest night you should be lost, He will be there.
He's the Everlasting Father,
In His hands you'll never fall.
He's the one who holds it all,
Above all else.
He's the Author of your laughter,
He's the keeper of your tears,
He's the one who you must fear
Above all else.
He's the Giver of the kingdom
bought for you right from the start,
And He'll ask you for your heart
Above all else.
So much to say
And not enough time left to say it.
Just love the Lord
Above all else."

Copyright 1987 by Michael and Stormie Omartian for See This House Music/ASCAP

Shared by CF



"In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.' " Acts 20:35

Many women know very well how to give. We often are giving our time to many things, masters of multi-tasking, whether that be time for family, or for church, or for others. We share our abilities, offering to do things for other people where we feel able. We are taking the lead over men in charitable giving and philanthropy. We give and give and give....

But do we know how to receive? The above verse doesn't say we should never be on the receiving end. However, it is sometimes difficult to accept something from another person, whether that be "fighting" over who will pay for a lunch, or not knowing how to accept a compliment. It can even go so far as not asking for help when we need it. Sometimes we are the ones who are weak who need support.

If there is giving going on, there must also be receiving. If there is a giver, there is a receiver. The person giving is blessed when they give to the person receiving. So if we are the ones receiving, we are also being used as a tool in the life of the person giving. And perhaps God really wants us to have what is being given - we wouldn't want to reject God's gift!

For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving... 1 Timothy 4:4

So when we are paid a compliment, we can simply thank the person, or even pay it back with a compliment for them. It is also important not to deny what they are saying, because that would be like calling them a liar. We can give God the credit for what we were complimented on, humbly saying how grateful we are that God gave us that trait or that talent, etc. And when someone offers to pay for a meal, perhaps we can simply agree to return the favor in the future. Finally, when we are in need of support in some way, we can remember that asking for help allows another person to use their gifts from God in our own lives.

Dear Lord in heaven, thank you for all that you have given me. Help me to find balance in my life in giving and receiving. Help me to be grateful when someone offers me something. And help me to give you the glory in all that I receive and do. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Written by Jan A.



After studying Job chapters 1-3, I meditated on chapter 3 and Job’s lament. Here we have Job not only cursing the day he was born, but even the day he was conceived. I've never been in such deep depression in my own life, but, after all that he'd been through, I can't say that I blame him for expressing such extremes. I really can't fathom the amount of pain he was in. However, verses 16 and 17 speak of his desire to have died before he even left the womb and how much better he felt it would've been to never have been born in order to avoid such pain.

My mind went to the issue of miscarriages, abortions, and still births...lives coming to an end before they've even had the chance to begin. It seems to me that one of the typical phrases used to consul someone when they've lost a loved one is "They're in a better place." I know that these are typical words even in the case of a life that was ended before it was born. It seems that worldly wisdom would have us believe that the reason for the life to have ended was God's way of allowing the child to avoid something in life. The usual reasons would be, "...painful medical challenges...," and, "...traumatic family life...." But after reading Job's wish to have perished in the womb himself, my gut feeling told me that there are no justifiable reasons to explain the loss of a life, especially a life that never even had a chance to begin.

Such a tragedy is exactly just that...a tragedy; the type of occurrences that have no explanation to them because we don't have the mind of God. If we're right in explaining away a life because they would avoid suffering, then what does that say about those who survive in spite of the suffering they have in store for them? I guess my question is this, do we not value life the way we should? Shouldn't we value just being alive far beyond the suffering that's experienced? I really think that there's more to this "being alive thing" that we just don't fully grasp. After all, I can't think of a single person who could tell me what it's like to never have been given a chance. Can you?

Why is it that even in the greatest physical suffering when the mind is telling the body to give up and wishing that its life was over, the body is still going through all the survival mechanisms programmed into it (by God Himself) to keep the body alive? It's not as easy as the mind telling the body to die. The body just keeps on fighting to live.

Could it be that all the miscarried, aborted and stillborn babies who are with Jesus right now are, dare I say, envious that they never made it past the womb alive and experienced the breath of life that God desires for all of us to have? Is there something about having that breath, even just once, that we just don't get? It's a gift, isn't it? I don't think we understand how great of a gift it truly is...so great that it's worth all the suffering that comes along with it.

