
Wednesday Devotional...8/1/12...Praiseworthy to think about

 "Meditate On These Things"

God's word tells us in Philippians 4:8...

"Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble,
whatever things are just, whatever things are pure,
whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report,
if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-
meditate on these things."

If we truly meditate continually on what Philippians 4:8 says to do, we can be guaranteed that we are experiencing God's peace and joy and the heart of our God. It is when we choose not to meditate on the things that are good and pure is when we can get ourselves in trouble.
Dwelling on things that are not of good report can bring us down real fast. Especially if we are meditating on those things for long periods of time. That is the time we need to encourage ourself, as David encouraged himself, and begin to once again meditate on the things that are pure and lovely.

It is important that we function with the mind of Christ and keep our mind renewed in Him. That is where the peace and victory will always be, which is a great place for each of us to live in!

 In His Service,
 Sandy Billingham

Tuesday Devotional...Attributes to work toward

 Jesus makes up for our shortcomings

The law of the Lord is perfect
The testimony of the Lord is sure
The statutes of the Lord are right
The commandment of the Lord is pure
The fear ( reverence ) of the Lord is clean
The judgements of the Lord are true
More to be desired are they than gold ,
Sweeter also than honey .

Can anyone of us claim these six attributes, perfect, sure, right, pure, clean and true? I surely can't, no matter how hard I try I'm flesh and blood and make mistakes every day .Oh but the good news of Jesus is that he died on the cross for my flesh and through Him all my sins and mistakes are covered with His blood...I claim the blood of Jesus on my life, body , mind and soul...

Thank you Jesus for your love,
and my salvation ....

 submitted by Annie

taken from Psalms 19


Monday Devotional...I will give you rest

 Equally Yoked

 Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened,
 and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you
 and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble
 in heart,  and you will find rest for your souls.
 Matthew 11:28-29

A yoke is meant to bring harmony between two. Two like animals will share a yoke with equal parts to play. It was illegal to put animals together that did not match, no small with larger. The animals must be equal to make the yoke easy to bear. It is used for guiding and directing. Jesus is saying that He will bear the burden of the yoke for us. We are to be like minded, gentle and humble in heart, our burdens become His and He bears them. Because His yoke fits all sizes we all can come to Him and find rest.

What I see in the passage is assurance of the Lord's love and care for me. If I put on the yoke and give my problem to the Lord, He becomes however big I need Him to be. Equally yoked.

 Written by Jackie Gilmer



(devotional for Sunday, 7/29/12)

"Why?" is a loaded question.  Have you ever had a young child ask you over and over again, "But why?".  It can be very annoying.  Sometimes we do the same thing to God.  We ask him "Why?" when things don't go the way we expect.  We ask him "Why?" when we see injustices occur in this world to the weak, the defenseless, including children or animals.  We ask him "Why?" when we suffer great losses in our lives.  Sometimes we even ask him "Why" with huge tears in our eyes when we don't want to face something, or even don't want to continue on in this world.  There are so many things we ask God "why" about, sometimes not really wanting an answer, but rather to express our disapproval of the way God has handled things.  We are like that little child, tugging at God's arm, asking over and over again, "But why?"

Why Me

We are not alone in asking that age-old question.  Job asked it over and over again, why did you allow me to be born (Job 3:11), it would have been better for me to have been stillborn (Job 3:16), why are you hiding from me and treating me like an enemy (Job 13:24), why do the wicked continue to live and grow in power (Job 21:7), why don't you punish those wicked people now so we can see justice carried out (Job 24:1).  It is repeated often in the Psalms also: why do you seem to hide when times of trouble abound (Psalm 10:1), why are you so far away when I am groaning in pain (Psalm 22:1), why do you turn your back on us when we are miserable and oppressed (Psalm 44:24), why don't you destroy those evil people now (Psalm 74:11).  Even Jesus while he was hanging on the cross asked the Father, "My God, my God, Why have you forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46)

