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"For the Lord God will help Me; Therefore I will not be disgraced; Therefore I have set My face like a flint, And I know that I will not be ashamed."
Jesus Christ had flint-like steadfastness and deep devotion to His Lord God. He was never to be moved or shaken in what He had faced. He was confident in winning the battles that lay before Him because of the help He had with His Lord.
That passage in Isaiah gives me great encouragement and stamina to be like Christ in setting my face like flint. I too want to have the determination and courage of Christ; no matter what lies before me and the goals that God has given me. I am fully aware that through the Lord and Christ my Savior I am able to accomplish anything in Him!
I shall not be moved by current circumstances that would try to sway me in giving up, but will diligently set my face like flint to accomplish all the Lord God has set before me!! In Christ alone I shall not be defeated nor ashamed but shall experience great triumph in the battles that lay ahead as I am determined and fully trust in the Lord and Him alone!!
There are things about our beliefs that we must take on faith. The first one I learned about as a child in my parochial school was the fact of the Trinity. We were told that it is not possible to understand how God is one but has three separate and different persons in His being. We were given the example of a clover which is one but has three separate parts in the three leaves on the same stem. Our teachers said that this was not a perfect illustration but that it could give us an idea of the Trinity...the triune God.\ As i grew up and learned more, I found many instances where things that were unique about our beliefs must be taken by faith. I have always been thankful that faith has never been a problem for me. I accept the things that I have learned with faith even when they are hard to accept. I have no problem with this. Other people find the blessing of faith not as strong as mine is. They wrestle with understanding and pure and simple faith is a challenge to them. That is why, when we do have proof of something unseen, it is so exciting. There is a book called "Heaven is for Real" written by the family of a little boy who was dead for a short time and came back. Now I don't think that most people who are Christian doubt that there is a heaven to go to. However, when the boy, Colton, returned from his near death experience he talked about meeting Jesus and his grandfather. When his parents showed him a pictures he kept saying that was not who he had seen. Then one day he was looking at a family photo album and saw a picture of a young man. "That's my grandfather!" he exclaimed. After his discussion about it he told his parents that he had, in fact, met him, and his grandfather had said that was who he was. Another interesting thing happened. Colton told his parents that none of the pictures of Jesus looked like He really looks. He was always disappointed at the pictures of Jesus that he saw until one day. He was looking at the paintings of Akiane, a talented young painter...a child actually...who had visions of heaven, the scenery of heaven, the angels and much more. in one collections Colton saw one she had painted. He became very excited and told his parents that this was what Jesus looked like. This is the painting by Akiane had painted. Here is another "proof," if you want to call it proof, of the appearance of Jesus. No one has ever seen Him in this way, and I suppose that this requires faith as well to accept. I do accept it because of the way it was found by Colton, I invite you to try to work on developing a deeper faith in the wonders of our beliefs. It is an amazing blessing and gift.
Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable
Thanks to the writing of Laura Ingalls Wilder, and the resulting television series, "Little House on the Prairie" I have long had a fascination with living in the past. Many an afternoon adventure spent imaging myself as Laura living in the west filled my mind and my time.
Long after the drama of high school, then the labor of college, and deep into the blood, sweat, and tears of real life I still sometimes indulge in a moment of living in the past. I think about when the kids were young (and I was young), and I day dream about how much easier life was - less complicated, less difficult, and less painful.
But like the character Alice from Alice in Wonderland (by Lewis Carroll), when she is trying to figure out where she is, who is she, and where she is going, says to herself: "I can't go back to yesterday, I was a different person then," the Holy Spirit reminds me that everything has changed.
In Isaiah 43, as the Lord is speaking through the prophet to the people of Israel, He is reminding them of all of the great things He has done for them, saving them from harm and delivering them from their enemies. Then He says in verse 18,
"But forget all that (forget the past),
it is nothing compared to what I am going to do!"
Isaiah 43:18 NLT
Dear Lord, thank You for the past, and thank You for the future. Thank You for watching over each of us this day - and if we lose hope in the midst of our troubles -please help us to remember that Your faithfulness is never ending, and that You will give us the strength we need for this day. In Jesus name, amen.