Now technically, I do believe that life begins at conception, not birth. (That makes it all the more significant that Job not only cursed the day he was born, but the day he was conceived. He must have been a believer in life beginning at conception as well.) Although the lungs aren't fully expanded and filled with air until birth, I believe that God's breath of life fills us the moment we're conceived...that moment that two cells come together and a living being is created...that moment that cannot be explained by science as to why and how it happens but just that it happens is the moment that God steps in and does what science cannot do. After all, the first breath of life was breathed into man by God Himself.

So maybe I’m wrong in thinking that they (the unborn babies) had no chance to live since they lived right from conception. You can’t die if you didn’t live, and a life ended before birth is still a life ended. The point is that life is so precious. There's just no "reason" for it ever to be ended except that we live in a fallen world, for living in a fallen world is the only answer to why…why do such tragedies occur? And if it is such a tragedy, why wish for it? You can’t remedy one tragic situation by wishing for another.

O.K., I will concede that in one sense, death is a blessing. The moment that sin entered the world, death came along with it and most of the time death is viewed as a curse, but there is mercy in it. For if God was not merciful enough to allow for death, we would all be living forever in a cursed world. But God is just. He has our days numbered and decides when He’ll allow for death to come. Since, as I said before, we don’t have the mind of God, we can never do justice to the reasons why death comes at the times that it does. We can be sorry for it, we can thank God for His wisdom in it, but we just should never wish for it. Let's not forget that although God did not necessarily step in and prevent Job's suffering, He was not willing for Job to lose his life.

Genesis 2:7
 The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground
and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life,
and the man became a living being.
Amie Spruiell 9/14/2010


I Will Go Before You

"I will go before you and level the mountains (to make the crooked places straight);
 I will break in pieces the doors of bronze and cut asunder the bars of iron".
And I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches
of secret places that you may know that it is I,
the Lord, the God of Israel, Who calls you by your name".
Isaiah 45:2 and 3 (Amplified Bible)

This is such a beautiful reminder and promise. I have found myself meditating on it this morning. I love the thought that nothing can keep the Lord out of where He wants to go... not even "doors of bronze" or "bars of iron". Sometimes we see those "doors and bars" in our lives and it looks so hopeless, doesn't it?

Sometimes they are the "doors" that we see keeping us from where we want to be in life, or the "bars" we see around our children's or loved ones hearts that keep them from knowing God's hope and joy for themselves. Whatever those “doors” or “bars” happen to be in our lives today, I am praying alongside you that they be "leveled" by the Lord Himself, even when they appear to be "mountains". Nothing is too big for our God, for Who is like Him?

I love that He summons us by name, because that represents the fact that He knows all about us. He knows our hearts, our dreams, our spouses, our children, our situations, and He also knows the plans that He has for us. I think that those plans that He has for us are the things that He brings out of the darkness and into the light, that His plans are some of the "riches stored in secret places". I believe that they are only in the darkness and in the "secret" places to us, but not to Him, because He sees and knows all things and His timing is always perfect.

I also love the way that He says "So that you may know that I am the Lord". He never, ever tires of showing us His infinite love for us, and His goodness. He knows that we do not fully or cannot fully understand His heart for us and so He continually shows His kindness to us by reminding us of all of His promises. I love that He never tires of reassuring us. Again and again and again He reassures us that He is Our Father and that He alone holds all in the palm of His Hands.

Meditating on these truths has made such a difference in my outlook and attitude today. I pray that it will do the same for you. I pray that you will be reassured yourself this morning, and blessed with the knowledge that you are loved far much more than you could ever hope, dream or even imagine.

Written by Beverley A. Napier


When you are soul tired...

Thursday, September 22, 2010

I Just Need a Break

Honestly, I am looking for some peace and quiet, lack of conflict, minimal challenges, reduced demands, understanding and relief. Relief from fatigue, from a sense of just getting by, that no matter what I do, it’s not enough; with every completed day, there is a mountain of items just waiting in the wings. Does anyone understand how I feel?

