

I’ll never take for granted the blessing of never having been divorced, never having to split my children between two households and never having to battle with an unbelieving husband or ex-husband. But I know that there are many of you out there, and I applaud the stand that you take. Since this is a women’s ministry, I thought I would share an incident my friend experienced. Here’s the letter I wrote to her after she shared it with me…

Stand, my friend! Stand!

Picture it…all 300 pounds, flesh and bone, heaving in his anger. Squinting eyes burning holes into your heart, degrading smirk showing his power against you. All standing right there before you, your son’s father. He once had some sense…a fractional sum of decency…minute consideration for others…a slight idea of right and wrong. What has happened over the years? You’ve never known anyone so sick, so depraved, so confused. How did he get this bad, and how do you stand before him holding your ground? How do you shield yourself from his arrows? Better yet, how do you shield your son? You might as well be speaking to a foreigner, or worse, an alien for that matter. He receives nothing you have to say. You realize as you come to this conclusion that he feels the same about you. Everything he does is evil, yet he glorifies it. Every attempt you make to combat his evil seems useless. You’re nothing but a measly little soldier up against a Philistine giant. You stand there listening to him curse God and at the same time hear a thousand other voices in your head telling you what to do. Probing your way through the forest of choices in your head of what to say and how to respond, trying to figure out which one to grab hold of, your heart races with adrenaline, as his belly laugh echoes in slow motion drowning out any voice of reason. You’ve failed to find words that would quiet this vulgar monster.

“How can it be true? How am I supposed to release my child into the custody of this degenerate,” you ask yourself. You know exactly how dangerous he is. You look over at your 16 year old fruit of your womb lying on the couch, leg up in a cast, and you flash in your mind to only days before when you were rushing to the hospital begging God to let him be O.K. You remember the feeling of a giant rock, no a boulder sinking down into your gut when questions were asked by the doctor about his home life because his blood alcohol level was legally drunk when he smashed into the SUV while riding his skateboard. And where did he get this alcohol? From this man standing in your living room screaming at you to let the boy do what he wants to do and for you to stop talking about God. You’re forced by the law to let this man, who you were once married to, take your son into his lion’s den weekend after weekend, brainwashing him, intoxicating him, abusing him. Will he be protected as Daniel was in the midst of the lions? That boy doesn’t even remember who Daniel was, nor would he ever believe that his dad’s home is a lair of roaring lions waiting to devour him. In fact, in the middle of all the thought processes involved in those few moments of standing face to face with what feels to you like your worst enemy, you yourself forget that God is more powerful than you’re ex-husband or the puppeteer that’s using him to torment you and your family. But that’s just it, it’s the puppeteer who’s your worst enemy.

You muster up enough strength to flash a courageous smile on your face and tell your son that you love him. You remind him of all of the doctors’ orders, and tell him you’ll see him on Sunday. Your choice to listen to the voice of truth that your child will be in God’s hands and that nothing can separate him from God’s love is a leap of faith. And so you’re rewarded with barely enough peace to get through the weekend. Your faith shielded you from the powerful punches of your foe. Now that the blows have whizzed past you leaving you amazingly unharmed, you peak around the corner of your shield to get a good look at this man through God’s eyes and you see him for who he truly is. Lost! He’s so lost and full of so much shame that he cannot even feel it anymore. He’s become numb to it. His surmounting misery is beyond belief. Beyond comprehension for someone such as yourself who knows the Lord, who knows grace, who knows redemption.

You’re no longer standing in fear, but filled with pity as you truly see his pathetic life. Yes, that’s how to do it. That’s how to stand before a Goliath. Keep on asking God to show you who this man really is. Pray for exposure, secrets to be revealed and justice to be served. Pray for God to give you compassion, not bitterness. Pray for your son to see the contrast between his parents –a desolate man wasting away in his sinful life, sad and pitiful –a woman growing wiser all the time as she stands firm in her faith day after day in the strength of the Spirit of God. Pray that he sees his dad as an example to avoid. Pray that he instead turns to his heavenly Father, following the example of you. Pray that God will give him the grace to never wallow in his own self-pity over who his dad turned out to be. Pray that he will always focus on the blessings God has given him, his siblings, his grandparents, his mom! And pray for God to have His way in your ex-husband, and for, if it is His will, God will use all of the circumstances in this man’s life to awaken his heart to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. But, in the meantime, do not stop standing in the battle. Put on the full armor of God. If God is with you, who can be against you? He just doesn’t stand a chance as long as you stand with the Lord by your side. Stand!

Written by Amie Spruiell


"I Know That You See Me, Lord"

“He drew me up out of a horrible pit (a pit of tumult and of destruction), out of the miry clay (froth and slime), and set my feet upon a rock, steadying my steps and establishing my goings.”
Psalm 40:2 (amplified bible)

I know that You see me, Lord... trudging through life… walking in the mud and the muck. You can see that with each step I am becoming more and more encumbered. You see that I am bringing my loved ones and those around me with me. You know that I am only bringing them this way because I don’t know any other way!

I can’t clean the mud and the muck off by myself. But I know that You can, Lord. (1 John 1:7). I trust You. I know that You don’t mind “getting dirty” in order to cleanse me, or those around me. I feel so safe as You sit down next to me and begin to raise first my one foot, and then the other. You love me so much that You don’t just cleanse me, but You begin to show me the things that I’ve been trying so hard to walk in. You know what I’ve been taught, but You want to teach me a better way. You want to give me new way of understanding. You begin to talk to me about the shame that has held not only me back, but also those whom I love. You see that it has caused me to become hindered in my spiritual, emotional and relational progress.

I know that You, Lord, love me… and You speak truthfully to Me as You cleanse me. At first I feel ashamed for You to touch me… and I want to pull away. But as I look into Your eyes and feel the love in Your hands, I begin to trust You, along with work that You are doing in me. You are very gentle… and very kind. (Matthew 11:29)

You are also very thorough (Phil 1:6) and I love that You came to set me free. (Romans 6:22) I know that Your purpose is to teach me how to walk like You walk. I know that You don’t want to leave me behind, because You love me too much. I know that You want me to walk beside You, unencumbered… and unashamed. You want me to walk in the joy of my salvation and to bring others with me so that You can teach them how to walk unencumbered also.

You touch me so intimately and so lovingly, in the very place in which I walk out my life. You are so wise and so kind, Lord. You remind me that You will stay beside me and perhaps even more astounding is the fact that You actually take delight in me (Habbakuk 3:19). I know that You are very proud of the physical and spiritual progress that You see me making (II Sam 22:20). Your presence brings me the courage that I so desperately need, Lord and it helps me to be still and to know that You alone are God (Psalm 46:10).