There may never be a fully satisfactory answer for all of us in all circumstances to that question, "Why?"  But who are we to question the almighty God and his motives or actions?  All we know is that God is loving and merciful, but also all-powerful and just.  He does not cause evil things to occur, but he does allow them to happen. It is hard for us to understand if he has the power to stop evil and he is a loving god, how he can allow the evil to go on.  Perhaps it is to get our attention, or to wake us up to turn to him in our times of need.  It may serve as an example to others when we continue to trust him in spite of our agonies, or when we intervene on behalf of the weak and helpless.  These things may be our witness to the world of how faithful people of God are to act in times of distress.  We can show others that in spite of our own weaknesses or our own life injustices, we can still share the miracles and blessings that we have also experienced either in spite of or even because of those difficulties or tragedies. We can be God's example of love in this corrupt world, helping others through the same difficulties, and bringing more people to faith.  We must trust that God has an ultimate plan that cannot be thwarted by any evil this world can dish out, and that God will use whatever means necessary to carry out that plan.  Nothing in this world can ever separate us from the love of God and he will never truly forsake us.  God is in control in all circumstances, and even though we may not always know the reasons why things occur as they do, we know that if we remain faithful that our loving, merciful and just God will take care of it all in the end.

God has not taken away the storms in my life, but rather has sheltered me from being drenched in eternal misery and taught me to dance in the rain and bring sunshine to the lives of others.  So, "Why not?"
image photo : Smiling woman aks why

written by Jan Andersen

Saturday Devotional...RISE

 Songs can lift you up when you most need it.

We get the most wonderful messages from God in many, many places. Of course, the most obvious resource that we have is the Bible. However, God chooses many ways to communicate with us. These include words spoken by friends, news stories, words of our children, and just life in general. From the give and take of life's happenings we are able to draw many spiritual conclusions. Sometimes the things that we become aware of are really amazing.

For me, one of the most powerful ways that I receive input from God is through Christian music. I lisen to a station called KLove all the time…in my car and at home. This station broadcasts all over the country. I have heard people who give testimonies on the air. Recently a man said that he wanted to keep God foremost in his mind, and listening to KLove helps him with that goal. I did not start out to talk about how listening to Christian radio is an excellent way for a person to center herself. However, this is where my writing today suddenly went. I guess this is a message that I believe I am led to write about as a preliminary concept. For me music is very powerful , and I choose Christian music all the time. Here is a link KLove… http://www.klove.com/ . You can find it on a local broadcast  of this station in your area or you can stream the music of KLove on your computer.

What I started out to write about, is a song that is one of my current favorites. Have you ever found yourself in a position where you feel that you will never be able to overcome the thing that is dragging you into despair? I know that I have found myself in this situation countless times. I know rationally that with the help of God I will overcome the challenge I am facing. Still I become an emotional wreck. The enemy whispers in my ear, “You will never prevail over this challenge.” If I listen to his lies pretty soon I am despondent and under a black cloud. Can you relate? If you find yourself in such a position here is a song you could listen to. It points out that “He who is in me is stronger than I will ever be.” HOW TRUE! Listen and believe. God has you by the hand as you climb this mountain together.

This is a link to the song I referring to on YouTube. The name of the song is “Rise” by Shawn McDonald. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGw8EjkFP18  

Also know that Christian music is filled with messages from God that will keep Him utmost on your mind and help you to deal with any challenge you are facing.

Written by Corinne Mustafa


Friday Devotional...7/27/12...Hold His Hand

God has told us what is good.

O people, the Lord has told you what is good,
and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right,
to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
~ Micah 6:8
Is there any question that we know what is right to do? Still, we sometimes get caught offside and end up doing something that we actually should have avoided. It is Satan’s game to get us unawares. This happens and we do something that we know better not to do. He would never try to get God’s woman to kill someone or to rob a bank The snares of the devil are not the big sins. We would easily view them for what they are. He is much sneakier than that. Rather they are small failings that lead to deeper and deeper falls. This is why we must walk humbly with our God. His walk helps us to ward off the arrows of the enemy.

When I was a new Christian something happened that I would never have anticipated. When it did, I blindly walked into that place where I had never been before or even imagined I would find myself. Now, when I remember where I went I am still horrified that I had walked down that particular road.

Still, I do know what the Lord has told me is good. I love mercy, and that is one of my gifts. I come alongside on a daily basis to people who have need of support. So we should always be on a search to do what God tells us is good to do, to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with our God. Invite Him into your life and give Him permission to lead you on the right track. If you fail, pick yourself up and move forward holding on to God’s outstretched hand as tightly as possible.