If I had just poured that sentence out to me, with a gentle voice, over a lovingly brewed cup of tea, I would, quoting Jesus, say, “Peace, be still.” You’re mind is full and anxious about many things. God has not forgotten about you. He loves you with an unending love. Seek first His purposes and plans and righteousness. His grace is sufficient for you. God will see you through everything in your life. He is willing to be your strength. You can depend on Him.

Psalm 37:5-9 (NLT)
5 Commit everything you do to the Lord.
Trust him, and he will help you.
6 He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn,
and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun.
7 Be still in the presence of the Lord,
and wait patiently for him to act.
Don’t worry about evil people who prosper
or fret about their wicked schemes.
8 Stop being angry!
Turn from your rage!
Do not lose your temper—
it only leads to harm.
9 For the wicked will be destroyed,
but those who trust in the Lord will possess the land.

Dear Lord, I thank You that Your mercy is new every morning. I humble myself and ask You to please forgive me for trying to do everything in my own strength, in my own way, with my own wisdom. I give up. Please forgive me for being angry so often! Search my heart and cleanse me of every sin, both known and hidden. Help me to trust You and rely on You every moment of every day. Please give me a thirst for more of You. Thank You for the purifying power of Your Word. In Jesus name, Amen.

Prayed by Mary M. Wilkins: May 14, 2007 (and many times before and since).

Be Anxious For Nothing

Why would we as God's people worry when instead we can have peace and rest in Him? We certainly accomplish nothing when we worry, but in fact we suffer loss. A result of worry causes tension, stress, pressure, sleepless nights, robs our joy and the list goes on. We lose precious time by worrying, for instead we could be petitioning our requests to God and trusting and resting in the arms of Jesus.

Would we rather be overwhelmed with worry or look to Jesus and allow Him to lavish His love, care, rest and peace upon us? I would rather choose the latter in focusing my heart on Jesus. Our heavenly Father is ever mindful of our daily needs.
God's word tells me in Philippians 4:6-7 "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

Thank you Lord that you take good care of your children.


Written by Sandy


Lift your eyes to the hills!

Psalms 121:1-8

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.
He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee
will not slumber.
Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand.
The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.
The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.
The LORD shall preserve thy going out
 and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.



Once we recognize that the psalmist uses "hills" as an image of a problem to a pilgrim, we easily understand the rest of the psalm as an encouragement to those on a spiritual pilgrimage to the Kingdom of God. It certainly does not give the impression that God—at any time—lets His mind wander, unaware of what is happening in His children's lives. Not only is He ever on guard, He is also ready, willing, and able to intervene with strength. He is not a parent distracted by other concerns so that He neglects His children. We can be greatly encouraged that God is always alert to His responsibilities.

Because God is this way, all things work together for our good, even though there are times when we sin and nothing evil appears to have happened to us. Human nature easily deceives itself into thinking it has gotten away with something. This, however, is like saying we can defy the law of gravity, and nothing will happen! God does not let us get away with anything pertaining to His purpose, but He is never overbearing in thoroughly following through.

submitted by AMA

Whom The Son Sets Free is Free Indeed

My husband and I were guests at a Salvation Army dinner the other night. The banquet was held to honor and celebrate the sobriety of those men currently or previously engaged in the Salvation Army's recovery program. Some of the men had been clean and sober from alcohol and or drugs for as long as 30 years. Others were still in their first week of abstinence. Whether just beginning the program or having graduated decades ago all the gentlemen had one thing in common. They were trusting in the Saviour Jesus Christ to set them free or keep them free from the bondages which had entangled them.

I remember that as a baby Christian one of my mentors would always mention that Jesus came to undo the works of the devil. I never really understood the depths of her remark until years later. By that time I had seen how Jesus had radically transformed lives. God had taken what Satan meant for evil and turned it around for good. It is true that "our enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour" 1 Peter 5:8. He takes advantage of wounded spirits, broken hearts, human weakness, lack of knowledge, and whatever other inroads he can to disenfranchise lives. However, Psalm 107:20 comforts us with "He sent His Word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions." So whether our destructive behavior is substance abuse or gossip, Jesus promises that "He who began a good work in us will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6.