You are mine, Lord… and I am yours. (SS 2:16) Now I know… once again that there is no other place that I’d rather be than right here with You (Psalm 26:8). I love You, Lord.

Written by Beverley A. Napier


Summer Seeker

Dear Lord, I am in summer seeking you. It is so very hot and I am so very dry. With all of my being I cry out for water. My throat is parched and I can not speak. I have no words to express my heart’s cry of yearning.

Jesus in you is life. You are the living water. In you I quench my thirst. I would drink of you. I would soak in your presence. Lord Jesus, rain down on me and saturate me, fill me. You bring healing to me and refresh my very being. In you I will find answers. In you I will find peace.

It is in the air. I smell it. It is a sweet fragrance. My spirit quickens and I start to run. Into the arms of Jesus I run. He holds me tight and whispers to me, “ It is beginning to rain”.

Written by Susan Bower


My Abba Father; My Refuge

I know that I am secure in the arms of Jesus. In Psalms 46:1 it says, God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. Regardless of the storms that may come my way, I find my strength and help in the Lord. I have no reason to fear, for the Lord has proven to me over and over that He is a reliable stronghold for me.

I find great comfort each day knowing that I can rely on God to be there for me. God tells me in His word that He will Hide me in the secret place of His presence. There is no better place that I want to be than in His presence, hidden away in the secret place!

David calls out to God in Psalm 17:8, "Hide me under the shadow of your wings." God's heart for His people is to keep us securely surrounded by His protective care.

It brings me great peace and security knowing that He is my Abba Father in whom is my refuge all the days of my life.

Written by Sandy

Letting God's Truth Set Me Free

Max Lucado is a storyteller. Not just any teller of stories. He preaches, teaches, and wraps the truths of God in warm fuzzy blankets that comfort and reassure us that God’s love is greater than all of our shortcomings, failures and sins combined. Let me assure you, my own pile of regrets is very large, so I appreciate the words of encouragement.

I recently read Max’s Fearless. Each chapter dealing with a different struggle, such as ‘fear of the worst’, ‘fear of failure’ and the ‘fear of disappointing God’. As I mulled that last one, I realized that for me, it went hand in hand with ‘I’ve already disappointed God, too much!’

Do you know what a gnat is? That’s right, a teeny bug that is soft to the touch. It’s so small I can squish it or flick it and not be at all squeamish. Now before you congratulate me on overcoming my ‘bug fear’, let me say that a fly is another matter altogether. I will not kill a fly of any size with my bare hands. To me, a fly is annoying, persistent and disgusting. When a fly has made me its target – I need a tool. I will settle for a newspaper, magazine, even a flip-flop. But since a fly has kaleidoscope-like vision, a swift and silent flyswatter is the ideal weapon. Yet, even with this, it can still take a surprising amount of time and effort to actually corner and remove this pest.

The spiritual gnats in my life are the memories of past failures, pesky but small reminders of things done wrong. But a quick mental flick and I remember that I have repented and been forgiven of all my sins.

The spiritual flies in my life are a bigger deal. Especially when I’m distracted by life; I might just try to swat one of these past failures away (such as a verse quickly spoken) but before I know it – I am sinking fast into the remorse, regret and humiliation of a past sin. Then I recognize that I am in deep; wrestling with the grief, reliving the shame; I am drowning one moment and resisting the power of the past the next.

I am in an empty well of shadows. These shadows are very real to me. Painful reminders of mistakes made, wrong paths chosen, and selfish motives. I have tried many types of ladders to get out of this pit, but the only ladder strong enough is not meant for climbing: it’s made for holding on to.

This ladder is repeating scripture and praying. When I stop looking at the past and start repeating His truth, I change my focus from me (and the shadows around me) to the One who loves me and forgives me of my past failures. I wish I could say that getting out of the pit was like hunting down that pesky fly. A few minutes of concerted effort and the result is me 1, fly 0.

But the reality is, when I am struggling to overcome focusing on my sinfulness – it may take minutes, hours or days. But I don’t give up, because I know that God wants to deliver me, so I keep on repeating scripture, reminding myself out loud that God is with me and for me. I hold on, trusting His word and His promises. When I have a firm grip on the ladder of God’s truth, He lifts me up out of the pit. No climbing required.

Romans 8 is a perfect example of the kind of rope, I should say hope, that is available to us.

35Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? 36As it is written: "For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered." 37No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8: 35-39 (NIV)

For more info about the book Fearless and the author: www.maxlucado.com

Written by Mary Wilkins July 25, 2010



I came to Him in my distress.

I let Him know my plea.

I asked Him for a great request.

I came on bended knee.

His Word assures us of His love, His willingness to bless.

Why then did I stand so amazed,

When He quickly answered me?

The Word of God is filled with promises that the Lord hears our petitions and that He is more than willing to meet our needs and even give us the desires of our hearts. As we ask in faith according to His will, Scripture and even our past experiences confirm that the Lord can and will come to our aid.

Let us then remember then to be immeasurably thankful yet not so surprised when the Lord rescues us and works on our behalf through answered prayer.

Written by CF



"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a

These verses speak of a perfect kind of love that we strive to have for other people. This is a tall order. There is so much here in these verses! We can try to be loving to all people by doing these things - being kind, not envious, not boastful, etc. But how well can we do everything on this list? And it can often be difficult to treat all people with love, especially if there are people who don't reciprocate, or may have hurt us in some way, etc. However, Jesus tells us even to love our enemies, and pray for them (Matthew 5:44, Luke 6:27 & 35).

We strive to love one another in order to reflect God's love to the world, the love He has shown us first when He sent his son, Jesus Christ, to pay for our sins. God gives us the power to be able to be loving to others. We can come to him in prayer, asking for help when we have difficulty with loving. But we can never love perfectly. Only God is perfect. And thankfully, when we fail to love others or to love perfectly, He is forgives us because of what Jesus has done.

In 1 John 4:8 we are told that God is Love. In fact, He is perfect love. So we could also use the 1 Corinthians verses to describe God by replacing the word "Love" with "God":

"God is patient, God is kind. He does not envy, He does not boast, He is not proud. He is not rude, He is not self-seeking, He is not easily angered, He keeps no record of wrongs. God does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. He always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. GOD NEVER FAILS!"

May we remember to be grateful for God's perfect love as we go into the world and share that love with others with his help.

Written by Jan A.


How Powerful Is The Presence Of God...

Studying the encounter of Esther and King Xerxes, I was amazed at the influence the presence of God in our lives can have in an unbeliever’s life.