Written by Corinne Mustafa

Thursday Devotional...Stains Removed

The Jam Stain

I made more plum jam last night. In my hurry I used a smaller pan and higher heat than originally. The mess on my stovetop when the sugary concoction boiled over was unfortunate but inevitable. I had successfully made the first few batches by patiently following the recipe directions. In my effort to create a shortcut I created a huge mess this time.

As I watched the huge spill continue to bubble and bake until it was charcoal I thought that is what it probably looks like inside of me when I make an internal mess. The longer I wait to clean things up the stickier and harder to remove they become. I have discovered that just like the burnt jam which left a stain on my stovetop, when I clean up my own internal messes a stain remains. I must have help to be completely cleansed of my sins.

Hebrews 9:22
New Living Translation (NLT)

In fact, according to the law of Moses,
nearly everything was purified with blood.
For without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness.

Ephesians 1:7

He is so rich in kindness and grace
that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son
 and forgave our sins.

Dear Father, I know that you care for me, and watch me with loving tenderness as I strive to fix myself. Please do not leave me to myself, but search my heart to show me my true condition. Please cleanse me of all unrighteousness that I may be a loving example of how good you are to anyone who will believe and ask. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins


Wednesday Devotional...Surrender to Christ

 "Real Life In Christ"

A friend of mine was sharing today with myself and another lady that real life can only be found in Christ. And how true that statement is! We can go through the motions of every day living and try to experience joy and happiness in a multitude of ways. The truth of the matter is, that the ultimate abundant and fullfillment of real life can be found only in the person of Jesus Christ.

Jesus tells us in His word in John 14:6

 "I am the way, the truth, and the life.
 No one comes to the Father except through Me." 

As we come to Christ and give Him our entire life, He grants us "the real life." That real life exists of His way, His truth and a rich life in Him.

I can confidently say that when I surrendered my life to Christ I truly got the whole package. In that package was the real deal and that deal was real life in Christ.

 In His Service,
 Sandy Billingham


Tuesday Devotional...Salt and Light

Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour,
wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing,
 but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.
Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.

Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel,
 but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.
Matthew 5:12-15

Our Savior Jesus Christ tells us that we are the "salt of the earth" and the "light of the world"—we who are also the weak and the foolish of this world (I Corinthians 1:27). Mentally, when we hear such praises from God, some of us look both ways and behind, and say, "He must be talking about someone else." We struggle to overcome, and we feel we are always "a day late and a dollar short." Though we wish with all our heart that we were more like God, His image in us seems all the more elusive.

But Jesus did not lie in saying these things. As salt gives food a rich, pleasant taste, we are those who are to give a good flavor to the lives of those we encounter. There should be something in our conduct that shows the fruit of the life to which God has called us.

He goes on to say that, if we are not "radiating with flavor"—reflecting the teachings of God in our lives—what use are we, especially to God Himself? Salt without flavor has no use, and it can even be detrimental to the things it comes in contact with. Maybe its best use is to be put on icy roads, to be ground under the tires of vehicles and then washed away.

In Christ's other metaphor, light illuminates what was once dark; it reveals things that were hidden. Though we may be poor, considered old and over the hill, uneducated and obscure, when we live our lives as He instructs, we are a brilliant beacon to this tired and confused world. Our lives can shine a spotlight on the solutions to many common problems experienced by our friends and neighbors.

Jesus points out that we should not hide our light under a basket , but live it in the open for all to see. We can set a proper example of the abundant way to live. We should give everyone we meet the light of our loving concern, the light of our honesty, the light of joy and peace, the light of godly family relations, the light of good work habits, and all the other rays of light contained in God's way.

In doing this, we will initially bring attention upon ourselves, and this may at times become uncomfortable. Righteousness has an uncanny tendency to bring out the worst in carnal human beings. Ultimately, however, we will glorify God the Father and His Son by it, promoting the cause of the Kingdom of God.

 submitted : by Annie


Monday Devotional...He is risen indeed!

"He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength, they will sour high on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint. "
                                                                                  Isaiah: 40:29-31

 He is risen! He is risen indeed!

All around me are cries of people, young and old and in between. “I am tired, life is hard.” I think of my children ages 22-28 expressing their exasperations of life. Even my grandchildren at the young ages of 6 and 8 how they struggle with the challenges of life.