Written by CF



Fear has a wide range of degrees, from simple caution about a situation to extreme terror or phobia. Our response to fear can range from consciously shaking it off like after someone accidentally startles us, to a subconscious response such as nightmares or flash backs after an extremely distressing incident. Fear can be helpful if it leads us to taking proper precautions, such a not walking alone in an unfamiliar dark alley. However, fear can also be paralyzing or unhealthy such as when someone has agoraphobia, the fear of leaving one's home. There is a whole host of related emotions such as apprehension, worry, alarm or anxiety. Over focusing on a fear can be very disabling.

Fear is an emotional response to some kind of threat. The things we are afraid of are also wide-ranging and can be real or imagined. It can be as simple as an object or thing such as bugs or mice, or a threat to our health such as fear of contracting cancer. Situations can cause fear such as impending danger, possible pain, being in an intimate relationship, taking a risk, or wondering what the future holds. The list is endless.

What are your fears? Are they healthy in that they keep you safe or move you to a beneficial action, or are you so wrapped up in anxiety that you are unable to move forward and be of service to God? If they are unhealthy, you can turn them over to God and ask him to remove them.

Amid disquieting dreams in the night, when deep sleep falls on men, fear and trembling seized me and made all my bones shake. (Job 4:13-14) ...But if it were I, I would appeal to God; I would lay my cause before him. He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted. (Job 5:8-9)

But fear can also mean awe or reverence as when we refer to fear of God. This is certainly a healthy fear and is described in many places in the Bible. It involves thanking, obeying, serving and worshipping him.

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our "God is a consuming fire." Hebrews 12:28-29

Blessed are all who fear the LORD, who walk in his ways. Psalm 128:1

This is not to say we are afraid of God, for he promises strength and protection from our fears:

Say to those who have an anxious heart, “Be strong; fear not! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God. He will come and save you.” Isaiah 35:4

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Our God is an awesome God. May He be with you in all that you do, remove your unhealthy fears, and allow and empower you to be of help to Him and to his kingdom!

Infinite God, thank you for giving me the strength and help that I need every day. I ask you to remove from me these fears.... and help me to grow in my service to you. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Written by Jan A.


It Is Finished

Over the years, I have struggled to come to a place of forgetting my past sins, forgiving myself for them and accepting that God truly has wiped them all away. It’s been quite a struggle, and He’s used many different ways to help come to this assurance.

I remember having a conversation with Him one day while pondering the way I discipline my children. My four kids are almost all past the age of spankings now, but for quite some years, I felt like I was constantly marching them into the master bedroom to follow through with the dreaded “switch”.

It was always most difficult for the littlest ones to understand that after such agony, they were still loved and the spanking was over. They would often become so worked up inside, I would find it necessary to convince them.

“All done,” is what I would say to which they would repeat back to me as a question, “All done?”

“All done,” I would say again and again if needed as sometimes I couldn’t be heard over their crying. Though their unbelieving tone would break my heart, I would calmly continue to assure them that their spanking was over. They would catch their breath, gather their emotions, embrace my hug and finally skip off to get back to their day.

“God,” I said, “Why can’t I literally hear those words from you? I seem to be so worked up in my anguish that I just don’t get it.”

“You’ve forgotten,” He responded, “I did literally say it. Remember? I was on the cross. I said…

‘It is finished….’

Amie Spruiell 9-17-2010

He Trains My Hands

"He trains my hands for war, so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze.
You have also given me the shield of Your salvation;
and Your condescension and gentleness have made me great.”
 II Samuel 22:35 and 36 Amplified Bible

My personal Trainer has these two small rubber “pillows” that are only partially inflated. She places them on the floor and has me stand on them while I am lifting weights. The first few times I tried this (without the weights), I could not keep my balance and had to hold onto something for stability. She explained to me that she was placing me on an “unstable” surface in order to strengthen my “core” in its ability to stabilize me. I found this quite interesting and I could feel all of the strength that it took for me to focus in on the place that was keeping me stable.

After awhile, and true to my Trainer’s purpose in leading me, I was not only able to stand still and stable upon that place of instability, but come to find out, I was also able to maneuver some “added” weight upon this place. Now, isn’t it curious to think that this is exactly what God does with us? He takes those very places of instability in our lives and He teaches us how to “focus” in on His ability to stabilize us, and to keep us from falling head first into whatever it is that we find ourselves in. Whether it is shame, disappointment, addiction, resentment, hopelessness or pain, He gives us the ability to stand stable with our hope fixed on His love, His strength, and His ability to save us.