Many of us have ascended mountain top experiences that carry us for weeks on a natural high. And we have fallen into valleys so deep that we thought we would never climb out. Our Savior knows what that is like.
Jesus entered Jerusalem in honor and glory on what we celebrate as Palm Sunday. People threw their cloaks on the ground as a royal carpet and waved palm branches as a sign of honor. But the tide would quickly turn. Jesus talks about what will happen later that very week, about his death on the cross in order that many might have life. And he faced this impending "valley" in his life with resolve. It troubled him, but he knew it was necessary.
John 12:23-24, 27-28 NIV Jesus replied, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. ... “Now my soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour.Father, glorify your name!”
Even in his "valley" of impending death, Jesus was able to share that there would be great benefit to come of it, and that was what he came to earth to do. We can take heart in knowing that our valleys also serve a purpose, to point us back to God so that we lean on him in our troubles. There is an end to every valley, and it is in the valleys that we can most appreciate the majesty of the mountains. Just as we do not remain in our "valleys," Jesus did not remain on the cross.
As we enter Holy Week on this Palm Sunday mountain top and see the approaching valley of the passion of Christ, we look forward to the next peak, the climax of Easter, when Jesus is resurrected in all glory!
Prayer: Lord God, almighty and everlasting Father, we thank you for sending your Son triumphantly into our world. We are so grateful that he was willing to sacrifice his life on the cross in payment for our sins to earn our salvation, which we could never attain on our own. Help us to appreciate the mountains as well as the valleys in our own lives. Draw us unto you that we might have everlasting life in the shadow of the cross. In the name of your son, Jesus Christ, we pray. Hallelujah, Amen.
Even people within the body of Christ can get as lost as the rest of society in
'doing.' There is so much to be done in life. Productivity and
activity are highly valued. Many people who retire feel they are of no
use anymore because they can't fully participate in activities and jobs as they
used to do.
God doesn't look to busyness -- He looks at the heart. He wants all of
us, as His body, to look to the spiritual life. Remember the story of
Mary and Martha in the New Testament. He praised Mary because she chose
to sit at His feet and learn from Him while she had the opportunity.
We need to learn to spend time daily with the Lord. We need to grow in
His Word and learn to listen to His voice. We need to communicate with
Him in prayer.
We can become too preoccupied with this life, even with activities within the
church, and fill all of our time with 'doing' and clutter our minds with busy
thoughts and plans.
God gives us grace to do all we need to do. Everything has been done for
us in Jesus Christ. He longs to become an intimate friend with each of us
in this life. Take the time to sit at Jesus' feet daily and just be with
With working the long hours, people’s moods and me holding
it all together, my patience is running very thin.Feeling unappreciated, frustrated and angry
at the world, I just want to give up.To
yell at them all and say what I am thinking, Instead I took a few moments to
talk to God, read some of the book and breathe.It helps….I am still very tired, but, I know that I can make it to the
I can do all this through him
who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13 (NIV)
The rest of my devotional is deI am amazing at all that I am able to accomplish during this crazy time
and deadline.The only way that I am
able to have grace and persevere is through God.Holding onto Him and never letting Him
go.Seeing Him by my side thought it all.
dicated to wonderful
scripture reminders that I am filling my mind with to boost my spirits, give me
more patience and to realize my self-worth.
Let us not become weary in
doing good,
for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Galatians 6:9 (NIV)
Blessed is the one who
perseveres under trial because,
having stood the test, that person will receive
the crown of life
that the Lord has promised to those who love him.
James 1:12(NIV)
Just reading and writing about this helps me get to a better
spot.I know there is so much involved
in all this….the stress and how others handle it, the urgency of the
deadline.I need to remember what I am
responsible for and that is looking to God first, taking care of my health and
doing my job with integrity.God will do
the rest!Amen to that!!
3/26/15 This afternoon my husband and I were working in our very small back yard. In California most houses do not have much land behind their house. Acknowledging that rather sad face we had a patio put it behind the house and some of the space beside the house are filled with small bushes and other plants. Around the perimeter of the patio is a two foot wide space that holds plants and bushes as well. We were setting the umbrella up in preparation for the need for shade in the hot California. We had put the umbrella away before the rainy season would start...a joyful happening that never happened this year.
