I grew up in Rhode Island not far from the ocean. Many of my childhood memories include times at the beach. The beach is my go to place when I need to chill out. I love everything about it. Today I went to the beach with my daughter and three grandchildren. That in itself was major because my daughter and her son live in Minnesota.
So I am basking at the beach taking in all that it has to offer. This is one of the heaven on earths that God has given us. I feel the spirit of God surrounding me in the midst of all this loveliness.
There are sounds to hear like the crash of waves onto the shore, or pelicans flying above cheeping as they fly above our heads in formation, and the call of the sea gulls as they dip down and up over the water looking for fish and near us in the hopes that we will drop some food for them to snag. There is the eye candy of seeing five dolphins dipping in and out of the water beyond the waves. The sounds of children and teens loving their day at the beach with screams of delight and joy.
God is all around us whether at the beach, in the mountains, in beautiful cities, and in the faces of our children and grandchildren. All of these things in one way or another according to our previous experiences. I must not forget the beauty of an ocean sunset that takes your breath away.He is everywhere, and it is only for us to recognize His work and His blessings.

As much as I can recognize these wonderful places and sights are "heaven on earth" to us and they speak to our heart, I know that heaven is not found on earth. As wonderful as the things I have written about are, so much more awaits us in heaven. Love what you find on earth, but know that what will be yours in the Heaven awaits is so much more incredible and beautiful than any of the eye candy He gives us on earth.
Thank you God for all the glimpses you give us here on earth that are just a small indication of what we will receive when we join You for eternity......................Amen.
Written by
Corinne Mustafa
“For he is the living God and he endures forever;
his kingdom will not be destroyed,
his dominion will never end.
27 his dominion will never end.
He rescues and he saves; he performs signs and wonders
in the heavens and on the earth.
Daniel 6:26-27a
I grew up in Rhode Island not far from the ocean. Many of my childhood memories include times at the beach. The beach is my go to place when I need to chill out. I love everything about it. Today I went to the beach with my daughter and three grandchildren. That in itself was major because my daughter and her son live in Minnesota.
So I am basking at the beach taking in all that it has to offer. This is one of the heaven on earths that God has given us. I feel the spirit of God surrounding me in the midst of all this loveliness.
There are sounds to hear like the crash of waves onto the shore, or pelicans flying above cheeping as they fly above our heads in formation, and the call of the sea gulls as they dip down and up over the water looking for fish and near us in the hopes that we will drop some food for them to snag. There is the eye candy of seeing five dolphins dipping in and out of the water beyond the waves. The sounds of children and teens loving their day at the beach with screams of delight and joy.
God is all around us whether at the beach, in the mountains, in beautiful cities, and in the faces of our children and grandchildren. All of these things in one way or another according to our previous experiences. I must not forget the beauty of an ocean sunset that takes your breath away.He is everywhere, and it is only for us to recognize His work and His blessings.

As much as I can recognize these wonderful places and sights are "heaven on earth" to us and they speak to our heart, I know that heaven is not found on earth. As wonderful as the things I have written about are, so much more awaits us in heaven. Love what you find on earth, but know that what will be yours in the Heaven awaits is so much more incredible and beautiful than any of the eye candy He gives us on earth.
Thank you God for all the glimpses you give us here on earth that are just a small indication of what we will receive when we join You for eternity......................Amen.
Written by
Corinne Mustafa
Any time you are privileged to spend time close to nature or to enjoy the precious people in your lives you can be sure that God is all around you. He is pouring joy in the moment into your life. Embrace and enjoy the moment.