One of my Trainer’s favorite phrases is “lengthen and strengthen”. As she challenges me to reach further into my abilities to do certain things, she knows that she is helping me to become stronger. She is helping me to gain strength in my physical body, and also in my mind as well. That is the same with God. As He allows us to pass through times of struggle in our lives, He does not allow them to be of no value. His purpose is always to “strengthen” us in our ability to endure. He also causes us to become “lengthened” in our ability to influence those that He has placed around us.

Today I am so thankful for my Trainers, not only my earthly one who walks beside me and helps me to accomplish so much more than I ever thought I could, but also for my “Heavenly” Trainer as well. For it is in Him alone in which I find my strength. He is the only one Who gives me the courage that I need to go on. He is the only one Who gives me that wonderful sense of peace, and with such a strong and gentle whisper, breathes His purpose into my heart and life.

Written by Beverley A Napier


Satisfaction in Life

Repost from September, 2010

Just before her high school graduation I was taking a moment to chat with my daughter about dreams and expectations. We discussed the belief of there being one perfect thing for her to do. Is it true? Is there a calling, a purpose, or a mission that will collectively make use of her gifts and talents for the benefit of others and satisfaction to herself.


As I listened to her toy with big dreams, little wishes and high hopes, I did something unusual. I kept all my warnings and opinions about how hard this or that is, or how difficult or rare it is to achieve such n such tmyself. I know! I was surprised too! Not that I’m against practical analysis, some might even say I’m a bit cynical. But this was a dreaming session, and in a beautiful example of God’s grace, He shut the mouth of this momma lion. The result was a privileged peek into my daughter’s heart.

What a delightful experience. I wish I had done this sooner and more often. Why does it take me so long to learn these things? By the time I get the hang of it, I’m almost done! But that’ll be something ‘fun’ to write about at another time. The short answer is rather rough, painful and embarrassing. Truth be known, I was busy with other things and other people. An honest assessment of my fears, priorities, and habits can wait for another day.

Continuing the discussion of embracing life my daughter clarified her perspective regarding “One perfect thing.” She suggested that life satisfaction would come from many areas experienced rather than a success enjoyed. She does hope to achieve her current dreams, but as opportunities come along she is willing to be flexible and consider adjusting them.

That sounded so healthy and balanced I started thinking about my own life and how it might measure up to such a well-rounded perspective. I imagined a yummy holiday pie divided into many slices. If the pie represented my life, what did each slice stand for? I thought about my husband, 2 slices, definitely. Each child, another 2 slices each; then church, friends, extended family, bible study, running a home, keeping a job, health, personal care, alone time, personal time with God. Looking at the list I began to realize that all of these areas added up to a positive life. Yes, there had been struggles, challenges, losses and negatives. But the sweet moments, joy and laughter end up tipping the balance toward a satisfied life.

“For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome. For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world--our faith. Who is the one who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? I John 5:3-5 (NASB)

For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them]. Philippians 4:8 (AMP)

Written by Mary M. Wilkins


God Is Ever So Close

Oh what a comfort to know my God is with me every second, every hour of the day. My God has never left my side. Since the very moment he created my life, He has been with me.

Through all the hardships, through all the good times, my God has continuously been with me. He experienced all the pain that I have walked through and He has experienced all the joy that I have had.

My God is faithful, and He is my Rock! Oh the joy of knowing that my Heavenly Father watches over His people, never taking His eyes off of us. I cling to my Savior for His word says in Hebrew 13:5 " I will never leave you nor forsake you."
Blessings and love,

Written by Sandy


Communion with God “Prayer”

John  14:13-14
 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do,
that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.


Is it true that God has given us a blank check to ask anything of Him just as one might ask a genie in a fairy tale? Some may misunderstand this to be the case, but I John 5:14 qualifies what He will grant: "Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us." Real prayer is communion with God, and what is necessary for communion are common thoughts between His mind and ours.

What we need is for Him to fill our minds and hearts with His thoughts. Then His desires will become our desires flowing back to Him in the form of prayer. James 4:3 confirms this: "You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures." If we ask amiss, we are certainly not asking according to His will, and we will not receive.