At first I mourned for this girl having to face such an evil man. I mean, surely, he couldn’t continue to do this every night or even multiples times a night, could he? Not that I doubted his moral depravity…but come on…endurance?? Most husbands and wives do not have sex every single night for months and months. He must have been in excellent shape. It’s unbelievable that a person could exceedingly indulge in such an activity and not have it become distasteful. The dynamics of addiction is somewhat fascinating and this was truly a pornographic endeavor that morphed into a sexual addiction. He must have craved more and more each night. How could he possibly choose just one?

Yes, there was something different the night he spent with Esther. No one knew that there was anything different about Esther as far as her heritage or upbringing went. Though she did seem to capture the favor of everyone, it wasn’t as if anyone could specifically name why, not even the king. The scripture says he liked her more, loved her more, or was pleased with her more than all the others. It doesn’t say that she was the most beautiful of all of them. It wasn’t a beauty contest or even a sexuality contest she won, even if that’s what it was originally set out to be.

You see Esther was brought up differently than all the other girls. She was taught the truth about God’s gifts…the gift of virginity, the gift of sex, the gift of marriage. She was guarded not just to keep her body pure, but to preserve her in mind and spirit as well. Yes, they were all virgins, but Esther was more than a virgin. She knew full well that when she entered into a marriage covenant, the first sexual encounter would represent a holy covenant and the Spirit of God would be present during that act. In all her years of godly training and preparation, she never dreamed that the night she had waited her whole life for would unfold in such a morally degrading fashion without even a covenantal promise. If she was refused, she would never have the honor of becoming a wife to anyone ever again.

She understood the significance of a sexual union and the impact that union has, as designed by God, on two people, and she no doubt asked God that she not be shamed in such a way as to have this precious gift grossly ripped from her and tossed to the side never to be loved again.

I believe that God showed up that night because of the heart of His servant, Esther. Because of that, the king experienced something he’d never experienced before. It wasn’t fleshly pleasure. It was definitely more than a physical attraction, certainly way more than a great personality, or a sweet heart. He experienced something different because God was with her. It was mighty and powerful…enough to rise above what the king had been hoping and expecting…his greatest sexual experience.

Nothing that we could ever experience in the physical can come close to having an encounter with God. This wicked, depraved king had an experience with God as God’s Spirit hovered over Esther that night. I’m sure he didn’t know what to call it, how to explain it, or why it happened, but it caused him to choose Esther because it was something he could not live without. That’s what the presence of God can do. He surely directed the heart of the king that night.

The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord; He directs it like a watercourse wherever He pleases. Proverbs 21:1

Written by Amie Spruiell March 2009

The Joy of Friendship

“And the Scripture was fulfilled that says, ‘Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness’ and he was called God’s friend”. James 2: 23 (NIV)

Out of all the “positions” in my Lord’s kingdom, I would choose the position of being called His friend.

A friend has special entry into the most intimate places of one’s heart. There is a special bonding and a feeling of security and honor and trust. A friend is one who supports and encourages the deepest of our hearts desires, one who hears and understands our dreams and motivations… and spurs us on, in intercession and faith.

Our Lord is the author and example of true friendship. He put our best interests before His own. It was for each one of us that He made His way to the cross to die for us. He knew that we had to be reconciled to His Father in order for us to live.

I have heard it described that on the cross, Jesus “opened His arms” in order to embrace all of us. I believe that is true. But I also believe that in order for Him to have been able to accomplish this, He had to have opened His heart first.

Today we have the choice of opening up our own hearts. We can choose to open them and offer to others this same kind of friendship. This kind of “offering” does not come without its share of risks. There is always the risk of being rejected, disappointed, or hurt. I believe that the joy of friendship far outweighs the risk. What do you believe?

Written by Beverley A. Napier


Morning Motivation

When I woke up this morning lying in bed,

I was asking myself…

What are some of the secrets of success in life?

I found the answer right there, in my very room.




Carry a Heart that Never Hates.

Carry a Smile that Never Fades.

Carry a Touch that Never Hurts..



'God Blesses Us To Be A Blessing Unto Others'

Written by Corinne


Hope Awaits

I am so grateful that each morning I wake up, that I am assured that "hope awaits". Psalms 39:7 says "And now, Lord, what do I wait for? My hope is in you.

We have all faced difficult situations in our life, and if not fully trusting in God can quickly plummet to the bottom of the pit in a puddle of hopelessness. In fact there have been times in my life I have felt just that, Hopeless.

Proverbs 13:12 says "Hope deferred makes the heart sick". Deferred means to postpone, suspend or to delay an action. My heart was sick and hope seemed millions of miles away from me during those times in my life. I was not able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Not even a tiny glimmer of light.

It wasn't until I got my eyes off the situation and began to focus on Jesus, did things began to shift in my heart. He began to show me in His word that He is my hope and my everything. As I embraced His word and the Holy Spirit shed His light and life upon me, His hope began to increase and expand in my life. That was the moment that I was fully convinced that my hope awaits in Christ!

Blessing to ya and love,



What Frazzles???

July 20, 2010

At the beginning of a bible study I am excited and positive that I will grow and change and this study will be the one that helps me accomplish much and I will arrive at the end of the study mature, at peace and balanced! I found this entry in one of my journals; it is the first day of a new bible study:

“What frazzles me? When I get off schedule – when I hope to accomplish something special with the kid’s and we don’t get things done so we can enjoy the pleasurable thing.

What else frazzles me? When the routine of my life stretches before me like an unending ribbon, like a spool of thread dropped on the floor that has rolled unchecked.What would/could I do to change the frazzle? I could change my system: do the fun stuff even if all the work isn’t finished.  Stop over-scheduling. Change the belief in my head that it all must be done in order for me to be successful.”What’s so funny about these thoughts is that clearly I know what I need to do. Even though I tell myself this kind of change is good, I am afraid of change.  And I am afraid that old habits die hard in this girl. So when the going gets tough I am likely to fall back into old patterns for coping with the crisis, the fatigue and the drama of everyday life.

 Just to keep it real, here is the next entry in that journal, 4 days later: “Dear Lord, I am hurt, angry and close to tears. I do not know why I am struggling-except I am worried about many things. I am frustrated that the kids can be so frustrating! I hate it when I am angry and snapping. I want to be loving, patient and kind. I want to be a clean and pure vessel, ready to share God’s love and mercy, even towards my own children and myself.

But who is showing me mercy? Who is loving me and caring for me – no matter what? Who is gently teaching and guiding me along this difficult path? That’s right, You are Lord. Please help me to be free from this deep well of emotions – lift me up and give me Your strength to keep my eyes and heart on You. May my lips ever praise You. For You are beautiful and kind, strong and comforting; You alone are worthy of my attention and praise.

