Getting up from the dinner table our youngest daughter announces "I had a flat tire today."
I ran an errand and didn't take my phone because the battery was dead. I was almost home when I heard a funny noise so I turned onto a side street and pulled over.
They live in the neighborhood on the other side of our main street about 6 blocks away. I am going to make them some brownies as a thank you.
Getting up from the dinner table our youngest daughter announces "I had a flat tire today."
Instantly our parent radar is on alert and my husband asks for details. As our newest driver tells her story we listen with concern on our faces in spite of the fact that she is standing in front of us perfectly fine.
It was already dark and I looked at the 2 houses closest to me. One house had the football game on and the other house had their front light on. I went and knocked on the door of the second one.
First I asked to use their phone, calling home twice, and mom's cell. But I couldn't reach anyone. The dad of the house asked me what I needed help with, and I explained that I had a flat tire. He came outside with his 2 young sons and changed my tire for me.
We agree that brownies are a great idea as we hug her and congratulate her for handling her crisis so well. Our hearts swell with thanksgiving for this man's kindness to our girl.
We are also proud that when confronted with a problem she couldn't handle, our daughter asked for help.
Don’t forget to do good and to share
what you have with those in need,
what you have with those in need,
for such sacrifices are very pleasing to him.
Hebrews 13:16 TLB
Don’t just think about your own affairs,
but be interested in others, too,
and in what they are doing.
Philippians 2:4 TLB
Dear Lord, I pray that I will be that helpful person when I see a stranger in need. Please forgive me for ever having even the hint of the attitude of "Who is my neighbor?" May I never forget the kindness of this stranger. Thank you for using him to remind me of your calling to all of us to do something. Please give me eyes that see and recognize the needs that come across my path, and wisdom and courage to do something about them. In Jesus name, amen.
Written by Mary M. Wilkins
Matthew West performs "Do Something"
This reminds me of a Movie called, "Paying It Forward," where a young boy started a movement in his H.S.social studies class where the the action was for those participating to pass on a good deed or even start the chain. Whenever we receive a kindness (tire change) or do a kindness (helping a child with a purchase where he is a quarter short) we are in way starting a chain of doing kindness. This is a devotional with good food for thought. I love it how Mary's daughter is planning a THANK YOU to say that with more than just words.
ReplyDeleteGod bless...
I can't believe Katherine is driving! ;) How time flies...here in North Dakota, kids start driving early, and our 14-yr-old son did driver's ed this summer. It is certainly anxiety-inducing, so I can totally relate to the sense of gratitude at having a stranger help your child in a crisis situation. Great devotional Mary!