But does not Jesus say in John 16:23, "Whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you"? He most assuredly does, but we still do not have a carte blanche. To ask God for anything in the name of Jesus Christ, it must be in keeping with what He is. To ask in Christ's name is to ask as though Christ Himself were asking. Therefore, we can only ask for what Christ Himself would ask. It is therefore necessary to set aside our own will and accept God's. Jesus says in John 8:29: "And He who sent Me is with Me. The Father has not left Me alone, for I always do those things that please Him." If we do as Jesus did, we are sure to receive answers as He did. He adds in John 11:41-42: "Father, I thank you that You have heard Me. And I know that You always hear Me."

We must come away with the realization that prayer is not dictating to God, but a humble and heartfelt expression of our attitude of dependency and need. Because of this, the one who truly prays is submissive to God's will, content with Him supplying his need according to the dictates of His sovereign pleasure. The result of this, combined with the infusion of God's attitudes and thoughts as we draw near to Him, will work to create us in His image.



Submitted by AMA


Partnering With God For Our Children

As a parent one of the most valuable things we can do for our children is to pray daily for them. There are numerous Bible promise books available to us today. We can use these as a guide in our petitions covering all the various areas of our childrens' lives.

The Bible gives us wisdom and instruction in how to raise our families. These directives are priceless, but oh how we need God's help and grace to implement them! Each child is unique, with his or her own set of needs, talents, strengths and weaknesses. We need the Holy Spirit's direction as we teach our offspring in the ways of the Lord. Starting each day on our knees asking for wisdom and guidance will make our lives more peaceful and our efforts in childrearing more fruitful. We can ask the Lord to give our children obedient and receptive spirits and a desire for God's will and His ways. We can ask for creative methods of communicating the Father's love to our families and His desire for them to walk in His paths.

We are so blessed and privileged to have a Lord who stands beside us in teaching our children. We partner with Him. We are not alone in this endeavor. We can come to Jesus throughout the day to ask for strength and wisdom for ourselves and for cooperation from our children. When the task seems daunting we can say turn to Isaiah 41:13 which states "For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you."

Written by Cathy Friberg



When we were young, our parents tried to teach us how to behave. They told us when to say please and thank you, when to say we were sorry, and even how to forgive someone else. I remember when our boys were little, and one would accidentally bump into the other. The one being bumped into may not have understood what happened, and thought it was on purpose, so we encouraged the “bumper” to apologize to the one bumped, all while keeping the two at greater than arms length from each other. Well, sometimes that would bring protests from the bumper saying, “But I didn't mean to do it!” We had to stress to him that was all the more reason to apologize, even if you explain it was an accident. An apology wasn't necessarily an admission that it was on purpose. Then we had to go through explaining to the one bumped that yes, it could have been an accident and to accept the apology, to forgive the other one. Those were sometimes trying times, and all the while we were trying to keep them calm so it did not escalate into something worse, such as an all-out fight. It was a challenge to see how quickly we could work them through this thought process without rushing them to the end point while missing the whole meaning behind the words, “I'm sorry” and “I forgive you.”

Even as adults sometimes we have difficulty with saying “I'm sorry.” Sometimes it is because we do not even recognize that we have done something harmful, wrong or offensive. Even when we do recognize that, it can be hard to admit it, even to ourselves. We may try to hide it in hopes the other person won't find out. Or we may be trying to look good to others, and hope they didn't notice or weren't even aware of the offense. There may be fear on our part that the one(s) wronged will not believe us or will not accept our apology. We can ask God to help us with all these issues and fears, and move ahead to apologize and then to right the wrong as best we can.

“make every effort to live in peace with all men...” (Hebrews 12:14a)

As adults we also sometimes have difficulty with forgiveness. What about if someone really did something to us intentionally? How do we begin to forgive them, especially if they are not ready or able to say “I'm sorry”? First of all, forgiveness is a decision on our part, separate from the other person's part, over which we have no control. Forgiveness is also a process, where the person offering the forgiveness may be ready to do so first, but the actual benefits of that forgiveness cannot be fully realized until the other party is ready also, to accept responsibility for their words or actions and to apologize and even make amends. But we don't need to let that get in our way of being ready to offer the forgiveness. We can ask God for the strength and the desire to forgive, and we can pray for the person we need to learn to forgive, even before we feel we will ever be ready to forgive them. That alone can begin to soften our hearts.