But oh, the faithfulness of God! He says to us “Be still and know that I am God”. His word is truth. How do we put our hope in the Lord? We must hide His word in our hearts.

We must ponder His beauty, the beauty of His creation. I love the mountains, to be surrounded by nature. It reminds me of what a big God we serve. If He can take care of the plants and birds of the air, certainly He can and will take care of me.

He reminds me again and again of His faithfulness. He brings me songs of worship and praise. He surrounds me with love and kindness through sisters in Christ. He lifts me up through His word. There is power in the smallest of phrases, “It is finished”; “Let it be done”.
I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!

 Written by Debbie Rodriguez



Sunday devotional for 7/22/12
(late in posting due to being on vacation)

Blessing From Heaven

Rest is important for everyone.  We cannot remain awake forever, and a "good night's rest" restores us for the next day's activities.  Each week we have the opportunity to take a day of rest to focus on God to refill us spiritually for the week to come.  We all need a balance of work and rest.  A vacation is a welcome respite from our work.  There is an even deeper rest that we may require.  Even Jesus took a break from the crowds at times to go to "a solitary place".  For some, life's burdens, whether past or present, can totally deplete all desire or ability to go on.  That is when we need that deep restoration for our souls, only fully realized by admitting we cannot do it alone and by laying it all at Jesus' feet.

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  Matthew 11:28-30 NIV

May you each feel that deep restoring rest that our Savior brings.

written by Jan Andersen, resting on vacation :)


Saturday Devotional...7/21/12...Let's Consider This Name of God

Psalm 119 E
An Acrostic of...


A Name of God meaning All Powerful One, Creator


Everything that moves, on earth, in water and in sky,
Elegantly proclaiming the awesome glory of God on high
Eyes lifting to heavenly realms where
     crimson, saffron, and indigo colors delight
Everywhere in splendor as the sun sets low giving me
     the inky black and star studded night for a respite.

All powerful One, Creator
From the mysteries of the Hubble photos to the magnificence of deep sea creatures hidden through the ages but revealed in my time You bless me with your resplendent world.


Lord and Master of the cosmos You created and detailed in wonder
Lovingly You brought it forth with flashes of light and crashes of thunder
Looking forward to forming Your children from all eternity;
     creating them for fellowship with You.
Leading me on to know Your love, by my side, guiding me to grow in wisdom
     and virtue

All powerful One, Creator
Creator of your wondrous universe and of those You made in Your image and likeness.


Oh Lord, what did I do to merit such an astronomical reward and
     xtraordinary regard
Of you obliterating from Your memory that I am sinful and quite scarred
Overlaying my repented wickedness with your boundless sensibility and     
     limitless tenderness of action
You help me prepare and invite me to live with You in your eternal heavenly

All powerful One, Creator,
You gave your Son to live on earth to guide, to teach, and to offer me salvation.


Hearing my cries to You, oh God, You show me how to hearken to your voice
Helping me to grow in the ways of Your love, I choose and in you I will
  always rejoice
Hope is the gift You have provided me which empowers my faith in things
     dreamed of but still unseen
Healing my despair and giving me boldness to expect, that the day when my
     my time to become truly eternal will at last convene.

All powerful One, Creator,
You prepare a place for me to joyfully live with You in perpetuity.


Infinite, immeasurable, inestimable, demonstrating glory beyond my ability to
     to have comprehended.
Immensity of your love and generosity such that any understanding that I
     might have, in heaven finally will be mended
Injustice happens, and though I wonder why, I know that my promise is not
     earthly, it will be part of my future guaranteed assurance
I will be with you forever in the heavenly gardens filled with Your sweet

All powerful One, Creator,
You are beyond my ability to grasp, which gives me such love as with my human ability I can achieve.


Maker of all that is good, filled with kindness, and a desire for blessing me
Madness is in this world, but You have given me tools to overcome it and a
     heightened ability
Magnanimous is a pale word to describe all that You do for me, for all Your
     children to arrive to that
Magnetic moment when we will arrive at your celestial gates because with your
     support we have won all our earthly combats.

All powerful One, Creator,
I wait down here on earth for the day when I will meet You face to face and sing Your  
praises with fellow  citizens of paradise.