”So, if our almighty powerful God, still loved King David, even after he mishandled an entire kingdom (adultery, murder, etc). Then I can believe that no matter how long it takes me to put away pride and selfishness, no matter how many times I mess up; He is still there loving me, ready to forgive me, and to set me up on my feet again, to give it another try. “Now God has us where he wants us, with all the time in this world and the next to shower grace and kindness upon us in Christ Jesus. Saving is all his idea, and all his work. All we do is trust him enough to let him do it. It's God's gift from start to finish! We don't play the major role. If we did, we'd probably go around bragging that we'd done the whole thing!

No, we neither make nor save ourselves. God does both the making and saving. He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing.” Ephesians 2:7-10 (The Message)Author Cindi Wood walks willing women down the path to “Finding God’s Peace in Your Daily Chaos.” Her bible studies, blog and ministry info are at www.frazzledfemale.com .

Written by Mary Wilkins


Today there are many different philosophies prevalent in our society. We are threatened by political correctness, afraid to offend anyone with the truth. Laws are being passed which protect immorality. Our children are being taught in schools that they must be tolerant of lifestyles which contradict the principals of our Christian faith. Many times the people we work with, neighbors, and prominent media figures treat our Christian values as if they were archaic and irrelevant in our modernistic society.

We know what we believe to be ethical, logical, honorable and virtuous. Yet, when we are bombarded with the profane, we need validation of our convictions. What better way to center ourselves in the truth than to turn to the word of God. When the attitudes which surround us seem topsy-turvey and we begin to feel like "social dinosaurs" let us be comforted by the words of Jesus. In Matthew 24:35 we are reminded that "Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away." (KJV) Also in I Peter 1:25 we find "but the word of the Lord endureth forever." (KJV)

Let us then refuse to be intimidated or swayed by current trends and ideas. Instead let's remember to read and meditate on the Holy scriptures. We experience such peace and stability when we saturate ourselves in God's word. And when we are filled with the truth we will "Always be prepared to gave an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." I Peter 3:15 (NIV)

Written by CF



Have you ever felt so down you thought you would never get up again? Or have you had a friend or acquaintance who felt that way and you weren't sure how to help?

There have been times in my life when I was severely depressed. I had depleted all of my resources for living and simply wanted to lie down and never get up again in this world. I had given of myself so much, that I had no more left to give, even for myself. Much of this giving had been to cover up what I felt were major inadequacies in my life. Some of it stemmed from feeling guilty for things that I felt convinced were my fault that happened in my childhood, and I felt I could not live with myself with those memories. I felt I had totally corrupted what God had created when He made me. I even got so far as to write my own funeral, and I wanted this to be read:

"[She] has sinned greatly and so has become unclean. All who honored her despise her, for they have seen her nakedness; she herself groans and turns away. Her filthiness clung to her skirts; she did not consider her future. Her fall was astounding; there was none to comfort her. 'Look, O LORD, on my affliction, for the enemy has triumphed.' " Lamentations 1:8-9

What makes a person get this depressed when they have faith in God? I have had people say they don't understand how a Christian could possibly consider suicide. But even Christians can lose sight of what God can do. We can get tunnel vision and not be able to see a way out of our situation. Even if we know God can forgive anything, we may feel we can never forgive ourselves. That is when we need to be redirected back to see that God can handle anything - He is greater than any problems we might face and can turn them around in the most astounding ways. He might be using these situations to help us grow, or to teach us to forgive ourselves, or to help us learn to trust and rely on Him more fully. In fact, these troubles may even be used by Him later in our lives to help others in similar situations. Sometimes we need a good Christian friend to remind us of these things, or just to sit and cry with us and pray for us. We need to hear that someone understands our aching hearts, loves us, and won't abandon us. It is through our relationships like this that we see God's love at work and feel His comforting arms around us. All of us need to remember that we can be God's tool in the lives of others who are suffering and that it might save someone's life.

I thank God that He has helped me time and time again to get up and keep going, and that He has sent amazing Christian friends into my life at just the right times, without which I would not be here today to write this. It does not matter how overwhelmed I get, or how devastated I feel, or even how awful I think I have been, God will help me through it. May we all be ready and willing to be used by Him in the lives of others. He has great things in store for each of us, and brighter days ahead!

"He brought them out of darkness and the deepest gloom and broke away their chains." Psalm 107:14
Written by Jan


How Great Thou Art

Devotional for 6/25/11

This is a repost by Amie Spruiell from 2010

Everything under heaven belongs to Him and was created for His enjoyment
Have you ever gotten those circulating emails that have slide shows of award
winning pictures of nature?

Those spectacular views belong to Him for His enjoyment...
What about the ones that have pictures of those remarkably weird underwater
creatures that human eyes have never seen but have been captured by
technologically advanced cameras and what about the ones that we haven’t

They belong to Him for His enjoyment...

Sure He told mankind to rule over the creatures He made…the birds of the air,
the sea creatures, the land animals, and everything that moves, but He did not
create those creatures for the sole purpose to be ruled over.

They too were created for Him for His enjoyment...

I’ve read that there are 10 million colors that can be seen in a single viewing
condition, but multiply that by God knows how many different conditions and you
definitely have an infinite number of colors to experience.

That’s right. He came up with that for His enjoyment.

Nice that we get to enjoy it too!
And let’s not even get started on the number of possible musical sounds…a
piano alone could produce 8,400 possible chords.

He enjoys sounds…especially joyful sounds!

It gives me chills to think about an estimated 10 septillion stars…10 to the 24th
power stars in the universe. We’re told that the heavenly bodies are there for
signs and seasons, and they have worked well for signs and seasons especially in
the days of exploration, but we are now learning about their beauty. Thanks to
technology such as The Hubble Space Telescope, we can peek into a truly
breathtaking place in the universe. But for millions of people on our planet who
do not believe in the God of creation, it appears to them that space’s beauty has
all been in vain…existing for (how ever many years they might conjure up their
minds) with no one to enjoy it until now, and so they give thanks to technology
that finally it’s beautiful nebulas can be appreciated for “supposedly” the first time.