“For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” Matthew 6:14-15

Sometimes the people we may have difficulty forgiving is ourselves. It is often easier to forgive others for the same thing than it is to forgive ourselves for it. If that is the case, there is a way to work through that also. First, if we are truly doing something still that we should not be doing, we can ask God to remove it from our lives and give us strength to stop. Second, we can be assured that God forgives us fully when we ask him to do so, and we can also ask for forgiveness from those we may have harmed, even if they are not ready to forgive. Just asking them for forgiveness is part of the healing. Third, we can ask God to remove any guilt or shame surrounding the issue so that any anxiety about it does not drive us back. Fourth, we can reach out to others who may be having the same issues and help them do these things too. Finally, remember that forgiveness is a decision, not a feeling. We can decide to forgive ourselves over and over again until we feel truly forgiven. Ask God for help in all these areas – he will provide it!

“For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more” Hebrews 8:12

Thank you Lord for giving your life as payment for my sins. Your forgiveness of all is sometimes unbelievably overwhelming. Help me dear Lord to realize where I have done wrong and to do what I can out of thankfulness for my own forgiveness to make it up to those I may have harmed. Your love and forgiveness are given freely to me. Help me to be like you, to forgive others, no matter what the offense may be. Amen.

Written by Jan A


Are you ready?

In my dream, I was in some sort of prison. It was a life prison. I couldn’t remember life before the prison or why any of us were there. We all the same prison clothes, shoes, and jacket. Everyday, someone was executed. It was inevitable that everyone would die in this prison. There was no way out. The executions were not doled out according to your crime or how long you had been there. They were random, like a lottery. I suppose you could’ve been there a day and your number would be up, or you could’ve been there a lifetime before it was your turn. Everybody would gather together in what seemed like a coliseum. The warden would stand in the center of the stage, and the number was drawn. If your number was drawn, you would go down to the center stage and become hooked up to an electric chair. Everybody would watch. There was no cheering, only silence.

In my dream, my number was drawn. I was sitting next to someone who was a good friend of mine, so I said good-bye to her. On the other side of me was an empty chair, and usually my closest friend was sitting there, but today he was late. I looked around for him so I could say good-bye, but could not find him. I felt more disheartened that he wasn’t there to say good-bye than I was about my ultimate doom that lay before me. I handed my jacket and shoes to the friend who was there, as was customary, and asked her to bid farewell to the missing one.

The closer I got to the stage, the more frightened I became. Then I fell to my knees and on my face. I began to pray right there in the middle of the stage. I was so focused on my anguish; I did not know what was going on around me. I was begging God to help me to get through the fear and the pain. I don’t know how long I was there, but it seemed like a long time. I was aware, however, that there was a lot of noise and lights flashing in the auditorium. I guess I began to assume that I hadn’t even noticed them hooking me up to the wires, and so here it was…my death. I was so exhausted. I’d never been through such intense praying before. Then I stopped. I noticed it was quiet around me and I became confused. As I struggled to catch my breath my mind was racing with questions. “Did it really happen? Why am I still alive? Maybe the lights and sounds really wasn’t the electrocution after all. That’s right! I was never strapped down. I’m still here in the middle of the stage.” I still had not looked up when I felt the warden put her hand on my shoulder. She asked me, “Are you ready?” Somehow I knew she was not asking me if I was ready to die. Though still confused about the question, I still knew to say “yes”. I started to look up, and two people came over to me to help me to my feet. I was so weak, I could hardly stand. I obviously was not dead, but still had to reassure myself as I examined my body. I was drenched with sweat. I looked back down at the floor and saw my puddle of tears. I though about the scripture that says Jesus was sweating drops of blood at the Garden of Gethsemane, but I did not see any blood mixed with my tears and sweat. I did, however, have sticky hands and face covered with snot, but it did not seem to bother the two men who were smiling at me. There was a low murmur over the crowd as the men led me out of the prison to where I had never been before as if I was free. I had never seen such a thing happen before in all the time I had been there, nor had I ever heard of it.