What has happened once again this spring is that the small amount of rain has returned our brown hills to an emerald green that can take your breath away. The mustard has just finished blooming in a bright yellow that gave definition and color variety to the hills and which now have receded to make room for the bright orange poppies that dot the fields in clumps with color. The almonds and decorative plums have bloomed and their fruit is just starting to form. Soon the grape vines will start to grow leaves and people can look forward to the wines of fall. All these things happen year after year. We can rely on spring doing what we expect year after year as God has set them into ordered happenings. We can also rely on God for the continuation of schedules and order in our universe and world. In a world filled with confusion and lack of order it is a blessing to pretty much know what will happen season after season. We can for the most part rely on it. There is much in life that we can rely on. Unexpected things happen every day. We are going along and everything is all hunky dorey and all of a sudden everything changes. Life will never be the same again in some cases. I compare that to the idea of before the incident and after the incident...BI and AI. Still in all of this God is there ready to hold you in the palm of His hand. He is like that sheltering tree in my picture above. Walk through the season holding His hand...just keep on walking. It may not br the route you would have chosen but it is your route. Try to grow, learn, and move on. Just as spring follows winter God still has a plan for you. Believe in the plan. Written by Corinne Mustafa
Yesterday a friend of
mine was sharing with me about her son who is in the Military. Last week he was
chosen for "Special Forces". To be chosen for Special Forces is a
very high honor. The training is incredibly, intense and a rigorous
program you have to walk through and succeed with enormous success. The
authorities drop you off by yourself where there is thick
forest, swamps and brush in the middle of the night. You have a map and a very
small red light you can use to get back to your destination at a certain time. They
always give you a "panic button" that you can push if you don't
think you are able to make it. My friend said that many of the men totally
panic, press the button, are then rescued, and are eliminated from the
I was thinking how
Jesus is our "panic button" in times of trouble and danger. He is
always there to rescue us and bring us to safety. In fact He never leaves our
side. As we call onto Him, He hears us and helps us in our times of
His Word tells us in
Psalm 46:1-2...
"God is our refuge and strength,
A very present help in
Therefore we will not fear,
Even though the earth be removed,
though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;"
What a relief and
great comfort to know that the Lord is always there for us when times of
"panic" come. We can be assured that He will help us through
our times of trouble. We are never alone and we do not have to fear.
We can rest and be
assured that "Jesus will always be our panic button."
When I think of all that is going on around me it boggles my
mind. A woman is undergoing the trauma of having a huge blood clot in her brain
and needs surgery. My brother in law is suffering terribly due to surgeon
mistakes operating on a mass in his stomach. Someone I know has gone through a
huge business upheaval due to the workings of her partner who was set to
destroy her. A young mother I know has
serious health issues in her family who are back in her home country. She feels
she must go and she will. However she is worried about her two young children
who have never been separated from her for much time. A family who lives nearby
has just lost a 19 year old child, and they are suffering the crippling pain of
loss. The father of a friend just passed away a few weeks ago from an
unexpected illness. I have misplaced an envelope with more than $1,000 (cash) in
it that will have to be replaced to pay a bill, if it is not located.
You know there are those who say where is God? Why does He
let this torment and affliction continue in the lives of His children. Thoughts
of all the miracles and wins we have had in our lives are temporarily forgotten
in the face of whatever adversity we are facing. Then people start to blame God
for not doing a better job to plan and protect them.
“How can He…..?”
“Why didn’t He…..?”
“How can a loving God allow such pain and hurt in the lives of His people that the Bible says He loves so much?”
We forget to ask ourselves if it could be possible once the storm has passed
that we might be better and more wise people from weathering the tempest. We should be willing to wait rainbow that follows the storm,
We also forget the scripture in Isaiah…
neitherareyourwaysmyways,” declares theLord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9
It is true that we do not know God’s actual plan for us, and
how every blessing and challenge fits into that plan. The thing we can know is
that He does have a plan for us. It is a promise given in the Bible, and God
keeps His promises.
ForIknowtheplansIhaveforyou,” declarestheLord,
prosper you and not to harm you, plansto
give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11