But God created it all for His enjoyment, and He’s been enjoying it since the
beginning! And He has allowed mankind to acquire the intelligence needed to
have a fractional glimpse of it…

How magnificent! How unbelievably glorious His creation is! But what’s even
more unbelievable is that the creation has no clue how great it is. Think about
that as you admire creation…it’s not possible for all of creation to know how
great it is. Not all of creation was given the capability of complete thought…of
reason, understanding, and appreciation…mankind alone was blessed with that
gift. Mountains do not know how high off the ground they rise, oceans do not
know how deep their waters stretch and stars do not know how numerous they
are. Colors and music cannot appreciate their artistic beauty. And although
many animals can enjoy comfort, process thought, and even mourn loss, they
definitely cannot reason with each other the vast “how’s” and “why’s” of the
mysteries of the universe.

We were created for God’s enjoyment and to enjoy His creation right
along with Him…even better…we were made in His image, the only part of
His creation to grasp and wrap our minds around how great it is!

Who can possibly think up the amazing biology of the ear, the eye, the nose, the
mouth, and the entire nervous system and connect them all to a central control
center to process the information coming in and going out through those
channels? We may be able to study and learn how it works, but only God can
conceive in His mind and create with His hands the physical image of Himself.
Of course we’re limited to an extent and cannot see all that He sees, hear all that
He hears, nor know all that He knows. We’re not God, but we are still in His
image. To those who are born deaf, they cannot comprehend sound. For those
who are born blind, they cannot conceive in their minds visual images or color.

The mind is only as good as what goes into it, but God’s mind needed nothing to
go into it in order for wonders to come out. And you are a wonder!

You were created for His glory 
even when you don’t feel or seem glorious

It sometimes seems like a curse to know so much…to know how your own
choices affect everyone around you…to know how it feels to fail…to know how
it feels to let people down, and to let ourselves down. To know how many
different ways we can mess up. It is a curse. It happened when the first man ate
from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. So, if that hadn’t
happened…would we all know how great we are? Must we have an
understanding of evil in order to have an understanding of good to the point of
calling it great? Pity how this knowledge of the bad gets in the way of the
knowledge of the good. We forget that we’re a greater design than Van Gogh’s
paintings, Beethoven’s symphonies, and Michelangelo’s sculptures. In God’s
eyes, we’re greater than the strength of the Tyrannosaurus Rex and more beautiful 
than the majestic feather design of the male peacock. We’re more amazing than
spewing volcanoes, and more important than splitting atoms. And yes, we’re
even looked upon with joy more than the unknown number of nebulas are looked
upon…nebulas that are thousands and even millions of light years away hidden
from the view of mankind for thousands of years and now captured through a lens
that transports the images back to earth so we can view what God has always
known was there and become awestruck by it’s magnificence. That which it 
does not even know it is.

But we are God’s masterpieces, not the nebulas!

We are so much greater than all of these things that He decided to step into
human flesh and become one of us. He did not become an animal, or a star, or a
tree. The One who created these wonders became one of us so that we can know
how much we mean to Him. He took our curse upon Himself so that His
masterpiece could be freed from the sin curse and to once again dwell with Him,
to worship Him, and to enjoy creation the way He intended us to thousands of
years ago. When He returns to take us home, He’ll allow us to enjoy with Him
what He created for His own enjoyment. Because He doesn’t want to enjoy it
alone…because He enjoys us the most!

How great Thou art! Everything under heaven belongs to Him.

He created it for Himself. He created us for Himself,

and He enjoys us immensely! How great Thou art! 

O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder,
Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made;
 see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power throughout the universe displayed.
When through the woods, and forest glades I wander,
And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees.
When I look down, from lofty mountain grandeur
And see the brook, and feel the gentle breeze.
And when I think, that God, His Son not sparing;
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in;
That on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing,
He bled and died to take away my sin.
When Christ shall come, with shout of acclamation,
And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart.
Then I shall bow, in humble adoration,
And then proclaim: "My God, how great Thou art!"
Then sings my soul, My Savior God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, My Savior God, to Thee
How great Thou art, How great Thou art!

Written by Amie Spruiell

Pressing On

“I press on toward the goal to win the (supreme and heavenly) prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward”        Philippians 3:14 (amplified Bible)

Pressing on, especially when you’re tired, takes focus and determination. It means not giving up, even when everything inside of you is screaming to quit. Pressing on takes strength and endurance. Pressing on will challenge you in every area of your being, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Pressing on takes faith and courage. It is the ability to see the finish line in your heart, even while the “race” seems to be more than you can bear. Pressing on is the ability to see those who are running beside you, those who are in front of you, and also those who are behind you. It is being encouraged by those who are ahead, and then turning to encourage those which are behind. It is knowing the kindness of being helped up when you have stumbled… and then being able to help others in the same way.

In my heart I see us all together, as a mighty army. I can almost hear the sound of a heavenly stampede, as our feet walk to the rhythm of our hearts. For we know that we do not “press on” without a purpose, but that there is a heavenly prize which awaits us. We know, and our hearts are assured that one day we will see Jesus face to face. Until the joy and wonder of that precious day arrives, pressing on teaches us to be effective and strong. It helps us to be unified and loving. It helps us to gain spiritual ground, and it gives us the ability to testify to the world, not by words… but by action.

Today I thank the Lord for the opportunities that He has given me to press on. I do not always like this “race” that we call life, or the difficult places that I seem to find myself in. But what I do like is that the Lord uses these situations and places in our lives to build us up, and to make us stronger. He takes the most difficult of times in our lives and uses them as an opportunity to reveal His strength, which He has placed inside of us. He uses these times to show us His compassion and His love, and He continues to help us, right when we need it the most.

Today I can only praise Him for His ability to press on towards the cross, a place that I cannot even imagine Him wanting to press on towards. I thank Him for His wisdom, His strength, and His love for pressing on. I thank Him that it was His love for you and I that kept Him going. I thank Him that He pressed on to the very end… for He knew that in completing all of that which had been set before Him, that He would purchase everlasting life and freedom for us all.

Written by Beverley A. Napier


Be Prepared With Your Answer

Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good?  But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. "Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened." But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander. It is better, if it is God's will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.
1Peter 3:13-17

If you are like me you feel a bit of apprehension when you think of having to explain yourself to a person who does not know about your faith.  I always feel that I am ill equipped to verbalize my reasons for what I believe. Don't get me wrong.  I am strong in my faith and praise God for it.  I am not bothered by a need to reason everything out and understand it before I believe it.  It is enough for me that God said it, so it is true.  I feel blessed by this kind of willingness for faith.  Many people do not enjoy such a blessing in their faith life, and I do not take it lightly.

I recently heard something that makes it easier for me to explain the reason for my hope. I do have a hope. Jesus has changed my life. I can explain it now without dreading the comments that are meant to make what I believe look ridiculous.  No one can argue with what you hold true in your mind and in your heart. There is no need to apologize.