As I regained my strength, gasping for air every now and then from the hyperventilating affect that crying has on a person, we walked up and down the streets through crowds of people that they introduced me to as if I was some sort of celebrity. I was amazed how everyone seemed to know me. They kept saying “You’re the one.” “You’re the one he did it for.” “You are so loved!” Then without a word spoken, the two explained it to me and it finally all made sense. My friend, the one I could not find before the execution, had taken my place while I was on my face sobbing. That’s what the noise and the lights were. And the question that was asked, “Are you ready?” was really “Are you ready to accept what He’s already done for you?”

That was my dream, and I don’t remember anything else after that….

Written by Amie Spruiell


Our Treasure Chest

“Then Asa took all the silver and gold
left in the treasuries
of the house of the Lord and of the king’s house
and delivered them into the hands of the servants…”
I Kings15:18a

We each have a “treasure chest” that others don’t see,
a special gift from our Father, for you and for me

It’s not just a chest, but a “meeting place” too,
and I’m never quite sure of just what we’ll do.

Sometimes I come in, ragged, beaten and sore,
and I fall in His arms, as He sits on the floor.

Jesus rocks me and loves me, and says not a thing,
but I know He’s been waiting, with comfort to bring.

I see the treasures, all shiny and bright,
but nothing compares to His goodness and light.

I find strength in His arms, and hope in His love.
His peace gently abounds, on the wings of a dove.

He fills my heart, with all good things,
for these are the treasures of which He brings.

The chest is for me, and for each one of you, too,
filled with hope and with love, and with laughter… and glee!

As He gently adorns me, with more of Himself,
He remembers the chests up on the shelf.

He then smiles, and looks up to see,
His Father smiling back… at Him, and at me.

For this is His plan, His gift, His Son…
that through Him, all of mankind would be won

So, please, do hurry and open your chest,
for in our Savior alone can we find our rest.

Then, most assuredly, as we do…
we will be strengthened and compelled, to bring others in, too.

Where the riches of wisdom so richly abound,
there your Father, your Savior, and yourself will be found.

Written by Beverley A. Napier


The Next Step

A phone call from my husband at 9:30am was unusual but not surprising. His words, “I’ve been laid off,” rocked my world. He sounded calm and confident that the Lord had a plan for us. I was determined to be supportive and not panic, I was grateful for his hour drive home so that I could prepare myself emotionally and mentally. Four months later my mind was fighting fear and keeping a tight grip on God's promises in scriptures.

Good morning, Lord,

Thank You for this new day. Thank You for the cozy comfort of a roof over my head and the protection of four walls. I have been wondering what Your plans are for this family? Should we go or should we stay? Do we move or do we sell? We wouldn’t be the first to give up what we love and cherish for the unknown. But it’s only unknown to us – You know everything. Your plan is a good one (Jer 29:11), please help me to believe and trust that with my whole heart.

I am afraid of not doing what You want me to do. I feel a little self-conscious making changes that other people might think are misguided. But You have put it in my heart to…move, sell, work, change, wait, say yes, forgive, start over, step back, go forward. Please show me the next step and help me to keep my eyes on You and to not worry about the road ahead.

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and make plain your path.” (AMP)

Proverbs 29:25 “The fear of man brings a snare, but whoever leans on, trusts in, and puts his confidence in the Lord is safe and set on high.” (AMP)

PS: Lord, I admit I am still afraid of what people will think of me. In these trying times I can see that my family is truly what is important. Please help me to let go of my pride, my guilt and my sense of failure.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins


My Heart Longs For Thee

There is no better place that I would rather be than in the presence of the Lord. I long to know Him more and I long to spend time at His feet.

There have been many times in my life I have had to walk through very challenging times. Let's face it; life can get just downright plain hard!! I have had disappointment, heartache, and discouraging times. But oh I am so thankful that not one of those times did I have to walk it alone. God was by my side to assure me I would get through every moment.
How sweet to know that God is ever present in our lifes. He cheers us on and tells us we can do all things through Him!

Just calling upon His name brings me great comfort. But oh how I long to be with Him and rest in Him. As it says in Psalms 63:1 the first part, resonates with my heart. "O God, You are my God, Early will I seek You, My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You." That is where I want to be!

Written by Sandy