Please read Psalm 119

Written by Corinne Mustafa

Friday Devotional...How Shall Man Live?

Man Shall Not Live By Bread Alone

There is nothing that can satisfy the soul more than the word of God. I have heard testimony after testimony and also have experienced in my own life…. while searching for an answer to a problem or a need and finding all I needed to satisfy my hungry heart, aching soul or perplexed mind in the Bible (The Word of God).

I was watching this morning’s news hearing of the drought that the mid-west is experiencing this year in our own land of the USA. Our corn crops are devastated; the land is parched and cracked, ranchers having to sell their livestock because they cannot feed their cattle. It is a harsh picture to look at as it can very well overtake one with fear seeing these things come upon this earth even on our own nation’s soil by sweltering heat waves, electrical storms, drought and much more.

My mind went to a couple of scriptures:

“But he answered and said, It is written,
Man shall not live by bread alone,
but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”
Matthew 4:4

“Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters,
and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea,
come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.
Isaiah 55: 1-2

Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? And your labour for that which satisfieth not? Hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.”

Although the news is disconcerting and the scenario of reality is before us as we look through a glass dimly ….we can rest assured that if we who are called by his name will humble ourselves and pray and seek His face, then He will hear from heaven and He will forgive our sins and heal our land.

So it’s a matter of seeking the Lord in order to live not by bread alone….but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. He will then give us water for our thirsty souls. He will freely give us bread that cannot be bought and satisfy our hunger and calm our terror by night. All because we come to him and seek his presence, his guidance, his mercy and his goodness which leads us to repentance.

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
he leadeth me beside the still waters.
 He restoreth my soul:
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil: for thou art with me;
 thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me
in the presence of mine enemies:
Thou anointest my head with oil;
my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
Psalm 23

Written by: Glenna Williamson



You Are Extraordinary

Did you know when you persevere beyond what you thought you could ever do, you are being extraordinary? Yes: unique, special, more than regular; that’s what you are in Christ.

When you patiently listen to your family member cry out about the misery of their situation, and you encourage them to trust God and keep on going – that’s extraordinary.

When you accept your husband back with open arms after he’s hurt you and you show no resentment - that’s extraordinary.

When you return to your family in spite of your mortification and face the truth of your actions/words – that’s extraordinary.

When you love someone and forgive them (again) as God has forgiven you (again) – that’s extraordinary.
When you work two jobs because your husband can’t even work one and you do it gladly – that’s extraordinary. I know, you’re arguing with me already – “It’s not so special to do what I feel or believe I must do. Lots of people would do what I’m doing."
In a culture of superhero’s, superstars, the ultra wealthy, and the ultra popular (reality tv anyone?) it is very easy to start believing anyone outside of a super level is just ordinary.

As women who believe that God loves us, sent His Son to die for us, so that we who believe may have eternal life (as in: live with Him forever in heaven) - we are extraordinary.

So, if we are extraordinary when we choose to do things God’s way – how can we be sure we are indeed doing what God wants us to do? That’s both hard and easy.

First thing to remember is that God loves to hear us talk to Him. Second, He has our best interest at heart. Third, if we pray and believe we know what God wants us to do; find a wise, mature, Christian woman, whose life shows she puts God first and follows after Him. Share what you are thinking and listen to her counsel. If she can show you in scripture that what you are considering is the opposite of God’s word – don’t do it.

Even though I have been a believer for a long time and have studied His word for many years – I still “get Godly counsel” by talking to women who are trustworthy and have already walked through the season I am in. I don’t ask a newly-wed how to love my husband when I am angry. I don’t discuss teenagers with mother’s of toddlers (unless I’m trying to scare them!) I don’t ask a woman who doesn’t stay connected with a group of believers on a regular basis about whether or not I should commit to helping in the Sunday school program.

I Peter 2:9 (AMP)
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, [God's] own purchased, special people, that you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of Him Who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

Proverbs 24:1-4 (MSB)
BE NOT envious of evil men, nor desire to be with them; For their minds plot oppression and devise violence, and their lips talk of causing trouble and vexation. Through skillful and godly Wisdom is a house (a life, a home, a family) built, and by understanding it is established [on a sound and good foundation], And by knowledge shall its chambers [of every area] be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.