Then there are the people who say that those 1500 writers played around with the words and changed things according to their own whim.

Do not be afraid of that age old argument that the Bible is just a book written by man.  In face all books are written by men. Still I believe the Bible when it says...
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
2 Timothy 3:16
This book was written over a period of 1500 years by people as different from each other as they could be. As differet from each other as a tax collector is from a scholar of Jewish law.  Still they were all in agreement about every life topic that was included in the Book. Why wouldn't they be in agreement since what they wrote was God breathed into them. It is what it is.  If people cannot accept it it is their affair. My job is to just let them know.
Then there are the people who say that they believe Jesus was a moral teacher, but they cannot hang with the fact that He was God.  Well the moral teacher said He was.  How can anyone they have defined as a moral teacher be a liar or even worse evil by what He preached. Think about it and never worry about having to to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.

Written by Corinne Mustafa

"He Makes All Things New"

What an honor and great delight to belong to Jesus! He calls me His very own. In His word in John 1:12 it says, "But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name." Because I have received Christ and I believe in His name He has given me the right to become His child. I am in Christ and I am in Him. But wait, there is more good news! 2 Corinthians 5:17 says "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." Because I am in Christ and I have asked forgiveness of my sins, Christ has truly forgiven me. He remembers no more the things of my past and all things have become new in me. I have right standing before Christ. I have become brand new before my Lord. He sees me pure and covered in His blood and covered with His robe of righteousness. I no longer have to hang my head down low in shame because of my past, but I can now confidently hold my head up high and gaze into the eyes of Jesus. He is the glory and lifter of my head!

John 8:36 says "Therefore, if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed." The Lord has given me much freedom and joy knowing that I belong to Him and I am a new creation.

Daily I choose to stay in close fellowship with Him and to feed upon His word knowing that in Him He makes all things new!


Written by Sandy


To Be Free of Anger

I like this prayer by author and speaker John Maxwell:

"Dear Lord,
So far today, I've done all right.
I haven't gossiped, I haven't lost my temper,
I haven't been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish, or over-indulgent.
I'm really glad about that.
But in a few minutes, God, I'm going to get out of bed,
and from then on, I'm probably going to need a lot more help!”

I wish I could claim that this funny prayer is always true in my life. I can easily recall waking up already angry with a child or my husband (or my mother, or a friend, or an acquaintance, or an enemy, or a coworker). I have struggled with anger for many years (how long have I been married?) and know how hard it is to master this emotion. Whether I am stuffing my emotions and putting on a ‘happy’ face or erupting like a volcano – my anger is still alive and well within me.

I have read books on anger; listened to cd’s on love; and even attended a well-known anger seminar. My epiphany occurred at the seminar. As I was taking notes, I thought to myself, “Okay, exactly what makes me angry?” I wrote in the margin of my workbook these shocking words: “When I don’t get what I want.”
I smiled a little guilty half-smile.

It was suddenly so clear. I get angry with the kid’s when they don’t clean up the play room, because I want to take them to a movie or the park afterwards. I get angry with my husband for not offering to clean up but I don’t want to admit to him that I need help or that I can’t handle it. Can’t he see I’m overwhelmed? It shouldn’t matter that I have certain ways of doing things and tend to be a bit corrective when he tries to help, right?

Right then is when God got me. My husband had a coping skill. He avoided my negative behavior and just let me do what I was going to do. Basically, I had an anger bubble surrounding me as I proficiently and diligently ‘got everything done.’ My husband, wise man that he is, avoided me during those times, in order to avoid ‘popping’ that bubble.

I got this message loud and clear. There was no way I could master anger on my own. I confessed my weakness to God (not an easy thing – strong woman that I am). I admitted my struggle to a trustworthy friend. I started sharing my story and being real about myself and realistic about my expectations. I still have roller coaster days and bubble scenarios. But I am starting to know what it feels like to be free of anger.“I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13 NIV

“Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. “ Psalm 51:1-3 NIV

Written by Mary Wilkins July 12, 2010


The Cross

Thank you Heavenly Father for the gift of your dear Son

That on the cross of Calvary the victory was won

The victory of salvation

The victory over death

The victory over Satan

And rescue from all wrath

You suffered untold sorrows upon that rugged cross

And it's Your heart's desire that not one soul be lost

Let me not forget the pain that you once knew

As I share your sufferings, give me strength to carry through

And when I'm hurt, forgive them, for they know not what they do

Written By CF

Luke 23:34 "And Jesus said, 'Father, forgive them, they know not what they do."



What is your worth? There is an e-mail that goes around called The one Flaw in Women, which extols the virtues of women, and at the end says that the one flaw in women is that they forget their worth. Many of us live our lives for others every day, giving our all to those around us. We support one another, bear one another's burdens, share our hope, love and joy, and laugh and cry with our friends, even when we are sad or hurting inside. Is this what brings us value? Perhaps that is what brings us worth in some people's eyes.

But, then what is our worth when we fail at these things? Sometimes we may feel totally unworthy because of something we have or have not done or said. There may be people we have hurt or neglected, even if it was unintentional. Some days we might be too absorbed in our own lives to share our gifts or talents with others around us. Maybe we didn't reach out to someone in need for various reasons, even though we had the means to do so and saw their need. Or perhaps we simply didn't stand up for what was right in a certain situation. Does that make us unworthy people?
What brings us worth in other people's eyes may be whether we "do good things" - but what is it that brings us worth in God's eyes? First, He creates us with some intrinsic value. We are "fearfully and wonderfully made..." (Psalm 139:14). Then He redeems us again and again when we falter. God sees us through his one and only son, Jesus, who died on the cross to save us from our unworthiness/sinfulness. Thankfully, God is endlessly all-forgiving, because of what Jesus has done for us, not because of our own efforts! Because He forgives all of our short-comings, no matter how often they appear, we can start anew with a fresh slate, each and every moment of every day as we turn to Him in faith. When we "do good things" in this world then, it is not what brings us worth in God's mind, but rather it is what we do to thank Him for the free gift of forgiveness and salvation. It is our witness to the world of the love of our wonderful Lord and Savior.

So, what is your worth? If we are faithful/of noble character, we are "... worth far more than rubies." (Proverbs 31:10), and as we witness to others about our faith in Christ, we do not have to be afraid, because we are "... worth far more than many sparrows" (Matthew 10:31) which do not fall to the ground apart from God's will.

An affirmation to remember:

I am a worthy creation of God, and I am continually redeemed and made worthy again through faith in Christ!

