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In the Image of God

In Genesis 1, the chapter that details creation, we read over and over how God spoke using terms of “Let there be…let it do this…let them do that…” It’s all part of the amazing, creative power of God to create something from nothing but spoken words.

Beginning with all the elements, then light, an expanse to separate waters, everything gathering together, all forms of plant life, sea creatures, flying animals, land dwelling, air-breathing life, all throughout the week to the moment when God created mankind.

When it was time for His masterpiece, He spoke differently. He put thought into it…not that He didn’t put thought into the rest of creation. I doubt if it’s possible for God to not put thought into something. Yet, this time, it was different. He spoke like He was speaking to someone about what He desired to do. He or They were reasoning together about a desire and a plan birthed out of love. He said, “Let us make man in our image.” It was personal and loving. If I could picture the plurality of God speaking to each other, it would look to me like they were smiling and nodding as if one had come up with the most perfect idea saying, ”Yes, let’s! Let’s do it! All else is ready and prepared! Let’s do it! Let’s make man in Our image.”

When they did, he…man…was perfect...completely perfect. There was no sin found in him. He was not God and man like Jesus was. He was man but completely perfect with no sin because there was no sin yet. He was made in the image of God, able to reason, plan, fellowship, love and sacrifice.

God loved him. He loved him so much He taught him immediately to what extent he was created in the image of God. He taught him that he would not be complete until he experienced love, the kind of amazing love that only God knew up until that time. He showed him that he was missing something or someone to love. He put him to sleep and created someone for him…out of him…for him to love. Isn’t it beautiful?

Since then sin entered the world, thousands of years have gone by. God sent Himself to be born as a man to also be perfect…the only perfect man since the creation of Adam. He himself…Jesus…the Son of God…the one God was speaking to in the beginning did exactly what He was born to do…die to take the sins of the world onto Himself. In order to bring us back to that original state, though we won’t completely be in that original state until we’re with Him in heaven.

Now, when we, any of us who are fallen creatures of sin, believe and accept the message of salvation, the God of creation comes into us and fellowships with our spirit. At that moment, our sins are covered and we become like Adam…without sin…only because they’re forgiven, not because we’re sinless. We’re born again, created new as if God the Father speaking to Jesus…or maybe Jesus speaking to God the Father…says about us, “Let Us make this one in Our image,” because that’s exactly what happens. Throughout the rest of our Christian life we are being made more and more into the image of Jesus.

I can read about the creation account and ponder on the amazing experience Adam had being created perfect…in the image of God. I could be somewhat saddened knowing that I was born into a sinful world without a chance of being sinless. But why would I do that when I know that at the moment in time when I believed and asked for my sins to be covered, that God smiled and nodded and said to Himself about me, “Let Us now make this one in Our image.”

Amie Spruiell 9-9-2011

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