To pray for Godly wisdom and to seek and accept Godly counsel instead of choosing what seems right or feels right to you – that’s extraordinary.

Dear Lord, thank You for your patience and for gently drawing us closer to You. Please help us to let go of what seems right or fair in our own eyes and to hold on firmly to Your Word. In Jesus name we pray, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

A convenient scripture tool for looking up various translations of the Bible:

The ministry work and bible studies of John and Lisa Bevere have long been helping Christians grow and untangle themselves from the snares of the enemy. The thought of what behaviors and attitudes make for an extraordinary life has stemmed from my first week of study in “Extraordinary: The Life You Are Meant to Live.”


Wednesday Devotional,,,7/18/12...His Fruit

"The Fullness of His Fruit"

When we are truly living for our Mighty God and walking in His obedience, the Spirit of God produces great results in our lives. As we daily meditate on God's word and allow His full Lordship in our life we can be assured wonderful things will flow out of our life.

One of the results of living so closely with God is we become "fruity" lovers of God. Fruitfulness pours out of us onto those around us.

Galatians 5:22 says
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Against such there is no law."

Such amazing qualities of God can also be a part of us on a daily basis. As we walk in God's spirit and not in our own sinful desires we too can possess these wonderful qualtities.

Let the fullness of His fruit drench us daily so that all those around us will be affected and be drawn onto Christ.

In His Service,
Sandy Billingham


Monday Devotional...7/16/12...JESUS IS LORD...


If you confess with your mouth
that Jesus is Lord
 and believe in your heart
that God raised Him
from the dead,
you will be saved.
Romans 10:9

As we worship, my heart is flooded with His presence. I realize how comfortable I am with Him. How He is like sitting with a very close friend who knows all my flaws. I lose all of my inhibitions and everything else fades into the background. It’s just Him and me and it’s very personal.

It occurs to me that perhaps not everyone feels “comfortable” around Jesus. In fact, He makes them nervous, like they have to perform for Him or try to not say the wrong thing in front of Him. They worry about offending Him, and shut their hearts.

Jesus doesn’t care if my house is not clean, or my hair is not combed, He accepts me just as I am. He cleans my soul and places a crown of glory on my head. When I asked Him to be my friend, He said, “I’ve always been your friend, I’ve just been waiting for you to invite me in off the porch.”
I know that when I take my last breath on this earth, my next breath will be in heaven. Like breathing out and breathing in, we exhale our old life and inhale the fragrance of the glory of God.

Written by Paula Glauber



Sunday devotional for 7/15/12

Tree In The Storm

Intense storms can be quite devastating.  We had an very strong storm today that dropped over an inch of rain in half an hour in some parts of our state.  That much water added on hard, dry land and paved roads is a recipe for flooding.  As one new stream dumps into the next and so on, the water volume swells, even after the raindrops stop falling. There are places on the streets where the flowing waters wash across the pavement, deceiving motorists as to how deep and swift the water really is.  Those drivers who plow through the wash anyway with their seemingly powerful autos are sometimes surprised to find their vehicle floating away, outmatched by the depth and power of the rushing water.  The after-effects of a storm can cause more damage than during the actual storm itself.

Does your life ever feel like you are drowning in a storm?  A problem comes along, and because we are spiritually parched we are not prepared for the deceptive danger it brings.  Even after the incident occurs, our problems continue to swell if we don't know how bad the issues really are, or how to combat them or survive them, until it is too late.  Then we are swept over with grief, or loneliness, or anger, or the desire for vengeance, etc. We feel helpless against the torrent of negative crippling issues and feelings.  And when the high waters of the problems recede, a huge mess is left behind for us to clean up. So what is one to do when you feel that overwhelmed by the storms of life?

"When you feel like you're drowning in life, don't worry - your Lifeguard walks on water." (author unknown)

Red Stone Cross On A Background Of Extremely Storm Sky And Mount

If we remember that God is more powerful that anything life can throw our way, life becomes easier, the current slows, the waters recede, our streets are cleaned. Once we remember we have no need to fear, the anxiety subsides, and God can do his work. His reassurance gives us the courage to go on, to continue moving forward in spite of what the world brings to us.

28 Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.  They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven. Psalm 107:28-30 NIV

written by Jan Andersen