Written by Jan A


Thoughts From On High

On the plane coming back from Hawaii, I found myself sitting across the aisle and one row of seats back from a little girl and her mother. I observed this mother and daughter “5 hour flight experience” the entire flight. I honestly have to say that the behavior of this child in my eyes was unbelievable. I tried not to judge, as this mother and I obviously have different parenting techniques, but I could help but allow certain opinions to form in my mind. In spite of this, however, I was impressed with her (the mother, not the daughter).

My own analysis led me to believe that the parents did not believe in teaching their children self-control, and felt no harm in letting them hang onto whatever would pacify them and feed their self-indulgence. This was evident not only in their behavior (as I also observed the slightly older daughter and father behind us), but also in the bottle for the 2 year old, sippy cup for the 5 year old, as well as blankies, crackers, candy, etc. They were constantly being pacified going back and forth between mother and father for whatever they wanted and whenever they wanted it.

They ran the show…the kids, not the parents. The most unbelievable sight was this little girl, about age 2 by the size and speech, who was kicking and screaming, hitting and biting her mother from time to time, but mostly during the take-off and landing. It goes without saying that I was not impressed with these parents based on their parenting skills. No, it was instead their calm demeanor that impressed me so much. I can hardly tell what the mother’s voice sounded like because I rarely heard her speak. It took so much strength for that mother to hold onto this unruly child during the take-off and landing, but she did it.

Of course she did, she loves her child. She will safely hold this child as tight as she can no matter what it takes. She probably was noticing how many people were watching, but never the less, she did not break down. She didn’t cry, yell or even raise her voice. She was as strong as an oak holding with all her might this little girl who, in all her ferocious rebellion, just couldn’t understand why she couldn’t do what she wanted to do…get down.

Yes, she was like an untrained wild animal that was now being restrained and her rage was spewing out like a volcano. These words were shouting at me through the actions of the mother, “I know you’re rebellious, but I still love you and don’t want you to die…I know you’ve done nothing to receive this love and protection, and you’ve done everything to deserve punishment, but right now I don’t care. I still love you and I don’t want you to die.” I realized how many times God has held me back with restraints from things that I know now were dangerous, but I didn’t know at the time. So in all my rebellion I fought Him tooth and nail trying to get my way. But He wouldn’t let go. He loves me too much even though I don’t deserve it.

Now, do you hear these words of love shouting from the Father as He allowed His Son to die? He was shouting them to the Roman soldiers, to the children of Israel, to us…

“I know you don’t understand this, but it has to be done because I love you. I know your rebellious heart, but I still love you and don’t want you to die. This is hard for Me, this is hard for My Son, but it’s worth it because you’re worth it even though you don’t even know Me yet. I know you’ve done nothing to receive this gift and instead you deserve punishment, but right now I don’t care. I still love you and don’t want you to die.”

But God demonstrated His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

Written by Amie Spruiell



“My frame was not hidden from You when I was being formed in secret (and)
intricately and curiously wrought (as if embroidered with various colors) in the
depths of the earth (a region of darkness and mystery).
Psalm 139:15 (amplified Bible)

If you are like me, there have been times in my life that I have wanted to be
someone different from who I am. I have wanted to look different, to think
different, to act different. I have wanted to have different strengths, different
talents and different abilities. It has taken me a long time to be able to see that
the Lord has made me the way I am for a purpose, for His purpose.

Somewhere along the line I began to embrace this knowledge and I began
relating to being “different” in a new way. Because I am who I am, I somehow
began to relate this whole “topic” to something that we are all very familiar with
and come across on an almost daily basis… buttons.

I began to think how wonderful it must be to be a “button”. There are so many
different types and sizes and colors and styles. There are simple buttons and
“loud” buttons, “crazy” buttons… and golden buttons.

I thought how buttons can be casual or elegant…how they can be “proper” or
silly. I imagined how a button must not think “too highly” of itself… or “too
little” of itself, either. It seems to me that buttons must be comfortable with what
they are… and that above all else, they understand that they are needed.

I thought how buttons are both functional and fun. I see that they serve a very
important purpose… for in them, you find the “finishing” touch, and a sense of
“completeness”. If you don’t think so, just try “losing” one, and you will soon
experience the sense of panic that results!

I began to think that buttons must have been given an extra measure of grace…
for surely I think they must need it. I can see how most of the time, that the
showers of praise and admiration are focused primarily upon the “suit” or the
“dress” or the “outfit”… and, at times, I can imagine how the “button” must feel
a little left out, or perhaps, a bit insignificant.

That is when I imagine how the “Master Tailor” Himself… comes alongside and
begins to explain things to the very special button in a special way that she will
be able to understand. I think that He speaks softly to her as He reminds her how
He created and designed her to be exactly the way that she is. I can almost hear
Him as He shows her that He uses her for His very special purpose… how she
was created to add support and reinforcement, beauty and laughter, or a fabulous
show of color to an otherwise “dull” surrounding.

I love it as I imagine how the Master Tailor takes pride in, and values His very
special button. I think that He begins to show her that she is versatile and
loving… and that most of all He loves how she goes willingly to the different
garments that He sets out before her. In ending, I imagine how the very special
button begins to trust in the Master Tailor completely. I believe that she knows
that He is her thread, and I know that she longs for Him alone to shine forth from
her very core.

After “seeing” these things about a button, I began to “see” how I can also relate
this whimsical story to my own life. It is my desire to bring joy to my Lord
above all else also, and what better way is there for me to do that then to
embrace ALL of the things that He has made me to be. What more can I do than to
strengthen my weaknesses and celebrate my strengths by using them to help
others. What better way can I bring my Lord joy than to love the person that I see
looking back at me in the mirror each day, for after all, who am I to question that
which He has made by His own Hand and design.

Written by Beverley A. Napier


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Therefore, I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert (the wilderness is not a place of punishment but a place of privacy) and speak tenderly to her. There I will give her back her vineyards, and will make the Valley of Achor (means trouble) A DOOR OF HOPE (God redeems situations). There she will sing (respond) as in the days of her youth, as in the day she came up out of Egypt. In that day, declares the Lord, you will call me ‘my husband’; you will no longer call me ‘my master’.........Amplified Bible

What does this say…God is leading me into the desert, a solitary place, a place I
don’t understand…and in this strange place He is going to speak to me, in this
hard place I will hear Him, He will be near to me and provide for me, this will
be a place of privacy for Him and me…but He says this place of trouble will be
redeemed and become a place where I begin to have new hope. It is in this desert
wilderness I WILL GAIN HOPE. This does not compute. I should have blessings
in easy situations, where the goodness and honey flows...but not here. There are
times God leads us into the wilderness to speak tenderly to us. Then, after we
have heard His voice in this place, He begins to restore and redeem our lives,
and we sing, have joy, and respond to the Lord’s voice as when we first knew
Him. Have you ever experienced this first love’s joy after coming though to the
other side of something hard? What do we take out of it? The Lord says it is here
that you begin to call me “my husband” and no longer call me “my master.” He’s
our husband, our covering, our provider, our healer, our protector, our lover.

Ah, my friends, be blessed today for the One who understands all things is
walking with you…

Written by Kathy Bireley

What are you storing in your heart these days?

Wednesday July 7, 2010

What are you storing in your heart these days? Is it good treasure or is it bad
treasure? God's word tells us in Matthew 12:35 "A good man out of the good
treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil
treasure brings forth evil things. Are the things that our heart is taking in
producing rich and appealing and productive treasure or is the treasure decayed
and unwelcoming to those around us and to God?

What we fill our minds with, is what will proceed out of our hearts. It is a good
thing to daily renew our mind with God's word. Not only that, but viewing
wholesome television shows and movies and reading healthy,solid books and
magazines and good material on the internet. This will bring forth good treasure
and will be pleasing to our God. We are to dwell on good thoughts as it says in
Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are
noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are
lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is
anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things." When we do these things we
can be assured that there will be good treasure flowing out of our hearts.

If we neglect God's word on a regular basis and participate in things I mentioned
previously that are contrary to God's word, you can know that it will bring forth
evil treasure. When we dwell on thoughts that are negative and destructive it will
not produce rich and life giving treasure.

I encourage each of you to intentionally choose each day good treasure and
intentionally reject evil treasure. As a result, your sphere of influence and your
life will be blessed richly.

Written by Sandy

Nothing New Under the Sun

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

We all know the book of Ecclesiastes where Solomon preaches sadly about his
own folly in looking for satisfaction in the things of the world, which in the end
he finds more bitter than death.

“What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is
nothing new under the sun.” (Eccles 1:9 TNIV)

“Then I looked on all the works that my hands had done and on the labor in
which I had toiled; and indeed all was vanity and grasping for the wind. There
was no profit under the sun. (Eccles 2:11 NKJV)

“This is not meant in a general sense; but that there is no new source of
happiness which can be devised; the same round of petty pleasures, cares,
business, study, wars, etc..” (Holden)

As Americans we enjoy the abundance of what the world has to offer
materialistically. And often we place our value on what we have acquired and
our identity is found in our jobs. Sadly we have allowed the world to define who
we are and where we get our self-worth from. If we don’t have…, if we are
not… , if we loss…,we judge ourselves and see ourselves as a failure by the
world’s standards. How unfortunate. God has so much more for us. We are so
much more to Him. Success is not measured by the things we have, the jobs we
hold, or who we know. Success is really about the significance of the life we
lead. It’s about how we treat one another, how we comfort one another. It’s
about what we do with the people God brings to us, it’s about our character. It’s
what we do when no one is looking. It’s what we do, because it is the right thing
to do. It’s not about what we are going to get out of it, or to gain another’s

So when you feel like your not measuring up, like you are not where our world
says you should be; I would stop and reflect, because maybe you are far more
successful in God’s eyes. He took notice when you went at 10:00 at night to
check on a sick friend. He saw you give a friend a ride to work. And he heard
you make the phone call to your grandma, who lives alone, just to say hi. God
knows your heart and you have significant value in Him. And that is where our
happiness and joy is found ♥

“We are prone to judge success by the index of our salaries or the
size of our automobiles rather than by the quality of our service
and the relationship to mankind.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.

“I am beginning to see that the things that really matter take place not
in the boardrooms but in the kitchens of the world.”
Gary Sledge

Written by Patty B.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus

Monday, July 5, 2010

So you've lost your brand new cell phone. You've searched every nook and
cranny and it's nowhere to be found. You've called every possible public venue
where you might have left it and no one has turned in a cell phone. You are
forced to purchase yet another phone. One of the children nearly blew up the
kitchen microwave and 3 days later it still reeks of burnt popcorn and the interior
is now stained an unsightly yellowish brown hue. And to top it all off, you've
suddenly come down with what seems to be a case of the summer flu. No one
else is feeling ill. They are all too busy swimming, picnicing or preparing for a
trip to the Bahamas.

What do you do? Throw in the towel and cry "poor me"? On the contrary, you
take the advice of James who recommended, "Whenever trouble comes your
way, let it be an opportunity for joy." James 1:2 (NLT) Praise the Lord through
the trials, thank Him for all your blessings, and watch Him turn things around for
your good and His glory. I am convinced that God is working through even the
minor irritations of our daily lives. He is working to perfect our character, make
us strong, and to help us to be a witness to others.

Paul comforts us in 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 with the words, "For our light
affliction, which is but for moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and
eternal weight of glory, while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the
things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the
things which are not seen are eternal." (KJV) Remember to keep your eyes on
Jesus, the author of your faith, and the lover of your soul.

Written by C.F.

More than Conquerors

Sunday, July 4, 2010

“No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither
the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything
else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in
Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:37 NIV

Welcome to the new daily devotionals as we celebrate Independence Day, the
4th of July, 2010! Many people will be busy celebrating with family get-
togethers, cookouts, and watching fireworks. Others will be traveling places, and
still others will spend a quiet day at home, alone. Wherever we are, whether we
are busy with activities or we are “by ourselves”, God is always with us.
It is amazing to me that when we are not thinking anything about God, or even
more so when we feel He is nowhere to be found, He is still there by our side.
Even if we feel abandoned by God, or that He is not answering our prayers, or
we feel totally numb as if there is nothing there, He is! And when we feel He is
there, but that we don't deserve his presence or his love, He embraces us and
loves us, forgiving absolutely anything that might separate us from him. On the
opposite end of the spectrum, when we are in the heights, and perhaps enjoying
life but not focusing on God, He is there to love us just the same. Maybe there
are times we get so wrapped up in ourselves that we think we are the ones in
control of our own destiny. Or when we become too prideful and do not rely on
God or give him the credit for what we have and do, He is there too, loving us
and desiring that we turn to him and realize that He is the one who sustains us
and gives us absolutely everything, including every breath we take.

There is absolutely nothing that can come between us and God's love. It is not
dependent upon our feelings or our knowledge of His presence. He promises all
of this in the Bible verses above. I kept trying to look up another verse for this
devotion, and my Bible kept blowing open to the page with these verses at the
top. God wants us to hear what he has to say here. Read it again and soak it all
in... it is a powerful verse. God loves you and always will!

Written by Jan A.

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